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  • For What Reason Cain Killed Abel, Questions And Answers?

    Contributed by Vagner Souza on Oct 18, 2018

    Why Cain killed Abel? Answer: For anger and envy, this is what we find to meditate in the Scriptures. But let's look at other questions and biblical answers about these two biblical characters, to then understand and better understand the biblical texts.

    Why Cain killed Abel? Answer: For anger and envy, this is what we find to meditate in the Scriptures. But let's look at other questions and biblical answers about these two biblical characters, to then understand and better understand the biblical texts. The best way to learn the Scriptures is more

  • Fingerprints Of God Series

    Contributed by Rick Thiessen on Mar 17, 2016

    This week we explore the reasons to believe in a God like the Theistic religions believe in, all powerful, eternal, omnipresent, and personal.

    SE041114 How I Met My Savior 3. Fingerprints for God SLIDE This week, we want to make the case for God. If you talk to the resident agnostic in your life, they will tell you they think the case for God is weak. Or, to put it another way, the case against God is very strong. Open and shut. more

  • God Is An Equal Opportunity Employer

    Contributed by Troy Mason on Jun 30, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    God created both rich and poor for His reasons, not ours.

    GOD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Proverbs 22:2 Introduction – Story of Rockefeller interview. I met a millionaire in Hyde Co. His automatic response to the question, “How are you,” was “If I could just make that next nickel, I believe I would be alright.”. In this world there are only two more

  • Does God Believe In Atheists?

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Jul 13, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Looking at seven reasons why atheism is a difficult stance to take.

    Does God believe in atheists? Intro: There’s a story told about a Professor of biology who was an atheist. Every year he began his lectures on evolution by asking if any of the students were religious. When they identified themselves he boasted that by the end of his course they’d all more

  • Recognizing The Manifold Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by George Warner on Aug 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Intellectual reasoning has its limits but intuition knows no boundaries

    If you are a born again Christian and you rely upon the Holy Spirit for guidance in anything important that you wish to write, you may know that the essence of the best original things that people write comes from intuition, not education. Or from intuition more than education. A book that teaches more

  • God Is Fair & Just Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 24, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    In the end, no one will be able to accuse God of not being fair. One reason for that is contained in chapters 14 and 15 of Revelation. God also gives us some reasons to hope when we face darkness in our own lives

    We are just about to enter back into the chronological narrative of the story of Revelation. The 7th trumpet found under the 7th seal of the Lamb’s scroll was sounded in chapter 11. In chapters 12-13 we saw the struggle between the angels and Lucifer - then Satan’s desire to destroy Israel, the more

  • Why I Am Thankful To God

    Contributed by Kevin Burden on Nov 21, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Reason why I am thankful to God

    Pastor Kevin Burden Carter Creek Baptist Church For Wednesday, November 21, 2007 #1. I Am Thankful that even though I ignored and mocked God for 21 years, He still loved me and sought me. • For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not more

  • Right God, Wrong Place Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 14, 2014
    based on 26 ratings

    For years I thought the only reason the Wisemen came to Jerusalem was to get directions. But I was wrong. What other possible reason could the Wisemen have had for going there?

    My home church met in a huge building. The main sanctuary had four sections of pews that ran back 12 rows or so and the back section had another 2 sets of pews. Then there were two balconies that ran along the sides of the main area. They said they could seat over 600 people in that building. more

  • God Doesn't Accept Excuses

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    3 Reasons from the genalogy of Jesus, why God won’t accept our excuses.

    GOD DOESN’T ACCEPT EXCUSES ** Erika’s testimony My friends, it doesn’t matter what your background is like, it doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made; God will forgive and can help you, so He doesn’t accept excuses. Each one of the Gospels was written by a different writer, for a different more

  • Nothing But The Truth! Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 9, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    6 of 10 of the series, Supernatural Transformation. God delights in honesty and detests lies. Dishonesty is one of the strongest deterrents to the work of God. This message explores the effects of a dishonest person and the reasons for God’s hard stance

    NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH Ephesians 4:25; John 14:6; Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 5:37 & Various Read at beginning of service: Ephesians 4:25 (NIV) 25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. INTRODUCTION Some of us may be able to more

  • 5 Life Changing Reasons To Become A Generous Christian

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Aug 20, 2020

    This message will give everyone, regardless of their financial situation, five biblical reasons why to give faithfully to God's work.

    A mother wanted to teach her daughter a moral lesson. She gave the little girl a quarter and a dollar for church saying, "Put whichever one you want in the collection plate and keep the other for yourself," she told the girl. When they were coming out of church, the mother asked her more

  • To Whom Are We Listening?

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Feb 26, 2011
    based on 13 ratings

    There are many voices in this world. The Bible in 2 Peter 1:19 tells us that as believers we a reliable voice that we can have confidence in if we but listen to that voice. But the question for us is “To whom are we listening?”

    To Whom Are We Listening? Psalm 81:8-13 Someone said, “We live in a world of competing voices. Everyday we are bombarded by various voices from radio, television, videos, DVD’s, books, music, newspapers, internet, billboards, friends, etc. These voices are constantly shouting at us, more

  • Christmas Morning Family Service Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jan 8, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    A reminder of why we celebrate Christmas

    It’s Christmas Day! Today millions of people will celebrate Christmas, even those who do not believe in the birth of Jesus still take the time to enjoy themselves. I was born into a Jewish family, yet we always celebrated Christmas. We had a Christmas Tree, we had Christmas Decorations, we sent more

  • What I Really Need Is God

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 13, 2020

    Come let us reason together. The Lord is still wanting to speak to his people and direct our lives.

    What I really need is God Isaiah 1:2-20, 6:1-8 Prayer- what we need more than anything is God- Jesus Christ in our lives! Introduction- This morning if you would turn to the book of Isaiah, we will be looking first in chapter 1 and then finish our time in chapter 6 of Isaiah. The theme of the more

  • The Work Of God

    Contributed by John Thompson Ritchie on Aug 4, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Content covers the subjects of seeking Jesus for the wrong reasons, being vs. doing something for Jesus, the will & work of God is to know Jesus personally.

    The Work of God John 6:29 says, "Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." Earlier in John Chapter 6, Jesus had just fed 5,000 men, more

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