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  • Sermon: Get Ready To Sing Again! Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Oct 27, 2022

    Praise is the right thing to do for all who experienced the grace of God in any measure. Isaiah says, In that day, the whole company of God’s redeemed people will celebrate God with songs of praise. The present trials will end and all will rejoice in the coming Messiah!

    Sermon: Get Ready To Sing Again! Scripture: Isaiah 12:1-6 “In that day you will sing: “I will praise you, O Lord! You were angry with me, but not anymore. Now you comfort me. See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given more

  • You Too Must Stand Ready

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jul 15, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” Luke 12:40.

    Theme: You too must stand ready Text: Deut. 6:20-25; Heb. 11:2, 8-9; Lk. 12:35-48 This week is ‘Health Sunday’ and a good time for us to look at various common health issues with the attention they deserve. This is because many people pay very little attention to their health. The prevalent more

  • You'd Better Get Ready

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jan 24, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    Christ is returning. In Matthew 24 we see the prize for preparation as well as the price of procrastination in the face of the promise of His coming.

    YOU’D BETTER GET READY MATTHEW 24:36-51 INTRODUCTION: The Olivet Discourse is Christ’s answer to His disciples responding to their request “...Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age? (Matthew 24:3) The message deals with the Second more

  • Battle Ready "The Giant Of Guilt”

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Sep 6, 2019

    We fight Guilt or we lose without even trying

    Battle Ready “Giant of Guilt” Psalm 51:7-12 9-8-2019 Imagine if you will for a moment this morning; As King of your country you have power beyond your understanding. In fact you can do so much and never be questioned because you are King and no one can question you. The problem is that when there more

  • Here I Come, Ready Or Not! Spiritually Asleep!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Oct 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is coming back for His church. Are we ready and waiting? Let us look at some characters in the Bible that had trouble with spiritual sleep.

    HERE I COME READY OR NOT! BE READY --- MAKE PLANS --- BE VIGILENT By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. READY: With preparation. Easily secured. Complete, in a fit state. Willing, inclined to resolve, within reach. A plan, prepared, vigilant, alert, urgent. I. THERE IS A PREPARED PLACE FOR A PREPARED more

  • Get Ready For That Which Is Yet To Come

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 13 ratings

    Can you hear the sound of the trumpet blowing across the land? The Lord is trying to get our attention, but many are asleep in the land. Many do not have ears to hear the s ound of the alarm.

    By: Donna Kazenske Joel 2:15 - Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes..... Can you hear the sound of the trumpet blowing across the land? The Lord is trying to more

  • Are You Ready To Conquer Your Canaan? Series

    Contributed by William Morris on Jan 10, 2004
    based on 53 ratings

    The 4th in a series of messages from Joshua dealing with living the victorious Christian life

    Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris Text: Joshua 5:1-13 Title: Are You Ready To Conquer Your Canaan Date: January 4, 2004 Introduction: The very first verse of this chapter tells us that the heathen nations in Canaan saw the powerful manner in which the Lord brought His children through the Jordan, and more

  • My Readiness Can Change The World Series

    Contributed by James Kirkland on Oct 25, 2010

    To run a marathon of 26 miles, you must first be able to run a single mile. Being prepared is being ready for the task at hand.

    Matt 24:36-44 (NIV) Opening scripture 36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, more

  • Are You Ready To Bear Your Cross

    Contributed by Ian Bullock on Sep 8, 2021

    This sermon provokes us into thinking about how we bear our cross, and whether we live in the world or not of it, drawing on some of St Pauls teachings to the early churches

    In the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen. There is a story told of a man who was struggling to carry his cross, he complained and moaned at anyone that he came in contact with. Eventually the Lord heard his complaints and paid him a visit. My son, I have heard your pain, and I want more

  • Be Ready When God Comes Calling Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Joseph languished in prison for two years after he thought he had a chance to get out. But when Pharaoh came calling suddenly he was ready to serve. So how do we keep "at the ready" when God comes to ask us to serve unexpectedly?

    Verse 1 2 years passes after Joseph gives interpretation to the baker and butler. What must Joseph had thought. After it looked like God was making a way for him to get out of prison – the days were followed by weeks which were followed by months and years – and nothing. You’d think God had given more

  • Test: Watching People: Ready To Quit

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Oct 21, 2020

    Come let us reason, it is not wise to watch other people and then throw up our hands and quit. Frustration is a faith killer.

    TEST: I AM AN READY TO QUIT… FRUSTRATION… WATCHING PEOPLE By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (I have a towel, discuss Roberto Duran’s most famous fight was against Sugar Ray Leonard. Roberto threw in the towel and quit early in the fight? WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN?) How easy can our more

  • Rev. 22:10-21 People Have Been Warned To Be Ready

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    people around the world have died in their sins having been warned of dying without Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and some have adjusted their coarse of life somewhat by joined a church, and others have turned over a new leaf so to speak, but that’s not

    REV. 22:10-21 PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WARNED TO BE READY 4-5-08 Most of us have seen documentaries on our TV’s about the great passenger ship “Titanic”, how the captain and crew was warned many times by other ships, that there was dangerous ice bergs floating around where the Hugh passenger more

  • Are You Ready To Conquer Your Canaan? Series

    Contributed by Robert Jones on Jun 21, 2001
    based on 89 ratings

    Moving into the Spiritual life that God wants you to be in

    ARE YOU READY TO CONQUER YOUR CANAAN? JOSHUA 5:1-13 Verse 1 tells us that the heathen nations in Canaan saw the powerful manner in which the Lord brought His children through the Jordan and that they were totally demoralized by these events ------It would seem that they were more

  • The Bitter Cup ►part 2◄ Series

    Contributed by James Ledbetter on Jun 29, 2015

    Second Sermon in my series The Bitter Cup. Jesus wants us to be ready to partake of the Bitter cup!

    Bitter Cup (Part-2) THE CUP OF TESTING:- Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterward a hungered. ~Matthew 4:1, 2 Jesus went out alone into the wilderness and began to seek His Father. He more

  • "Ready Or Not, Here I Come"

    Contributed by Michael Bowen on Jun 10, 2013

    Theme: "The Rapture Of The Church"

    I. The Peace Of The Rapture (v. 13) A. Death Is Temporary Sleep For The Body (v. 13a) B. Death Is Temporary Sorrow For The Believer (v. 13b) II. The Promise Of The Rapture (v. 14-15) A. The more