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  • Guided By God's Word

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 10, 2018

    How does God's word guide us? We must resist the pull to turn away, remain on the right path, refresh ourselves with the sweetness and reshape our affections to line up with God's word.

    GUIDED BY GOD’S WORD The Bible is a book beyond all books as a river is above a stream. The Bible is a book beyond all books as the sun is above and beyond a candle in brightness. The Bible is a book beyond all books as the wings of an eagle is above and beyond the wings of a sparrow. It is more

  • Connecting Through Love

    Contributed by George Warner on Feb 8, 2021

    Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy

    I GUESS most people can read, write and do basic arithmetic, but have you ever wondered why most people cannot play a guitar, even though there are books available that purport to show how it is done ? When a competent school teacher first teaches a young child how to read and write they use more

  • Hard Things To Understand

    Contributed by James May on Jun 2, 2024

    There are many hard to understand words in the Bible, but all of it can be understood if we will allow the Spirit of God to dwell in us and open the eyes of our understanding, and then receive it as Truth.

    Hard Things to Understand Many people in the world reject the truths of God’s word simply because they find it impossible to understand. Although there have been many translations and versions created in order to help us read the word, because even in the church you would find that multitudes of more

  • From Genesis To Understanding

    Contributed by Robert Diffin on Jan 13, 2004
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is a collection of sentiments from different sources as well as my own concerning the reality of Genesis.

    From Genesis to Understanding Robert Diffin Source: From the book of Genesis, the book of Matthew, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Genesis 1:1 and a sermon by Ray C. Stedman. Noted Physicist: Stephen Hawking maintains that the universe began in a single, immeasureable location in space. more

  • Understanding The Present Time 

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 99 ratings

    Christian people need to be fully aware of the present time.

    INTRO.- ILL.- I have a 3-year older brother named Larry. When he was a senior in high school I was a freshman. They called him "Big Shep" and me "Little Shep." (BUT YOU CAN CALL ME, BIG SHEP!) One day in gym class I got into a fight with a guy 2 years older than me. He was a junior. His name was more

  • Understanding The New Age Series

    Contributed by Andrew Hamilton on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 80 ratings

    An introduction to and overview of the three core beliefs of New Agers

    Surveying the Landscape 1. Its Out There See if you can guess who this fairly well know Australia is – this is the intro to her autobiography… I spent most of my teenage years going to mass every Sunday with my parents and attending a catholic girls high school. It was pleasant to think that all more

  • Understanding God's Guidance Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Oct 31, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Learn with Esther how to understand and follow the invisible God through the incredible trials and challenges of life.

    Understanding God’s Guidance Series: Letting God Guide You April 10, 2005 A few months ago, I decided to read and study the book of Esther. If you’ve never read this book of the bible, Esther is the story of how God used one woman to change the fate of an entire nation. However, as I read, I more

  • Find The Book

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Aug 22, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    I invite your attention to the examination of a boy named Josiah, whose times thrust him into a role he did not choose. The narrative of Josiah is remarkable on a number of levels.

    TITLE: FIND THE BOOK SCRIPTURE: II KINGS 22:1-14 This morning, I invite your attention to the examination of a boy named Josiah, whose times thrust him into a role he did not choose. The narrative of Josiah is remarkable on a number of levels. Josiah was (8) eight years of age when he became more

  • Understanding Your Bible Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Dec 6, 2007

    There is a single concept that can help you more fully understand your Bible. It is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

    Understanding Your Bible 1 Cor. 15:1-4 Intro For years scholars were baffled by the inscriptions in the Egyptian pyramids. Then in 1799, a soldier in Napoleon’s army found the Rosetta Stone. The stone was marked with inscriptions in Greek and in two Egyptians languages. It became the key to more

  • Now That You Understand

    Contributed by Dean Shriver on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Believe it or not, occasionally I do find myself using algebra—usually when I need to figure a percentage. And if you work construction, I’ll bet you find yourself using a lot of that geometry you swore you’d never need. In the end, understanding algebr

    October 17, 2004 NOW THAT YOU UNDERSTAND Matthew 13:51-52 Why do I have to do this? What difference does it make if I understand? I’m never going to use algebra in real life. Maybe you said something like that when you were in school? Maybe you hear your kids say it now. Believe it or not, more

  • "A Better Understanding" Series

    Contributed by Rob Petersen on Jul 1, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God’s Word exposes us for who we are; but we have an advocate in Jesus who understands us and offers us empowering grace.

    DOMINANT THOUGHT: God’s Word exposes us for who we are; but we have an advocate in Jesus who understands us and offers us empowering grace. PURPOSE: - Head: The people will understand that God’s Word gives us a better understanding of who we are. - Head: The people will understand that Jesus’ more

  • Understanding The Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Apr 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    How can the empty tomb have an affect on my daily life? It more than mere possibility. The empty tomb is fact.

    UNDERSTANDING THE EMPTY TOMB Read John 19:40 thru 20:1-2. You may be asking the question, “How can an empty tomb affect my life today?” Frankly, you may say, so what! I don’t understand the resurrection! We are whipped by sin and death…. we sometimes tremble at its more

  • We're In A Race

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    As christians we’re in a race as we sojorn here on earth, therefore we must stay in good spirital shape as we are nearing the finish line.

    Hebrews 12:1-3 “WE’RE IN A RACE” WTBI 9- 2-06 All of us as Gods children need to be reminded from time to time that we are in a race. It’s not a sprint were in, its not a 100-yard dash. And it’s certainly not a jog through the park. This Christian race we’re in is not a more

  • Understanding The Root Problem

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened. I want to emphasize that, while more

  • Later You Will Understand. Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jan 25, 2024

    This is a funeral message for when a believer in Christ dies by sudden accident.

    Later you will Understand. John 13:7 There is a question that we ask at the time of an accident that results in death. Why? Death from accidents seem different than death from a natural cause, when the body wears out. These deaths that come from accidents seem so untimely, so unnecessary. Who more

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