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  • Random Acts Of Kindness

    Contributed by Carla Powell on Jan 8, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Uses Biblical story of the Sheep and the Goats to talk about the way to live out kindness and love in life. Presents three stories of "random acts of kindness" done by people.

    Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let me tell you a true story about kindness between two very different people who lived far away from one another: Beverly Powell (no relation), a cleaning lady from New Mexico, read a story in the more

  • Random Acts Of Kindness Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Kindness and gentleness are fruits of the Spirit. If there were a trial today and being kind and gentle were a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict us?

    Random Acts of Kindness Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 10:30-37 Illustration: The Courtroom drama. We all know the story, it’s the story of the good Samaritan and even those in the world who don’t know that Jesus originally told the story know what a good Samaritan is. Jesus used this story more

  • Random Acts Of Kindness

    Contributed by Reverend Dr. Glenn Harris on Oct 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The focus point of the message is that we as Christians need to one time in our lives show and do random acts of kindness to others which is pleasing to God up in heaven.

    Random Acts of Kindness Reverend Dr. Glenn A. Harris Exodus 25:10-22 Introduction Many things go on in our everyday lives that we often forget to do something kind for the next. We get busy and uppity that when we see other people down we talk trash about them, kick them when they are down, we more

  • Proverbs: Random Gems Of Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do. This wisdom for daily living can be found in the Bible Book of Proverbs.

    PROVERBS #4: RANDOM GEMS OF WISDOM OPENING SCRIPTURE: “Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do!” (Proverbs 4:7a, NLT). • We are wrapping up a month long journey through the Book of Proverbs. • We have looked at wisdom for daily living, family relationships, and the power of more

  • Practicing Acts Of Kindness: Random Or Intentional? Series

    Contributed by Joanna Loucky-Ramsey on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    God’s kind love seen in David’s kindness to Saul’s family, in the parables of the Prodigal Son & the Good Samaritan, is expressed best in Christ’s death for undeserving sinners; we are called to show that same kindness to others.

    Date: March 2, 2003 Text: I Cor 13:4; II Samuel 9:1-13; Luke 10:29-37; Luke 15:11-32 Title: Intentional Acts of Kindness Theme: Love Is Kind Speaker: Rev. Joanna R. Loucky-Ramsey Location: First Baptist Church of Potsdam The story is told that, at the end of World War I, Herbert more

  • Framing Your Life (Thanksgiving)

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Nov 16, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Your life is not the product of random forces acting upon random events to create random circumstances. Your life is the result of a very intentional God who is working out a divine plan in and through your life.

    Framing Your Life, Romans 8:28-31 Introduction A few years ago I purchased an old house in Tarpon Springs, Florida. It was a real “fixer-upper.” It was built in the early 1920’s just a few blocks from the Anclote River which spills into the Gulf of Mexico less than a mile from there. As a more

  • Our Unpredictable God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God chooses to let things happen or supernaturally intervenes based upon His own purposes.

    Our Unpredictable God (Acts 12:1-23) 1. We love predictable sayings. In Texas, for example, they say, "Everything is big in Texas." But not always. 2. This week, we read of a special birth in Indonesia. Take note that Indonesia is not in Texas: KISARAN, Indonesia – Indonesia’s heaviest-ever more

  • Practice A Little Kindness

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Jan 30, 2018

    practice random acts of kindness in response to hostility, cruelty

    I know most of you have heard the song 'Try a Little Tenderness'; well, today we are going to ‘practice a little kindness’. The media is noisy these days with opinions about controversial issues. People on both sides of these issues advocate for something they call “kindness.” But, what sort of more

  • Jesus Cleans His Father's House

    Contributed by John Murphy on Mar 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Was Jesus cleansing the temple a random act or was there something far deeper?

    The Passover is not something most Christians give much thought to, unless they come across it in their bible readings. It was however the most important feast the Jews celebrated. It would be like our thanksgiving. It was a festive time and also a time of reflection. Like our communion tables more

  • It Didn’t Just Happen

    Contributed by John Newton on Jun 4, 2023

    The crucifixion of Jesus was not a random incident: it was part of God’s plan from eternity

    It was a journey of some two thousand kilometers—from Jerusalem all the way back to what is modern-day Sudan. The lone traveler had come to worship at the Temple. And I can only imagine that it was for him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As his horse plodded along, he occupied his time by more

  • Your Prayers: Arrows Or Super Balls

    Contributed by John Pierce on Feb 3, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Our prayers can be purposeful, like arrows... or they can be random like super balls.

    Your Prayers: Arrows or Super balls Arrows and super balls are used for very different things… Pull out an arrow. - An arrow can be a weapon, a tool, something that helps create patience and discipline. An arrow has one job… to fly straight and true ending its flight by fully penetrating its more

  • According To Jim: Genuine Faith Series

    Contributed by Jackie Hill on May 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you have real faith or just random beliefs? Let's find out...

    According to Jim: Genuine Faith James 1:1-18 Genuine Faith vs. Sincere Belief: Faith in God instead of belief in something Absolute truth instead of relative truth Relationship with Jesus instead of religious ritual Focuses on obedience instead of tradition Genuine more

  • What Is The Point?

    Contributed by Dennis Rhoads on Oct 21, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Examines the main point of what appears at first glance to be just a random set of sayings by Jesus.

    October 19, 2003 What is the point? Text Mark 9:38-50 May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord. This morning’s sermon is based on our Gospel reading, Mark 9:38-50. At first glance, this text appears to be just a series of short, disconnected sayings more

  • And It Shall Come To Pass Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Nothing is random to God. There are no accidents with God. He is sovereignly in control, at all times and in all ways.

    Going against God’s warning, Ahab decides to retake Ramoth-gilead. READ 1 Kings 22:29-38. Ahab has a battle plan - disguise himself. No one will be able to identify him, if they are out to kill him. • It’s strange. He did not believe prophet Micaiah’s words and yet somehow feared that it more

  • Who Am I? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on May 24, 2022

    Are we just some accident? Some random lump of cells? Or are we fearfully and wonderfully made by a Divine, Loving Creator?

    There is a question that is being hotly debated right now that’s pretty much dominating the news and threatening to perhaps tear our country apart and the debate is scary and uncomfortable but maybe it’s a good thing because we’re wrestling with an important question … perhaps the most important more

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