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  • Could It Be I'm Falling In Love

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 25, 2001
    based on 70 ratings

    This sermon deals with Christian marriage.

    Could It Be I’m Falling In Love 6/27/99 Proverbs 4:18-27 Colossians 3:1-4 Text Thessalonians 4:1-8 How many of us remember the days when we use to have crushes on someone as a junior or senior higher. As young as age 12, I can remember being on my knees praying that God would let me more

  • His Needs, Her Needs, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Apr 25, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    Why should we even worry about trying to meet each other’s needs?

    Does God care how I get along with my wife? We know that God cares about: world events, the lives of powerful and important people. But does he care about my life, even down to the point of caring about our relationships? Yes. Most definitely yes. Because He isn’t just a God out there. He is a God more

  • His Needs, Her Needs, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Apr 25, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    Men and women are different. Surprised?

    [The "Rules"] 1. The Female always makes the Rules. 2. The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification. 3. No Male can possibly know all the Rules. 4. If the Female suspects the Male knows all the Rules, she must immediately change some or all of the Rules. 5. The Female is more

  • Family Ties

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on May 17, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    Thesis: A return to Biblical model in marriage will recapture intimacy, which is the loss that is destroying marriages and families.

    18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every more

  • Instructions For The Home

    Contributed by Rob Clifton on May 23, 2001
    based on 110 ratings

    This is a sermon written to preach in a wedding. It lists the responsibilities of each marriage partner.

    Introduction: 1. I remember when my dad bought his first VCR. 2. He didn’t know anything about how it worked, but he spent hours reading the instruction manual, learning every detail of how to use it properly. 3. Wouldn’t it be great if other things in life came with directions, like: more

  • Building Up The Christian Marriage In This Post-Modern World

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on May 29, 2001
    based on 83 ratings

    Out of thanks for the love that God has shown us, the Christian husband and wife will submit to one another in humble love in the roles that God has given them.

    Today we continue our series about building up families in a post-modern world. And I have been assigned the task of talking to you this morning about marriage. And you know, I don’t think it would be too wise of me to preach today based on the vast knowledge that I have acquired after two whole more

  • Fortaleciendo Al Matrimonio En Este Mundo Moderno

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on May 29, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    Dios quiere que le agradezcamos por su amor al someternos completamente a nuestro cónyuge en amor humilde.

    Siguiendo con el tema “Fortaleciendo a la familia en este mundo moderno”, me toca a mí hablar con ustedes esta mañana acerca del matrimonio. Esta mañana no les voy a contar todo lo que he aprendido en mis años de estar casado (o sea, después de dos años), sino que hoy vamos a ver lo que dice more

  • Naked And Not Ashamed Series

    Contributed by Rob Morton on Jun 5, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    Building trust within a marriage. God wants us to be uninhibited, transparent within marriage.

    Becoming One Flesh Part 2, Naked and not ashamed: trust. Genesis 2:20-25. May 27 The book of Genesis records for us the original marriage, Adam and Eve’s, and it describes for us what marriage was intended to be by God. God placed these two together in the Garden of Eden and gave them to each more

  • A Childless Faith

    Contributed by Alan Stokes on Nov 5, 2000
    based on 129 ratings

    Christians should have a proper understand of the dynamics of what it feels like for a woman to experience infertility.

    Once upon a time there was a woman named Hannah. Hannah didn’t have any children and she wanted so much to have a child. Hannah found her self in deep sorrow over her infertility. No one seemed to understand her need. In her anguish of being without child Hannah prayed and committed a vow to the more

  • How To Be A Help Meet To Your Husband

    Contributed by David Coe on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    A sermon showing married women how they can help their husbands.

    HOW TO BE A HELP MEET TO YOUR HUSBAND Genesis 2:18-22 1) PROCREATION - Gen. 4:1,17,25; Psa. 128:3 2) PITY - Gen. 24:67 3) PLAYMATE - Gen. 26:8 4) PLEASURE - Gen. 29:21, Pro. 5:15-20, 1 Cor. 7:2 5) PROTECT - 1 Sam. 19:11-17, 1 Sam. 25:4 (Deut. 25:11) 6) PRUDENT - Pro. 19:14 (see above - more

  • My Father's God: A Godly Man As A Patriarch

    Contributed by Stephen Gibney on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Fathers are in Covenant with God

    My Father’s God: A Godly Man as a Patriarch Exodus 15:2; Hebrews 11:23 Some of us did not have godly fathers but we are a new generation with God’s call to holiness! We are to have an authority that is heavenly. We are men who are pressing our way forward to God’s higher call, "forgetting those more

  • How To Have The B.e.s.t. Marriage

    Contributed by Glenn Robinson on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 214 ratings

    This sermon explains how to improve any marriage using sound biblical principals.

    HOW TO HAVE THE B.E.S.T. MARRIAGE If you have a good marriage - you can have a great marriage. If your marriage is suffering - there is HOPE. You say “You don’t know my mate” - God does. Maybe your mate isn’t interested in improving your marriage - You can improve your marriage YOURSELF. 4 more

  • How To Have A Good Fight Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 16, 2003
    based on 180 ratings

    Whenever you have relationships -- really any kind of relationship -- you’re going to have conflict. Most marriages are marked by periodic skirmishes -- and occasionally by an all out war. It is critical that married couples learn to fight fair and hono

    How to Have a Good Fight Whenever you have relationships -- really any kind of relationship -- you’re going to have conflict. Most marriages are marked by periodic skirmishes -- and occasionally by an all out war. Marital warfare may take place in the trenches of hostility or moodiness. Some more

  • Home Alone Series

    Contributed by Michael Hensley on May 19, 2003
    based on 71 ratings

    A message to Singles about being a Single Christian. Also speaks to the rest of the church about respecting these vital members.

    May 18, 2003 The teaching ministry of Rev. Mike Hensley, First Baptist Church, Raton, NM Ben Young, whose various singles ministries at Second Baptist of Houston typically draw 7,000 people, says that the greatest challenge he faces as a singles pastor is twofold: Helping prepare people who will more

  • The Family's Bermuda Triangle

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Oct 19, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    Domestic Violence is the Family’s Bermuda Triangle.

    One of the things about the planet earth is that she contains many interesting and mysterious places. One such place is the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean that is bordered by the island of Bermuda on the north, the island of Puerto Rico on the south, and more

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