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  • Time Marches On Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Mar 5, 2016

    This sermon fills in the gap between Lot's rescue and the promised son to Abraham.

    A lot can change in 25 years. Twenty-five years ago, I was 40 years old. Crystal was seven. Shane was five. We had been in Denver 2 years. Denver was all farmland. There were three service stations and a Red & White grocery store. There were no fast food restaurants. If you wanted a more modern more

  • This Time Tomorrow Series

    Contributed by Ajayi Oluwasegun on Sep 18, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    God speaks in the midst of of our mess, trouble and hoplessness

    THIS TIME TOMORROW 2 Kings 7: 1-2 I pray for someone reading this message, before the end of today, God will speak concerning your situation and this time tomorrow, you will be singing a new song IJN I want you to turn to your neighbor and say “THIS TIME TOMORROW” The bible says in more

  • Borrowed Time

    Contributed by Thomas Giddens on Jul 15, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Time is short and we need to make the most of the time that we have.

    Borrowed Time Text: Ephesians 5:15-21 Intro: What would you do if you knew for certain that this was your last day on earth? Would you make the best of the time? I imagine that you would pray and make sure that your heart was right with the Lord. Would you find someone whom you at odds with, more

  • The Second Time

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Sep 7, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    The enemy, the father, the servant, the Spirit, and the Son who comes the second time.

    The Second Time Things that come more than once. Some are tough, some are blessed. The enemy who came a second time. Here are two examples from scripture: 1 Kings 20:22 2 Samuel 21:18-22 In the first case the prophet warns the king of Israel that the army he faced this year will come back again more

  • It Is Not Time To Retreat

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 25, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    Veterans Day Sermon

    ISAIAH 60:1-3 “IT IS NOT TIME TO RETREAT” A) Saturday is Veteran’s Day and we want to honor all those who have served in the armed forces today. * If you are serving or have ever served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard, please stand. * If you have an immediate more

  • The Blessing Of Time Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 1, 2017

    Time is a blessing, but how will we use it?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • What is one thing that we all possess no matter where we live, how are doing economically. So long as we are alive, we possess this blessing. • Time. Time is something we cannot beg, borrow, or steal from others. • Time is a blessing we all possess; the question is what more

  • Time For Tears

    Contributed by Engleburg Toney on Jan 3, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Our Father abhors our sin but is drawn by our brokenness. He alone is the reader of our hearts to which in return we receive His mercy and grace!

    Time For Tears It is indeed a blessing to be in the house of the Lord on the last Sabbath of 2017. Call it what you will, tradition, custom, reflection, but at each and every year’s end, I do some soul searching. I grade my life as I lived it in the passing year, and I have to tell you if I had to more

  • Decision Time

    Contributed by Michael Adams on Nov 22, 2018

    This is a revival message, getting the Church right with God. We are in the last days and it is time the Church starts being the Church. Too many churches are going through the motions. They have zero outreach in their own communities. Oh they give to foreign missions but do nothing at home.

    Joshua 24: Decision Time This is a message that everyone here tonight will make a decision. Though it may never be made public God will know your decision. He will know if you as an individual will serve him and if this church, as a whole, will serve him. The word serve is used 413 times more

  • A Time For Preparation Series

    Contributed by Stephen Evans on Nov 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    So many people think of salvation simply as a preparation for death and what comes after the death of the physical body. Salvation has much to do with one's preparedness to live life in its present context.

    A Time For Preparation Pastor Steve Evans December 2, 2018 Faith Assembly Preparation is underway! • We are officially in the countdown to Christmas • It’s hard to avoid all of the clichés about not knowing where the time has gone and the fact that this year is nearly over. • I for one cannot more

  • A Time To Remember Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 27, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This Memorial Day sermon is the 3rd sermon in the series "Playing A New Game".

    Series: Playing A New Game [#3] A TIME TO REMEMBER Galatians 5:1 Introduction: On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember those who gave their lives for us so that we can live in a free country. Freedom to worship where we choose. Freedom to work wherever we choose. Freedom to get as high of an more

  • This Is No Time To Sleep!

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 25, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Today we’re going to look at the danger of sleeping spiritually. The scriptures indicate three reasons THIS IS NO TIME TO SLEEP: we're in a storm, we're in the presence of the enemy, and Jesus needs us now!

    THIS IS NO TIME TO SLEEP! INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. God has a funny sense of humor. He made US didn't he? I heard a story of how God made a young minister’s sermon come alive. 2. While a student at Bucknell University, he was invited to speak at a church in New Columbia, Pennsylvania. The more

  • Time To Move On

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Apr 12, 2018

    A study in the book of Exodus 33: 1 – 23

    Exodus 33: 1 – 23 Time to move on 33 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Depart and go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, ‘To your descendants I will give it.’ 2 And I will send My Angel more

  • A Stitch In Time

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Apr 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A quick obedience saves a lot of headaches.

    A Stitch in Time PPT 1 Series Title The book of Judges might also be titled, “Heroes,” because it is a record of the men and women God used to rescue the children of Israel from the continual messes they found themselves in. The Judge was almost always a military leader, and an arbiter of legal more

  • The Signs Of The Time

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jan 27, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, Jesus was a sign to the world, and we are the sings of our time.

    Repeated Phrases in Jonah: 1. Jonah Ran away from God 3 But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD. . . (after the storm almost more

  • The Time Is Fulfilled

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 11, 2018

    Isn’t it true that when humans fail, sin, even commit the most awful injustices, God’s mercy is ever present, ever able to forgive when we repent?

    First Sunday of Lent 2018 We come to Mass on the First Sunday of Lent, full of energy that has not diminished since we crowded the churches on Ash Wednesday. We know that the Word of God on this special Lord’s Day reminds us of the Lord Jesus’s battle with the Enemy of mankind, the one Scripture more

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