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  • In His Time Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Apr 19, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    God of Wonders, Pt. 1

    IN HIS TIME (GENESIS 1) New York Times reported that when the American Association for the Advancement of Science devoted a session to the separation of science and religion at its annual meeting this year (2005), scores of scientists crowded into a room to hear it, including scientists who are more

  • The March Of Time Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 23, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    In this text we learn about the meaning of history. There have been a number of human kingdoms, but God is going to establish his kingdom, which will last for all eternity.

    Scripture As we continue in our series of sermons in the book of Daniel, we come today to Daniel’s interpretation of king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. It is going to require our careful attention as we work our way through the interpretation of this dream. But its message is very significant for us more

  • Timing Is Everything

    Contributed by Clay Hallmark on May 3, 2006
    based on 50 ratings

    When God sent His only Son into the Word, He did so right on time! God will work right on time in your life as well if you will let Him.

    Timing is Everything! Galatians 3:26-4:7 Dr. Clay Hallmark Pastor, First Baptist Church, Marion, Arkansas I love the Christmas season, don’t you? I get excited just seeing how excited my kids are this time of the year. I love preaching at Christmas time. There are just so many things to preach at more

  • In Times Of Doubt Series

    Contributed by Larry Finley on May 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In times of doubt, depression, despair consider Jesus Christ

    I.COMFORT OF COMMENDATION 1a A. Reason – “Wherefore” 1. Person of Christ –Incarnation 2. Passion of Christ –Crucifixion 3. Power of Christ – Resurrection B. Reality 1. “Holy Brethren” C. Results –“partakers of the heavenly calling” 1. Out of the Darkness into the Light 1 Peter 2:9 more

  • Time To Die

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on May 15, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    There is a time to live and there is a time to die. One of my favorite movies is "BLADE RUNNER" It has one of the lead actors make that statement at the end of the movie - "TIME TO DIE"

    Our Web Site: ------------------ TIME TO DIE 2 KINGS 20: 1-11 One of my all time favorite movies is "Blade Runner" In this movie there is an android. He crosses hundreds of thousands miles of space from the Orion belt to come back to earth to find his creator and find out more

  • Times They Are A Changing

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on May 8, 2007

    God can make hard time come out fot the good. God can use unbleievers to establish a safe place.

    Times they are a changing Acts 18:12-23 Have you ever had some event that changed your life? When you think about it, all kinds of things can change out lives. Going from middle school to high school, getting out of school, getting a job. How about getting married? That was a biggie. more

  • Time To Do It Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    an end our journey through 1 John. Now one thing remains – to do it. For each of us to take this repeated command, to love God and one another, and put it into practice.

    Time To Do It : 1 John 4:13-5:21 The People of God: Studies in 1 John November 27, 2005 Intro: I have a big task this morning – recap 1 John, complete our study (which is about a chapter and a half), and launch us into the Advent season… so let’s pray! Context and Review: We started a study more

  • In The Time Of Trouble

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on May 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In The Secret of his Tabernacle we encounter him. Finding forgiveness, cleansing from sin, guidance in a darken world. Where there is provision for strength to go on.

    PowerPointAvailable + New Slide > New Transitions ____________________________________________________________ + T.S. Eliot “THE WASTELAND” > APRIL is the cruelest month, breading Lilacs out of the dead land > Pix > University of Texas August 1, 1966, 15 people killed and wounded 31 others more

  • At The Time Of Prayer

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 21, 2007
    based on 87 ratings

    1- At the time of prayer we may be tested 2- At the time of prayer we must do good 3- At the time of prayer we must point to Jesus

    INTRO.- ILL.- A lady said, “As my five year old son and I were headed to McDonald’s one day, we passed a car accident. Usually when we see something terrible like that, we say a prayer for those who might be hurt, so I pointed and said to my son, ‘We should pray.’ “From the back seat I heard his more

  • Esther: For Such A Time As This

    Contributed by Galen Hackman on May 23, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Four practical lessons we learn from the life story of Esther, one woman who’s faith saved a generation and changed the world.

    For Such A Time as This Esther 4 The book of Esther is set in the fifth century BC, in the Persian Empire during the reign of Xerxes, son of Darius and grandson of Cyrus. Xerxes reigned from 486-465 BC. We know quite a lot about his kingship from secular sources. Those dates may not mean much more

  • A Time Of Harvest

    Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    To help churches prepare for a Spiritual harvest

    A TIME OF HARVEST March 11, 2007 a.m. Castle Avenue BC, Hobbs Text: John 4; Luke 10:1-7 Introduction: Spring is not two weeks away. If you are thinking about how great it will be to eat homegrown watermelons or can home grown beans, you better start thinking now about your harvest. You need to more

  • Time To _____ Up!

    Contributed by Randall Mitchell, Sr. on Jun 1, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Various "Ups" in Christian Life

    Message Title: "It is time to _____ UP!" Message Text: Romans 13:11,12 & various scriptures Opening remarks: The Base Commander of Goodfellow AFB in an article in the base newspaper wrote that he saw too many people looking down. This was the reason that many times the cars with the more

  • Signs Of The Times Series

    Contributed by Amy Bickel on Jun 3, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Part two in a study of Bible Prophecy and the End times dealing with the signs of Jesus imminent return.

    Ever since Jesus Christ warned His followers that He would leave them to go to His Father’s house in heaven and promised that He would “come again and receive [them] to [Himself]” (John 14:1-3), Christians have asked the million dollar question: “When will you return, and what will the sign of your more

  • Time For Everything Series

    Contributed by Dan Neary on Jun 3, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Fourth in a seven part series, this sermon deals with Ecclesiastes 3.

    Sermon Dan Neary A Time for Everything Under the Sun This is the 4th of 7 sermons in our series in Ecclesiastes. I’m glad that Dr. Hobson suggested this series… and I’m glad that he is walking with us in this series. We like his preaching. We would like to hear more of his preaching. I’m not more

  • Prime Time

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    This message is about three of the prime times when the devil is active in our lives.

    PRIME TIME Ephesians 4:26-27 INTRO: We are familiar with the term Prime Time. It is used primarily in reference to prime-time television. Prime Time is the time when most people will be watching their televisions. It is a time advertising and media people use to full advantage in influencing the more

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