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  • Five Bible Resurrection,s

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Feb 12, 2015

    Return of the Lord

    FIVE BIBLE RESURRECTION,S 1st Cor. 15:51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we more

  • Jesus First Loved Us

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 11, 2016

    To show that GOD's Love is always first and our love for Him is just a response to His Great Love enabling us to love Him back.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you loved? Yes. I am. JESUS loved me so much before the foundation of this world. Ephesians 1:4 (Amplified Bible) Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated more

  • Our Life Or God's Life For Us Series

    Contributed by Shawn Malloy on Dec 1, 2013

    Who's life are we living?

    We so need to understand that we did not start our lives. If you think you are living than you are truly fooling yourself. It all starts and ends with God. There really is no other way to explain it. Some people will most likely disagree with that but it is the truth. In whose hand [is] the more

  • Power To Get Wealth: Climbing Jacob's Ladder

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jan 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The flesh of man by nature binds mankind to the earth and the world, which denies the spiritual responsibility to worship God.

    Power To Get Wealth: Climbing Jacob's Ladder by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (January 14, 2015) “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it” (Genesis 28:12, more

  • Dancing In The Rain

    Contributed by Robert Tallent on Sep 16, 2018

    sermon about the unjust and the difference between them and the just

    Dancing in the rain Matt 5:45 Not just, lacking in justice or fairness Archaic, unfaithful, or dishonest The Unjust doesn't feel the rain Zeph 3:5 The just LORD [is] in the midst thereof; he will more

  • The Plagues Of Egypt

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Jul 30, 2024

    Israel had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years, driven and abused by the power of Pharaoh to build cities that would be a monument to Egyptian power and gods for many centuries. Some of those monuments are partially visible even today

    Israel had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years, driven and abused by the power of Pharaoh to build cities that would be a monument to Egyptian power and gods for many centuries. Some of those monuments are partially visible even today, thousands of years after the deliverance of Israel from bondage more

  • Ephesians: Four Down And Four Up Lesson 03 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on May 29, 2024

    Four steps down to hell; four steps up to Heaven.

    A. FOUR STEPS DOWN TO HELL (2:1-3) “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9, NKJV). 1. We were dead (2:1). This is spiritual death, i.e., separation from God. a. Trespasses. “To more

  • Growing In Grace

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Jun 29, 2024

    There are so many ways that we can try to strengthen ourselves. The writer of Hebrews charges us to allow our hearts to be strengthened by grace. Growing in grace is learning to turn to the Lord in trying times over any other external source of strength.

    Growing in Grace Hebrews 13:9 says, “Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.” (NKJV) Growing in grace is about allowing our hearts to be more

  • Mirroring/Emulating Jesus-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 14, 2020

    1 of ? Peter calls his audience to mirror/reflect/emulate Christ Jesus. God’s people will strive to intentionally mirror/reflect Christ Jesus. But What of Christ Jesus are God’s people to reflect/mirror? Mirroring Jesus reflects...

    MIRRORING/Emulating JESUS-I—1Peter 3:18--4:6 Attention: Every day, just before I leave for work, I put certain things in my pockets as I get ready to leave the house—2 to 3 sets of keys, a comb, a pocketknife, a phone, etc. Hershey(our largest dog) often follows me into the bedroom, lies on the more

  • What Salvation Means To Us

    Contributed by Ed Pruitt on Jun 15, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Here Jesus is telling us that we need not worry about the everyday functions of our life. God, all ready knows our need’s, and our wants. What we need to be worrying about is our own salvation

    WHAT SALVATION MEANS TO US Sunday AM February 18, 2000 Matthew 6:25-34 25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 “Look at the birds more

  • A Fisherman's Confession Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on May 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What does it mean to confess Christ? Is it a onetime event? It certainly wasn’t in Peter’s life. Peter’s confession involved proclamation, preparation, examination and restoration. The fact is that confessing Christ is a life-long commitment. Are you We talk about confessing Christ all the time. Well, what does that mean? Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the more

  • Eph.2:1-14 Our Past, Present, And Future

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Sep 29, 2011

    In this sermon you will find that all of us were at one time lost sinners, but now that we're saved God has directed our new life in such a manner that it is obvious to all that there has been truly a change in our lives, now we tell people every time He

    EPH.2:1-14 OUR PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE 9-3-11 1And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Paul here points out man's condition outside of Christ-- the unsaved person is the same as a corpse, a walking dead man, --Jesus told Nicodemos in John 3:17-18 For more

  • The Character And Supports Of Widows Indeed. Series

    Contributed by Fredric Lozo on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This Sermon is #24 from Rev. Andrew Lee’s SERMONS published in 1803 by Isaiah Thomas, Jr. at Lisbon, Connecticut.

    INTRODUCTION: The entire book Andrew’s Lee’s Sermons is available free at Project Gutenberg as e-Text #15031. SERMON XXIV. The Character and Supports of Widows indeed. 1 Timothy v.5. "Now she that is a Widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God and continueth in supplications and prayers more

  • Evidence That Demands A Verdict

    Contributed by Jb Hall on Jun 24, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon, like a prosecuting attorney, lays out the evidence of man's problem and God's solution, in clear, precise language that demands a verdict based upon this evidence.

    Evidence That Demands A Verdict John 20:30 – 31 By: JB Hall Introduction: Josh McDowell wrote a book titled ‘Evidence That Demands A Verdict’. I’d like to borrow that title today. I’d like to preach a message with that same title: Evidence That Demands A more

  • Following Jesus Without Denominationalism Series

    Contributed by Sam Baker on Mar 25, 2012

    Now I know that many people have a problem with the idea that baptism is for the remission of sins . . . To them, baptism has nothing to do with GOD’S plan of salvation. To them, to suggest baptism is necessary . . . is to deny we are justified by

    Following Jesus without Denominationalism Part 4: ‘Is Baptism a Necessary Part of the Gospel?’ When you are out there busting your rear to make ends meet, we all have a tendency to put things on a ‘back burner’, and make plans to get them at a later date. The problem more

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