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  • Publicly Speaking...

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Nov 27, 2011

    The need to worship our multi-faceted God for His singular trait of making PUBLIC STATEMENT as to his existence, the veracity of the Bible, salvation through the Cross and the imminent Second coming of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    PUBLICLY SPEAKING…! I have said before and I never tire of reiterating it; we are essentially created to worship the Creator. When it comes to worshipping Him, more than expressing our adoration for the blessings, He showers upon us our more

  • Publicly Identifying With Christ

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Mar 23, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    I would propose to you that the Lord is not bound to the doctrine of men, but longs for Christians to have Holy Spirit illumination of God’s Word about water baptism.

    Title: Publicly Identifying With Christ Topic: Water Baptism and Your Responsibility Introduction: The church often struggles under the results of the cancers of traditionalism, legalism, denominationalism, and faddisms. For example, there was a season when certain denominations worked with more

  • Jesus Publicly Reinstates Peter

    Contributed by Ron Hietsch on May 6, 2019

    When Jesus reinstated Peter, he expected more from Peter but accepted less.

    Jesus revealed himself to seven of His disciples who were fishing in the Sea of Tiberias more commonly known as the Sea of Galilee. For most of us a remote lake with a special fishing hole is a comforting scene. The kind of place we might expect to see Jesus or feel his presence. The kind of more

  • Jesus Baptism: His Inauguration

    Contributed by Edward Frey on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    Jesus’ baptism publicly affirms that he is the Savior of all mankind.

    Last year at this time our nation was reeling over a great controversy – the presidential election. But by mid-January the controversy was put to rest. That month marked the inauguration of our 43rd president. Inauguration Day marks a special time in our nation’s history. It is the day on more

  • " They Hurt You In Secret, But God Will Expose Them Publicly"

    Contributed by Jessie Manuel on Feb 25, 2025

    I want to remind you of a powerful promise: Even when people hurt us in secret, God has the ability to expose those injustices publicly.

    Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, we gather in Your presence today, seeking comfort, strength, and truth in Your Word. As we prepare our hearts for communion, open our eyes to see Your goodness and our ears to hear Your voice. Help us to understand the depths of Your love and grace, especially more

  • Will What A Christian Has Done Be Judged Publicly Before Everyone?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jun 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    For the Christian, will our sins "be shown on a big screen for everyone to see"? I argue that while we are forgiven and saved by grace, our sins will be brought up at the Bema Judgment because they impact our fruitfulness.

    The Big Screen Question: Will what a Christian has done (including their sins) be judged publicly on a big screen? - John MacArthur says no. He says that our sins will not be mentioned at all. I disagree. - The issue, of course, is not the big screen, but rather whether in the process of being more

  • Plotting Plotters Provide Personal Pitfalls Series

    Contributed by Mack Armstrong on Sep 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A Dinner invatation given by one of the chief Pharisee to publicly humilate Jesus failed miserably

    LUKE 14:1-6 PLOTTING PLOTTERS PROVIDE PERSONAL PITFALLS I. THE PLOT: LUKE 14:1, 2 A. Premeditated. B. Participants. C. Plant. II. THE PRAGMATISM: LUKE 14:3, 4 A. Proposition. B. Procedure. C. Parting. III. THE more

  • ’tis The Season To Preach Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 8, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    1- Preach Jesus individually 2- Preach Jesus publicly 3- Preach Jesus impartially

    INTRO.- ILL.- The minister gave his Sunday morning service, as usual, but this particular Sunday, it was considerably longer than normal. Later, at the door, shaking hands with church members as they left the service, one man said, "Your sermon was simply wonderful - so invigorating and inspiring more

  • Hidden Life With Christ! Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many people live in a strong delusion secretly following Christ yet deny him publicly.

    Many people live in a strong delusion secretly following Christ yet deny him publicly. These people claim to be wholly resting upon Jesus Christ for salvation, while at the same time trying to please the world. This is so typical of deception and lies. Most people who profess to know God do not more

  • "Hosannas” Public Praises Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Apr 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The mission of Christians is to publicly praise Jesus just as clearly as the people on the road did at the triumphal entry of Christ at Jerusalem.

    “Hosannas” Public Praises The Christian’s Public Praise Under the preoccupy The Triumphal Entry in the Bible we read, “…the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting ‘Hosanna!’ Blessed is he more

  • Who Is Jesus To You? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 8, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages Christians to personally know Jesus, publicly proclaim Him as the Messiah, and persistently pursue a relationship with Him in their daily lives.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It's a joy and a privilege to stand before you today, to share the Word of God, the bread of life, and to commune with you in this sacred space we call fellowship. As we gather together under the banner of Christ's love, let's remember that we are here not more

  • Too Graced To Be Two-Faced Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    THE ART OF STUMBLING When Peter’s behavior didn’t line up with the gospel, Paul confronted him publicly.

    INTRODUCTION Someone sent me a list of popular sayings third graders were asked to complete. Their surprise endings made me smile. 1. Better safe than punch a fifth grader. 2. Strike while the bug is close. 3. It’s always darkest before Daylight Savings Time. 4. Don’t bite the hand more

  • The Love Of The Forgiven Luke 7:33 Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Jun 7, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When an immoral woman showed love for Jesus publicly and Pharisees were astonished, she showed the difference between religion and a relationship with Jesus.

    THE LOVE OF THE FORGIVEN Luke 7:33-50 Bob Marcaurelle From the clatter and clash of the crowds of Galilee who stood for or against Jesus, Luke tells us of one beautiful woman who stepped from the crowd, found cleansing and changing, and showered our Lord with grateful more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 2:11-21 - Message 5 – Paul Reprimands The Apostle Peter Publicly Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Feb 17, 2023

    How do we deal with others in reprimand? How do we deal with serious problems in the church and in Christian lives? It is difficult. In this message Paul had to reprimand Peter publicly because Peter failed in the very matter Paul was fighting against.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 2:11-21 - MESSAGE 5 – PAUL REPRIMANDS THE APOSTLE PETER PUBLICLY We are continuing the series in Galatians, following the letter that deeply impressed Paul’s heart because the gospel he preached was being mangled. In this message Paul had to reprimand Peter more

  • God's Great Mystery Revealed

    Contributed by Eddie Young on Oct 26, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    God's great mystery concealed for thousands of years is now proclaimed publicly, written down for all to know. God created the universe through and for Jesus.

    God's Great Mystery Revealed Genesis 1; John 1:1-3 The identity, the witness, the purpose, and the way of the King have come. Jesus is the King that has stepped into human history to turn the world right-side up. Many people may understand that He came to the earth as the King, but do they more

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