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  • Worship And Obedience

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jan 16, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Obeying God is an act of worship. This sermon explores how we become more authentic worshipers by obeying God's will.

    When you think of the word: “Worship”, what comes to mind? What other words come to mind? [Church, singing, Sunday, peaceful, holy, love etc]. When you think of the word: “Obedience”, what other words come to mind? [Submission, doing what you’re told, more

  • Bold & Obedient Series

    Contributed by James Parker on Mar 6, 2011

    This week we will consider the letter "O" and once again God has provided for us a Christmas theme for the letter "O". This was a little more difficult to think of for me, and it's a good thing I don''t have to come up with these sermons on my own. This w

    Boldness A-Z O- Obedience Once again we find ourselves in our a-z of spiritual Boldness. Last week we considered the letter "N" and we looked at the Good good news of Luke chapter 2. The angel of the Lord delivered the news of the Messiah's birth. "Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of more

  • A Matter Of Obedience

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Mar 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We must be faithful to obey what God has told us to do.

    A Matter of Obedience January 31, 2010 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must be faithful to obey what God has told us to do. Focus Passage: Matthew 25:14-30 Supplemental Passage: And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has more

  • A Reward For Obedience

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jan 17, 2020

    Children are a divine blessing. Contemporary views depreciate the blessing of children, but even a cursory review of the Word reveals that children are a blessing from the hand of the Lord. Children are given to those with whom He is pleased.

    “These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his household: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. All the descendants of Jacob were seventy persons; Joseph was already in Egypt. Then Joseph died, more

  • Radical Obedience

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Sep 30, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    When we're truly saved, we will always belong to Jesus. So what does he mean when he says to lose an arm or a leg or gouge out an eye of it's keeping you from heaven? Jesus calls us to radical obedience.

    Mark 9:43-48 Radical Obedience What kind of dedication does it take to be a terrorist? Seriously, think about this for a minute. How dedicated would you have to be to fly an airplane into a skyscraper? Or to strap explosives to your body and walk into a market? We certainly don’t condone these more

  • Radical Obedience

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Oct 4, 2018

    This sermon focus on Jesus' call to Radical Obedience. An obedience that leads us to enjoy the discipleship and being able to be a positive witness for Him in our world.

    Mark 10:17-31 Theme: Radical Obedience This sermon focus on Jesus' call to Radical Obedience. An obedience that leads us to enjoy the discipleship and being able to be a positive witness for Him in our world. INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father and from Our Savior and Lord - Jesus more

  • A Reward For Obedience

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 29, 2018

    A study in the book of Deuteronomy 4: 1 – 49

    Deuteronomy 4: 1 – 49 There is a reward for obedience 4 “Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers is giving you. 2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, more

  • Blessings Of Obedience

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on May 6, 2015

    Kids may disagree with their parents, but if we can teach them to trust us and obey, we help them set a pattern to listen and respond to the heavenly Father. Our complete obedience to the Lord allows Him to accomplish His purposes in and through us.

    Blessings of Obedience Text: Acts 16:9-40 Intro: Paul, Silas, Timothy, and probably Luke worked as a team to share the good news about Jesus in several different cities. God gave purpose and direction to this missionary team; they obeyed God and traveled to Philippi where God had prepared the way more

  • A Test Of Obedience

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 11, 2015
    based on 11 ratings

    The rhythms of deliverance, discontentment, provision, testing, disobedience, & deliverance; and daily bread, daily work, Sabbath, & commemoration.

    A TEST OF OBEDIENCE. Exodus 16:2-4; Exodus 16:9-15. In this passage, we join the children of Israel just six weeks into their wilderness journey. The ten plagues, the first Passover, the deliverance out of Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea all lay behind them. Yet now, here in the more

  • The Festival Of Obedience!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Dec 12, 2014

    To focus on the paramount importance of obedience in a Christian's life...the kind of obedience which was conspicuous by its presence in the lives of all the three members of the Holy Family of CHRISTMAS!!!

    FESTIVAL OF OBEDIENCE If you love me, keep my commands….John 14:15 If the rest of humanity owes it (love-laced obedience) to the Creator for its “formation”, we Christians owe it to Him for not only our more

  • The Obedience Of Faith

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 13, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is critical, but it was not enough in the life of Mary, and it is not enough in our own life. What is needed is the obedience of faith.

    Fourth Sunday in Advent 2014 My most intense memory of today’s Gospel–which unlike the rest of this year is taken from the writings of St. Luke–is of singing it at a Mass celebrated where the angel appeared to Mary. It was in Nazareth, in 2005, with a pilgrimage group. The more

  • The Test Of Obedience

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015


    1 Samuel 15:1-23 THE TEST OF OBEDIENCE The Amalekites were a wandering tribe descended from Esau’s grandson Amalek They roamed throughout the territory which was later settled by the people of Israel. Throughout the Old Testament the Amalekites were bitter enemies of the Israelies. I. more

  • Promises Of Obedience

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 1, 2015

    To show that GOD gives us a package of promises of obediences namely: a. Peace in the land, b. Lie down, c. no one will make you afraid ,d. Land with no evil beasts, e. Sword will not go through the land.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you obeying the LORD? Yes. Then enjoy His Promises of obedience. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD gives us a package of promises of obediences namely: a. Peace in the land, b. Lie down, c. no one will make you afraid ,d. Land with no evil more

  • Instant Obedience!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 18, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    ‘Please tell me what to do’ should be our motto and not ‘who are you to tell me what to do!’ Are you listening?

    What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life? Acts 10: 33”So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God." Cornelius was the first gentile to be baptized in the Bible! Now more

  • Obedient Disobedience

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Oct 7, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Since childhood we know Daniel's story only from his perspective ... God shut the mouths of the lions. Let's reconsider the story from the lions perspective. How frustrating to see a large meal and be unable to eat it. If they don't get Daniel out of ...

    Opening illustration: In 1988, Wally Magdangal was pastoring an underground church in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He was a Filipino lay pastor of Christian foreign workers wishing to gather for worship. In 1992, soon after the conclusion of the Gulf War, the house church had grown to over three hundred more

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