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  • The Mission Of The Savior Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    1) The Savior Proclaimed (Isa. 61:1-3), 2) The Salvation Protrayed (Isa. 61:4-7), 3) The Saints Promoted (Isa. 61:8-9) and 4) The Savior Praised (Isa. 16:10-11).

    In 2008, a human rights tribunal ruled that Christian Horizons, an evangelical Christian group that provides care and homes for the severely disabled, should not have enforced a religious code of morality on its employees because the work they were engaged in was not religious. Rather, it involved more

  • Unless

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Aug 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon on how Unless we look to God a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. Its not. Delivery of this sermon is important. Emphasize the "unlesses" and preach the rhythm of the rhymes. Sermon was preached in promotion of a needed building.

    Title: Unless Place: BLCC Date: 8/21/16 Text: Matthew 5.20 CT: Unless we surpass the world’s view of righteousness we cannot be a follower of Jesus. FAS: In 1992, a cargo ship left Hong Kong, bound for the U.S. While in route, the ship hit rough seas, and several shipping containers were more

  • Why Do Choosy Christians Choose Sam?

    Contributed by Ray Geide on May 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a strange phenomenon among choosy Christians. They choose Sam. In other words, Christians prefer to read, learn, quote, talk about, listen to, follow, and promote things written by and thought up by humans rather than Jesus.

    Why do Choosy Christians Choose Sam? There is a strange phenomenon among choosy Christians. They choose Sam. (I am using Sam as a fictitious name for an author or speaker who is human and not Jesus Christ.) In other words, Christians prefer to read, learn, quote, talk about, listen to, follow, more

  • Stand In The Gap

    Contributed by Travis L. Billings on Nov 19, 2019

    When the natural structure of the family is ignored and replaced by a man-made family structure, the things of god become neglected and the worship of God becomes replaced with self-filling desires that feed the flesh and promotes a society that is driven by greed and power.

    Ezekiel 22-- If there is one thing that can be said, it is that mankind has remained consistent in it’s evil and wicked ways. The sad thing about this, is that mankind has failed to learn from the past. We have failed to recognize that God’s standards have not changed. Albert Einstein is more

  • Warfare Always Surrounds The Birth Of A Miracle

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 7, 2021

    God is a God of miracles. He desires to do miracles in your life. But between you and your promotion, marriage, career, health, your boss etc. a hindrance stands. Your miracle will be gained by prayer, fasting, praise, and obedience!

    WARFARE ALWAYS SURROUNDS THE BIRTH OF A MIRACLE Acts 26:17-18 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A Man woke up and said nothing. His Wife, annoyed, shouted, “You’ve forgotten what day it is, haven’t you!” He went to work and confided to a colleague, “I think I forgot my wife’s birthday.” 2. “Not a more

  • We Are Not Ignorant Of Satan’s Devices Or Schemes – Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Nov 30, 2023

    We are not ignorant of the ways and means Satan uses to promote his corruption all over. This time we are talking about The MIND under attack; the Corruption of the Christian religion; the false religion of Islam; and the adoption of Paganism. These are serious issues.

    WE ARE NOT IGNORANT OF SATAN’S DEVICES OR SCHEMES – PART 5 This study continues with the next talk in the series where I look at the schemes I believe Satan uses to implement his hatred again God, against human beings, God’s creation, and against Christians. We look at several of these devices more

  • The Consequences Of Cheating. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Feb 1, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    It's important to recognize that cheating can cause harm to individuals and relationships, and can also undermine personal growth and integrity. It's important to promote honesty, respect, and fairness in all aspects of life.

    I want to talk to you about a topic that may make us all uncomfortable, but it's essential for our spiritual growth. Cheating is a subtle sin that can creep into our lives in various ways, from small white lies to massive fraud. But God's word is clear: cheating is always bad, and one must more

  • Building The Lord’s House

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    If the church is going to promote abundant life and begin attracting people, it must become more than just a physical structure. It must be seen as a house, or rather, a home. It must become a place where people feel safe and secure.

    There was once a story in the Oregonian, Portland’s morning newspaper, of a man who had helped construct a Roman Catholic Church in Mexico. He used inferior materials in order to make more money. At the dedication of the building, the roof collapsed, killing many of the worshipers including the more

  • My Faith Looks Up To Thee : Draw Inspiration From God In Times Of Adversity

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Sep 16, 2007
    based on 26 ratings


    MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE : DRAW INSPIRATION FROM GOD IN TIMES OF ADVERSITY ***************************************************************************************** OUTLINE 1. PASSION 2. PEACE 3. POWER 4. PROTECTION 5. PRESENCE 6. PROMOTION 7. PURPOSE THE MESSAGE MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE : more

  • End Time Events Overview Series

    Contributed by Doug Warren on Sep 3, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    An outline which deals with end time events from pre-tribulation rapture standpoint. Can be broken down into a 4-sermon series, or used at one sitting. It is great for end-time conference use and specially promoted Bible Studies.

    Intro: Everyone is interested these days in end-time events, especially with recent CNN emphasis on this subject due to the war between Israel and Hezbolah. End time events affect everyone, saved or lost! Let us examine the following 4 end-time events #1 THE RAPTURE (I Thess 4:13-18; I Cor more

  • Advent Pt. 2 Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Dec 6, 2011

    Do you remember the turning points as you moved from dating, to engagement, to marriage? The anticipation of graduation? Promotion? Buying a house? The arrival of a baby? Christmas morning?God had promised that He would send salvation, redeemer, Messi

    Advent 2 of 5 Introduction: A Do you remember the turning points as you moved from dating, to engagement, to marriage? The anticipation of graduation? Promotion? Buying a house? The arrival of a baby? Christmas morning? 1 You get so excited, thrilled and then the joy of when what you’ve more

  • How To Make More Money This Year Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Jan 12, 2022

    God is searching for people with whom He can entrust His wealth.

    REF NO: 018 1 Samuel 2:7, NIV: The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. 1 Samuel 2:7, NLT: The LORD makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others. HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY THIS YEAR Today's passage will not only show you how to make money this year more

  • The Blessed Dimensions Of Obedience

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Feb 1, 2004
    based on 67 ratings

    Many people think they can find happiness by satisfying their appetites yet remain unfulfilled. Sadly, people strive for more money, better jobs and promotions failing to realize that the Lord is the giver of success. God gave us directions in how to find

    The Blessed Dimensions of Obedience (Deut 8:1-20) Many people think they can find happiness by satisfying their appetites yet remain unfulfilled. Sadly, people strive for more money, better jobs and promotions failing to realize that the Lord is the giver of success. God gave us directions in more

  • Your Mormon Neighbor

    Contributed by Thomas Lanthrip on Oct 14, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    : I’m terrified for our teens and younger families that are being bombarded by messages promoting family values at the cost of their eternal souls. Mormon’s offer, what seems on the outside a safe and alternate biblical world view to those we are accustom

    I. Historical facts about Mormonism and its infancy 1. Refer to the three points in appendix 1A II. Mormonism and The Federal Government Quote: On Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Dr. D. James Kennedy receives a reply on a message preached earlier: No matter how much they protest to the contrary, more

  • Dare To Be A Daniel Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 21, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon promoting Christian camp and also talking about how Christians are to be distinct (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, What the Bible Says About the Church: Rediscovering Community, chapter 2 Culturally Distinct, pg. 63- 69)

    HoHum: I was listening to High Schoolers/ Junior Counselors talk about what they loved about Christian camp. I will never forget the testimony of one young man. He said that he was living in a rough neighborhood. His friends always wanted him to do things that he knew as a Christian he should more

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