Wonders Of The Spiritual Realm
Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Oct 3, 2019 (message contributor)
1. Wonders Of The Spiritual Realm I: The Wonder Of It All
Contributed on Oct 3, 2019
We go through life wondering about "this or that" - and there are plenty of majestic marvels to wonder about - yet the wonder of it all is that God so loved that He sent His one and only Son!
WONDERS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALM IN WHICH CHRISTIANS RESIDE AND ABIDE As surely as there are Wonders of the Natural World, there are Wonders of the Spiritual Realm in which Christians reside and abide! ...read more
2. Wonders Of The Spiritual Realm Ii: The Wonder Of A True Friend
Contributed on Oct 3, 2019
Jesus our Lord has given His disciples an honorary promotion by elevating our status from servant to friend. What a Friend we have in Jesus! To have a friend, be a friend - as was Jonathan to David.
THE WONDER OF HAVING A TRUE FRIEND How does the honorary promotion that Jesus gave you make you feel? Remember: Jesus elevated your status from “servant” to “friend” (John 15:15) -- when you ...read more
3. Wonders Of The Spiritual Realm Iii: Overcoming Jealousy With Respect Not Revenge
Contributed on Oct 3, 2019
There is a place among brothers and sisters in Christ for differences of opinion, but fair-minded Christians adhere to the principle of overcoming disagreements with respect toward each other while together seeking God's Will.
THE WONDER OF OVERCOMING JEALOUSY WITH RESPECT NOT REVENGE An old Indian fable tells of an eagle that could not fly as high as another eagle, and was so jealous that it flew down to earth, lit next to a sportsman with a bow and arrow, and said to the shooter, ...read more
4. Sermons Of The Spiritual Realm Iv: What God Will Do When Sin Has Done Its Due
Contributed on Oct 3, 2019
Too often folks allow views of morality to be wrongly influenced by worldly thinking - for which consequences are severe - but its never too late to make things right with God.
THE WONDER OF WHAT GOD WILL DO WHEN SIN HAS DONE ITS DUE “The bigger they are, the harder they fall!” A trite but true saying we might have used to assuage our anxiety when we were faced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. On paper, for example, it may ...read more
5. Wonders Of The Spiritual Realm V: What God Can Do When One Wins One
Contributed on Oct 3, 2019
Despite one's hesitancy to tell another "what God has done for me and can (will) do for you", just think of the wonder of what God does when one wins one!
THE WONDER OF WHAT GOD CAN DO WHEN ONE WINS ONE In every Christian, there’s a little bit of Edward Kimball, or, there should be. Kimball was not the guy who invented the game of dominoes, but he once set in motion the “domino effect” that shows what God ...read more