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  • Promises, Promises

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We make promises so often they become useless many times. God’s Word tells us to be carefull because of the "Person" of the promises, and the "Problem" with promises. then God gives the "Prescription" for promises.

    PROMISES, PROMISES Matthew 5: 33-37 I. THE PERSON OF THE PROMISES Matt. 5: 34-36 A. God hears the promises of the heart B. He hears the promises of the lips C. This is not a universal condemnation of all oaths God Himself confirmed a promise with an oath (Heb. 6:13–14---For when God more

  • Promises...promises

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Sep 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Our verbal commitments, and the way we keep them, say something about our Father in heaven.

    Promises… Promises… Matthew 5:33-37 33 "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ’Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.’ 34 But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his more

  • Promises, Promises Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 16, 2008

    God never changes and God keeps His promises. We come to faith through the promise as people of old came to faith through the promise --- and the promise is Jesus Christ.

    While I was waiting for my coffee I struck up a conversation with a college age woman about Christianity. It turns out that she had grown up in the church and had some great memories of the church…but as she grew older she had lost interest in church. She cited various issues in the church that she more

  • Promises, Promises Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 11, 2011

    The system of sexual morality which begins with God operates on three levels, in three dimensions. First it binds the individual, then the couple, and finally the entire society. And each dimension reflects something of the nature of our Creator.

    So what is all this fuss over marriage about, anyway? And why shouldn’t any two people who love each other be given the blessing of church and state? Come to think of it, why should it be limited to two people? After all, David had any number of wives, at least 8 that we know of not more

  • A Promise Is A Promise

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jul 16, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    In the narrative of the search for a wife for Isaac, We see the commitment of the servant to keep his promise to Abraham.

    A Promise Is A Promise Genesis 24: 2,3&9(NLT) for audio, video of this sermon go to, Intro: A businessman was traveling on a plane for the first time. He had always been terrified of flying but his next appointment required him to do so. The flight was going well when more

  • Promises, Promises Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 24, 2017

    Sin never delivers what it promises but Jesus always does

    Americans spend over $60 billion each year trying to lose weight. The National Institutes of Health estimates that includes $25 billion dollars spent on weight loss supplements. Most of the companies that pitch those products promote the idea that you can just take a pill and watch the pounds melt more

  • Promises, Promises Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 25, 2022

    How the prohibition against adultery expanded to include lust.

    Moses has been gone up in the clouds on Sinai for days and the elders are getting nervous. Finally he appears, carrying two large hunks of rock, with what appears to be writing on them. The elders are nervous, understandably, given what’s been happening - the golden calf, and so on. Moses more

  • Abram's Commitment To A Life Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jan 13, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Abraham sets the example for you and me today. He shows us how to live out our lives in absolute faith in and total commitment to the Lord.

    ABRAM’S COMMITMENT TO A LIFE OF FAITH Genesis 12:4-9 Intro: I remember as a young boy, that we moved around from place to place for awhile. I was born in Colorado, then we moved to the country Turkey, and then we moved to San Antonio.. In a sense, I was a pilgrim in my first four years of more

  • Why Was It All Abram's Fault Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Jan 1, 2013

    Sarai sends her hand maiden into Abram's tent and it is all his fault?

    Who do you blame when things go wrong in your life? Let’s look at the text and then draw some lessons from them. Gen 16:1 “Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. She had a female Egyptian servant whose name was Hagar.” Masters had absolute rights over their more

  • Abram, Where Are We Going? Series

    Contributed by Michael Brady on Nov 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A place called Obedience

    Abram, where are we going? Preaching 11/6/11 Lord willing In most sermons we get the main point at the end but today I am going to give it at the beginning. Abram, where are we going? Let’s look at Hebrews 11:8 (NIV) 8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as more

  • The Three Sides Of Abram's Life Series

    Contributed by Rule Digal on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    B. Each one of us carries various responsibilities and many different sides of personality. Like for example, I am a husband, a father, a son, a pastor, a friend, and many other things. Yet wonderfully, God has made us able to discharge our different resp

    Theme: The Three Sides of Abraham’s Life Text: Genesis 18 Introduction A. Greetings. B. Each one of us carries various responsibilities and many different sides of personality. Like for example, I am a husband, a father, a son, a pastor, a friend, and many other things. Yet wonderfully, God has more

  • The Promise Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 4, 2020

    In Ephesians 2:11–12 Paul shows the need for the work of Christ, the Promise of the Gospel of reconciliation, for Jew and Greek by First, Describing the former Social (Ephesians 2:11) then Spiritual alienation of Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:11).

    Ephesians 2:11-12 [11] Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called "the uncircumcision" by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands--[12] remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of more

  • The Promise

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    -How does a person live a satisfied life? -How does a person live a fulfilled life? -How does a person live a God centered life? I think all these questions can be easily answered with one simple word… willingness! Being wi

    Slide #1 Video- Check the Box (the skit guys) -How does a person live a satisfied life? -How does a person live a fulfilled life? -How does a person live a God centered life? I think all these questions can be easily answered with one simple word… more

  • The Promise Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 28, 2015

    In Ephesians 2:11–12 Paul shows the need for the work of Christ, the Promise of the Gospel of reconciliation, for Jew and Greek by First, Describing the former Social (Ephesians 2:11) then Spiritual alienation of Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:12).

    One of the most striking developments in middle eastern politics as of late is the statement by Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu, at the end of his reelection campaign. In the last gasp of the campaign, Netanyahu announced a change of mind. He was now opposed to a Palestinian state. He’s more

  • The Pursuing Love Of God Series

    Contributed by Greg Linton on Jul 14, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    How do you view God’s love? Do you believe that God’s love for you is really unconditional? In fact, not only does God love you unconditionally, He pursues you with His love.

    The Pursuing Love of God Do you ever feel like you have blown it so bad that it seems as if there is no way God could ever love you? I don’t know about you, but I find it very hard to believe that God still loves me even the very second after I sin. Somehow I feel like I have to earn my way back more

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