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  • Look To The Future; Live In The Present Series

    Contributed by Matthew Grise on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Philippians 1:18-26. Believers are encouraged to follow the example of Paul as he proclaimed "To live is Christ, and to die is gain."

    AGAIN I SAY REJOICE LOOK TO THE FUTURE; LIVE IN THE PRESENT PHILIPPIANS 1:19-26 INTRODUCTION - I’m sure many, if not all of you, are familiar with the famous Peanuts cartoons. If you have read one of these cartoons before, you know that often Charlie Brown is the frustrated character and Lucy more

  • Making Present Christ's Law Of Love

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 29, 2024

    In some way the prayer for or mention of the Philippians, in his mind, makes the folks in Philippi somehow present to him.

    Friday of the Thirtieth Week in Course Today’s Gospel can be entitled “the hierarchy of laws.” Jesus is the ultimate wise man—distinguished from the more common “wise guy” by asking a question that anybody in a non-mechanical society could feel reasonable. Not everyone owned an ox or ass; the poor more

  • Christmas Past, Present & Future

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Dec 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon takes a look at what Christmas was like when Christ was born, the way it is today, and the way it may be in the future uless something changes.

    Title: Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Future Text: Matthew 1:18-24 , Luke 2:1-20 Date: 12/9/2007 Location: Sulphur Spring Baptist church Introduction: In 1843 Charles Dickens was in dept and needed to make some money as quick as possible to be able to pay off the debt. So he more

  • Messiah Was Presented, But Few Were Ready Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is startling that so few people anticipated the Advent of God’s Messiah. However, few look for His presence today; and few will be anticipating His return.

    LUKE 2:22-38 MESSIAH WAS PRESENTED, BUT FEW WERE PREPARED “When the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the more

  • The Gift & His Mission

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Feb 5, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The Gift & His Mission

    The Gift & His Mission Scripture: Luke 2:22-40. Reflection Dear sisters and brothers, We celebrate our birthdays. We receive gifts and presents from our loved ones. You celebrate your wedding anniversary. You receive gifts and presents from your wife or husband. The gifts or presents more

  • The Thanksgiving And Testimony Of Anna.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 28, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Anna shared about Jesus, bringing hope to the hopeful.

    THE THANKSGIVING AND TESTIMONY OF ANNA. Luke 2:36-40. Anna was a prophetess of great age, who departed not from the temple, and served God with fasting and prayers both night and day. It is interesting that Luke calls her a "prophetess," since we have long been taught that there was no more

  • God: Past, Present, And Future Series

    Contributed by Floyd Johnson on Dec 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Historical books have traditionally been included in the prophetical books because they tell the story of the lessor prophets (i.e. the non-writing prophets). They too point us toward Christ.

    Intro.: There will come times when the place of God in our lives is not as obvious. 1.Oh, I would like to think that I will exhibit perfect faith. 2.I would really like to think that I am the epitome of a faithful believer – which of course I am. 3.NOT! 4.You see, like every believer, there are more

  • Trayendo Tu Futuro Al Presente Ii

    Contributed by Fernando Ramirez De Arellano on Feb 12, 2004
    based on 68 ratings

    Dios busca a un tipo de persona que sabe traer su futuro a su presente y eso es vivir proféticamente

    TÍTULO: TRAYENDO TU FUTURO AL PRESENTE II TEXTO: Jer. 29:11 1.- INTRODUCCIÓN. Creemos que llegan tiempos de refrigerio y avivamiento sobre nosotros como iglesia de Cristo porque cada vez más veremos su Espíritu derramado en medio nuestro con una mayor intensidad. Debemos buscar las cosas more

  • Love Reigns Over Our Present. Week 3.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 1, 2023

    God’s great mercy became a transforming reality through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Love Reigns Over Our Present. Week 3. Romans 12:1-2 Last week, I gave three points in being new creations: POINT #1 – Out With the Old, and in with the New! POINT #2 – God’s Love For Us, and God’s Love Through Us. POINT # 3 – Our Wrongness Is Replaced By God’s more

  • Presenting Arms: Embrace For Life Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Incredible numbers of people are falling, and we have contributed by pushing them to the edge and failing to listen. But at the Lord’s Table we see the embracing arms of Christ and are empowered to lift the fallen and give them life.

    Those of you who were in my Vacation Bible School class know what happened – the class was supposed to run from 7:15 until 9:00 each night. At 8:57, what did I say? Something like: I know you have to go, but there are just a couple more points I want to make. And so, at a few minutes after 9, more

  • Is Present Day Tongue Speaking Really Present Today?

    Contributed by Jim Mccutchen on Feb 7, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    On one side, there are those that claim to speak in tongues today. On the other side, others believe God has fulfilled that promise and tongues have ceased. WHICH IS IT? It must be pointed out that a person who spoke in tongues was supernaturally gif

    IS PRESENT DAY TONGUE SPEAKING LIKE FIRIST CENTURY TONGUE SPEAKING! INTRODUCTION: The Christians in Berea in Acts 17:11 were commended for their diligence. They received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so 2 Timothy 2:15 says to study and more

  • The Incomparable Christ Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 10, 2018

    Message 4 in our exposition of Colossians exploring Paul's presentation of the incomparable Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Incomparable Christ” Review Paul began his letter to this group of believers by letting them see a bit of his heart. He tells them about how he has prayed for them. In this section we learn of Paul’s prayer habits. I. Paul exhibits proper, effective prayer 1:3-12 more

  • Jesus Christ: The Alpha & Omega - The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Nov 18, 2024

    Jesus The Christ is the ground of our being, our hope, our Anchor.

    It’s been over 12 years now since Barbara and I travelled to the UK in August of 2012 for our 25th anniversary. We did something that I will never do again: we decided to travel to 10 different cities in Ireland, Scotland, England and finally Wales, in 21 days. I still can’t quite believe we did more

  • Present Standing Of Israel Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 9, 2020

    Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Paul had shown earlier that everyone is lost. Now he repeats the good news -- Everyone can be saved! The “anyone” of Romans10:13, echoes the “everyone” of John 3:16.

    (35) Present Standing of Israel Romans 10:5-12 5 For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the Law, “The man who does those things shall live by them.” 6 But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring more

  • Past, Present, And Future

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jan 1, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    As we begin a new year, we need to consider looking back, where we were; looking inward – where we are; and looking ahead – where we are going. Paul in Philippians 3 provides us with an example of evaluating one’s past, present, and future.

    Past, Present and Future Philippians 3:1-17 Introduction: As we stand at the door steps of a new year, we need to consider looking back, where we were; looking inward – where we are; and looking ahead – where we are going. Paul in Philippians 3 provides us with an example of evaluating one’s more

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