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  • A Place Prepared For You.

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Oct 12, 2020

    You are special to God and God has prepared a special place for you. He is ready to guide you there is you listen and obey him.

    TEXT: Exodus 23:20 "See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you." A PECULIAR TREASURE You are a peculiar treasure to God. He has made special plans for you - good plans to give you a future and hope (Jer more

  • The Perpetual Preparation Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 19, 2021

    There are two types of prayer. There is the proud prayer that comes seeking what I want, and then there is the humble prayer that comes seeking what God wants.

    Dr. R. G. Lee told of a preacher who use to open his Bible and put his finger down, and whatever it pointed to would be his text for the message. He told this brother that he needed more preparation for his sermons. The proof was the message that he preached on Naaman the leper. He put his finger more

  • How To Prepare A Sermon Series

    Contributed by S. R. Manohar on May 22, 2021

    How do I prepare messages? Here are a few steps on how to prepare a message or a sermon

    Young people usually ask me, how do I prepare messages? Here are a few steps on how to prepare a message or a sermon. First thing, if you want to preach anywhere or in your Sunday service, ask the Lord what exactly is in His heart. What does He want you to speak or share? Get the topic from His more

  • Preparing For The End Of The Age Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Apr 14, 2020

    Preparing for the End of the Age Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) February 23, 2020 – Brad Bailey

    Preparing for the End of the Age Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) February 23, 2020 – Brad Bailey Series #59 / Luke 21:5–38 Intro It’s been noted that when there is that which may be really hard ahead… most people tend to want to avoid it. The truth is that we waste more more

  • Prepare Ye The Way.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 13, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The ministry of John, pointing to Jesus.

    PREPARE YE THE WAY. Mark 1:1-8. MARK 1:1. Mark entitles his account: “The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” The word “gospel” means ‘good news.’ This is the good news concerning the Anointed Saviour of the world. He is no mere man: He is the Son of God. He is God become man in the more

  • Prepared - Funeral Sermon

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 12, 2022

    Ed was 96 years old when he passed. He spent most of his life as a faithful Christian preparing for eternity.

    John 13:33-36 33 Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come,’ so now I say to you. 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 more

  • Preparing To Serve In Ministry

    Contributed by Apostle Tonya on Feb 20, 2023

    The heart of a servant of Christ Jesus

    Before we can begin to walk into any assignment in the Kingdom of God, we must first embrace the Blessed Master’s Heart for His Children on how to serve as He taught the Disciples and His Followers in the Holy Bible. Therefore, there must be a hunger for the Word of God and a firm understanding of more

  • A Place Prepared For You

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on May 9, 2023

    A funeral message from John 14 written for a believer

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD There is not much about Sharon that I can share today that you probably already don’t know. To me she was a wonderful mother-in-law. I was especially blessed to marry into a loving family with two wonderful more

  • Preparation For His Coming

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 29, 2021

    What does building a highway have to do with preparation for Christ’s coming? Let’s learn how to prepare for His coming. Let’s discuss preparing the way for Christ in Luke 3:1-6.

    Prelude What does building a highway have to do with preparation for Christ’s coming? Purpose: Let’s learn how to prepare for His coming. Plan: Let’s discuss preparing the way for Christ in Luke 3:1-6. Pilate “Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being more

  • Being Prepared For Battle Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    How do you prepare yourself for an impending struggle/altercation?

    In chapter 1, we see God's charge to Joshua and how he prepares the people to enter the Promised Land. In chapter 2, we learn how Rahab protects the spies. In chapter 3, the children of Israel cross the Jordan River. In chapter 4, the people build a monument to God. In chapter 5, the nation of more

  • Preparing The Road For Others

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Mar 6, 2024

    How can we build a road into a person's heart so that Jesus can enter it.

    Preparing the road for others Luke 3:1 – 6? Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz ?1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was ?governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip was ?tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and more

  • Prepare The Way Of The Lord Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Apr 3, 2023

    A voice was needed, and voice was heard. It was that of John the Baptist. Jesus is the promised deliverer and John is the promised forerunner.

    Have you ever had that terrible sinking feeling of being unprepared? As a student maybe there was a test you did not study for. As an adult maybe the tax deadline came, and you were not ready. Proper preparation is the key to many things going right. If you have been part of planning a big event, more

  • Preparing For The Next Leader

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2023

    This message emphasizes the importance of listening for Gods' leading when preparing to change leadership roles.

    Last week we began by talking about mentoring and how we affect other people's lives. We saw how Jethro impacted Moses’ life in his ministry. Moses’ ministry changed in his methods and I'm sure that he was grateful for Jethro's advice. People impact our lives sometimes more than we more

  • Be Prepared Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 3, 2024

    Finish well!

    A. GETTING READY FOR A BIG TASK “And Joshua commanded the leaders of Israel, ‘Go tell the people prepare food and get everything else ready because in three days we will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land God has given to us’” (Joshua 1:10-11, ELT). 1. Secure allegiance of more

  • Preparing The Way For Christ

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 1, 2022

    Is believing without repenting valid? Why did both Jesus and John the Baptist preach repent? Let’s learn why in Matthew 3:1-12.

    Is believing without repenting valid? Why did both Jesus and John the Baptist preach repent? Let’s learn why in Matthew 3:1-12. Preaching & Teaching (vs 1) In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea (Matthew 3:1) In the Bible the word "preach" means more

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