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  • All My Family Needs Is Church Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 31, 2010
    based on 65 ratings

    God asks us to build a Memorial to His Word... but is yours a memorial to a living God or a dead faith?

    OPEN: During the 1600’s there was an Emperor in India by the name of Shah Jahan (the 5th Emperor during the Mughal Dynasty) and he was believed to have been descended from Tamerlane and Genghis Khan Some time during his reign, a rebel group in the southern portion of India sought to reject his more

  • Participar Ou Só Olhar

    Contributed by Elkean Moreira Aragão on Oct 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Quem hoje só olha as coisas de Deus e não participa de nada, só vai olhar a volta de Jesus. Quem participa das coisas de Deus hoje vai participar da Segunda Vinda.

    PARTICIPAR OU SÓ OLHAR?   INTRODUÇÃO   Em toda a Bíblia é possível ouvir uma proclamação. A proclamação da vinda do Messias, o Salvador. A proclamação é a mesma em todos as eras e nos dois Testamentos da Bíblia. Só muda o tempo do verbo.   1. Virá - Isaías 9:6 - "Porque um menino nos nasceu, um more

  • Cánticos De Navidad: Gloria Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Dec 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Cuánto más indigno es el que recibe más glorioso es el que da

    Cánticos de Navidad: Gloria Estos días hemos escuchado cánticos de Navidad. Cánticos de esperanza en Dios, cánticos de la fidelidad de Dios, cánticos de la gracia de Dios y hoy escuchamos un cántico de gloria…un canto de la gloria de Dios. Navidad es un despliegue de la gloria de Dios. La more

  • Can You Trust God's Word? Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Aug 8, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Dan Brown’s book, The Da Vinci Code, purposely blurs the lines between history and fiction.

    20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. 21For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 1But there were also false prophets among the people, just as more

  • Prende Fuego

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Sep 7, 2023

    Hay fuego bueno y fuego dañino. Hay que reconocer la diferencia.

    Prende fuego y no lo deja apagar Lc. 12:49 Fuego vine a meter en la tierra; ¿y qué quiero, si ya está encendido? El fuego es un proceso donde un combustible u otro material se prende con oxigeno y produce luz, calor, y llama. El fuego puede ser bueno o puede ser destructivo. more

  • Who Does Jesus Really Claim To Be? - Part 5 Of Series On The Da Vinci Code Series

    Contributed by Scott Weber on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Part 5 of a series that examines The Da Vinci Code; exposing the errors of Dan Brown’s claims and showing the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 5 “Who Does Jesus Really Claim To Be?” Pop culture on “Who Is Jesus?” – Video Clip (have clip earlier in service but refer back to it now) – no wonder so many are ready to accept Dan Brown’s claims in the Da Vinci Code. There don’t seem to be many who have really more

  • The Da Vinci Code: What Does The Church Really Think About Women? (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on May 30, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Now the question – was Mary really Jesus’ wife and mother of Sarah, the child Jesus supposedly fathered to establish a royal bloodline to rule the earth?

    Many women were also there, looking on from a distance; they had followed Jesus from Galilee and had provided for him. Matthew 27:55 (NRSVA) The DaVinci Code movie will be released this week. The fact that it coincides with Mother’s Day does not surprise me. Part of the conspiracy theory of more

  • A Credit Line Of Righteousness Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014

    The difference between when Jesus died and the death of every martyr or every hero who ever died is this: Those people died and they are still dead. The thing about Jesus Christ is he died, he was buried, and he came back after three days.

    INTRODUCTION Back in December I read a list of things you will never hear a good ‘ole boy in Texas say like, “I thought Graceland was tacky.” You’ll never hear, “You can’t feed that to the dog,” or “That deer head takes away from the decor of this more

  • Don’t Bury It Just Yet

    Contributed by Teddy Walker on May 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When your Miracle Dies

    DON’T BURY IT JUST YET 2 Kings 4: 8 And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread. 9 And she said more

  • Not Worth Comparing -Funeral Service- (For A Person Who Got Saved Before They Died)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 21, 2022

    Today we come to this memorial service with sad hearts, grieving over the death of this loved one.

    We do not like to see our friends and loved ones suffer as he had to suffer in the last few years of his life. But sometimes this suffering is a blessing in disguise. It gives: • A person a chance to reflect on the way they live their life • A person a chance to repent of their sins and make more

  • Positional Sanctification Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 5, 2018

    His position is his standing in Christ.

    (20) Introduction to Chapter 6 “In Christ unto God.” Verses 1-11. Being a Christian is a matter of life or death. Persons who do not understand the grace of God argue, “If God is gracious, then we should sin more so we receive more grace.” Those who trust Christ are identified with Him by the more

  • For God Has Appointed Us To Salvation Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 20, 2019

    These words by the Apostle Paul are an appeal to the whole church of Thessalonica, to comfort and edify one another.

    11/2/18 Tom Lowe Lesson 19: For God has Appointed Us to Salvation Through our Lord Jesus Christ Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 (NIV) 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or more

  • Christian Freedom And The Weak Brother Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 11, 2019

    The Corinthians were divided over the question of whether it was permissible to eat meat that had been previously offered to an idol. Paul agreed with those who thought it was permissible, since idols were nothing as far as having any real power.

    Christian Freedom and the Weak Brother - Part 1 (series: Lessons on 1 Corinthians) January 10, 2013 Lessons on First Corinthians By: Tom Lowe Lesson 7.2: Christian Freedom and the Weak Brother Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8.7-13 1 Cor 8.7-13 (KJV) 7 Howbeit there is not in every man that more

  • Hombres De Valor

    Contributed by Raquel Martinez on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Cria hijos no es facil, pero la Palabra nos da instruccion y ejemplo para seguir.

    Hombres de Valor Marcos 5:21-24 y35-43 Introduccion. Criar hijos no es fácil. Es una responsabilidad grande, no solo en proveerles ropa y comida, sino en la enseñanza y el cuidado que requiere. No importa cuantos libros se leen sobre el tema o cuantos consejos recibas, criar un hijo es una more

  • Get A Clue Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 18, 2015
    based on 23 ratings

    In the game of "Clue" the person who died was "Mr. Boddy." In the Scripture, the person who died was us - we died in our sins. But what killed us, and whose fault was it that we should be counted dead?

    OPEN: During WWII Nazi Germany believed they could bomb Britain into submission, so over the years they sent 1000s of bombs down upon London and other parts of England and 1000s of English people died. One of Britain’s forms of defense was to build bomb shelters. Essentially these were more

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