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  • The Answer To Prayer

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Dec 16, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon tells how whether or not God gives us what we ask for, he always answers our prayers.

    Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone Pentecost XVI Sept. 19, 2004 John 14:1-14 ¡§The Answer to Prayer¡¨ Do you know how to pray? The good news is that the Bible says that God himself helps us to pray. (¡§Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we more

  • "Answered Prayer"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Sep 27, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    If God answers all prayers, then why do we sometimes not get what we ask for?

    JAMES 5:13-20 “Answered Prayer” By: Rev. Kenneth Emerson Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA I’ve heard a lot about answered prayer over the past week and a half. Many have said, “I thank God that the hurricane was not as bad as it could have been.” “We more

  • Prayer

    Contributed by Ben Emmons on Mar 4, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    Biblical Conditions for answered prayers! While there is no formula to follow, God’s Word is very clear that certain things must line up for our prayers to be answered!

    <Open in prayer> Prayer…sometimes we make it so complicated, like we have to come up with some profound words to keep God’s interest. Some people love to pray, while others are scared to pray, because they feel they don’t know how to do it right…after today’s message if you fall into that more

  • The Answer To Your Prayers

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Sep 26, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    God’s answers to your prayers: No Slow Grow Go

    The Answer to Your Prayers - Psalm 69:13 Remember Johnny Carson. I know most of you youth have no I idea who I am talking about but he was the king of late night television before Jay Leno. He had a lot of different comic routines he did each night as a part of his monologues or entertainment. more

  • Surprising Answers To Prayer

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jul 23, 2001
    based on 67 ratings

    An inductive message using biblical narrative to encourage Christians to turn to God in prayer because he will answer them.

    Purpose: to be the Holy Spirit’s second witness calling God’s people in my care to cooperate with God in order to receive answers to their prayers. Response: Individuals will ponder Jesus’ question to the man by the pool of Bethesda – "Do you want to get well?" If they do they can come to the more

  • Are Your Prayers Answered?

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Feb 17, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    Are all your prayers answered?

    James 5:16, 18; 1 Kings 18:41-46 A deacon had a parrot that said, “lets kiss, lets kiss.” The Pastor had a parrot that said, “lets pray, lets pray.” So the deacon asked the preacher if he could leave his parrot with the pastor to influence his parrot so that it wouldn’t say, “lets kiss . . . .” So more

  • Conditions To Answered Prayer

    Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Can we have whatever we ask for in prayer? In the gospel of John and in his first letter, 6 times we are told we can have whatever we ask for.

    Introduction: Can we have whatever we ask for in prayer? In the gospel of John and in his first letter, 6 times we are told we can have whatever we ask for. Let us look at 6 conditions or 6 factors necessary for our petitions to be granted: I The Glory Factor (John 14:12-13) i) Jesus was more

  • Surprising Answers To Prayer

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 30, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    The requests of the demon was granted as was the request of the crowd...but the request of the healed demoniac, now a redeemed man, was denied.

    SURPRISING ANSWERS TO PRAYER "And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, Go home to your to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you." Mark 5:19-20 Every more

  • 5 Answers To Prayer

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 19, 2003
    based on 53 ratings

    There is no such thing as "unanswered" prayer, but God sometimes responds in ways we don’t expect.

    “5 Answers to Prayer” -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts (Note: The outline for this message came from an article in the Christian Reader Jan/Feb 02 issue) We pray, and God answers. Every time. But sometimes we wonder if God is really listening. We more

  • Answered Prayer – Guaranteed!

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on May 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A promise, based on the Word of God, that prayer will be answered - if we fulfill the conditions!

    ANSWERED PRAYER – GUARANTEED! It is a sad fact that apparently there are many people who do not have their prayers answered. It seems that the main reason is that people like to claim the promise of answered prayer without realising that there are conditions to be met! If we want to see answers more

  • Steps To Answered Prayers Series

    Contributed by Vera Hughes on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon will define steps to receive answered prayers from God.

    James 1:22 1. You need to make a decision what you want from God in prayer. You shouldn’t be praying aimlessly. 2. Read scriptures that relate to the the answer you want (Joshua 1:8). You should have a scritpure for what the answer should be. Many are praying amiss because they don’t know God’s more

  • The Answer To Unanswered Prayers

    Contributed by Nakia Smith on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Have you ever prayed and prayed about a situation, but seemed as if God never heard you and if He did…He didn’t answer?

    Have you ever prayed and prayed about a situation, but seemed as if God never heard you and if He did…He didn’t answer? Which makes you wonder if there is something that has blocked you from your breakthrough in prayer. Could it be sin? Could it be the lack of faith? Or could it just be you? more

  • The Prayer Of Faith Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on May 3, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Part 4 of series Learning to Pray. Examines the difference between praying for something and just wishing for it.

    The Prayer of Faith Learning to Pray, prt. 4 Wildwind Community Church February 13, 2005 You know the messages in this series are based on things I’m learning and experiences I am having as I read through Andrew Murray’s excellent book, With Christ in the School of Prayer and do the exercises more

  • Forgotten Prayers

    Contributed by William Mouser on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    When Zacharias met an Angel in the Temple, announcing the birth of his son, he was confronted with an answer to a long-forgotten prayer. Like him, we should be prepared to find forgotten prayers answered, and to perservere in praying for those things whi

    First Sunday in Advent Luke 1:5-25 "Forgotten Prayers" Today is a day of beginnings. It is the beginning of the Christian year. It is the beginning of the season known as Advent, the four Sundays prior to Christmas. And, it is a beginning for St. Athanasius Anglican Church, because this is more

  • The Power Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Feb 19, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Peter is miraclously released from prison through the power of prayer.

    A Study of the Book of Acts Sermon # 23 “The Power of Prayer” Acts 12:1-24 “but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.” Acts chapter twelve is set in a context of mounting persecution, about which the people more

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