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  • Pleasing Ourselves - Godless Objective (Pogo)

    Contributed by Leonard Davis on Jul 22, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Discovering and applying what Jesus taught about self.

    Pleasing Ourselves - Godless Objective (POGO) Some of you will remember the cartoon strip named Pogo. About a half century ago, back in the fifties, a favorite comic strip of many people was about an assortment of animals living in Florida’s Okefenokee Swamp. The cartoonist, Walt Kelly, referred more

  • Courage Series

    Contributed by Steven Spillman on May 5, 2008

    “We have met the enemy, and he is us” - Pogo

    “In those days Israel had no king; every one did as he saw fit.” (Judges 17:6) “We have met the enemy, and he is us” - Pogo We’re going to hang with the Judges for one more week. From last week’s letter you could tell that things were beginning to go astray in Samson’s time, but after he died life more

  • We Have Met The Enemy!

    Contributed by James Groce on Jun 16, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Much of the time we prove Pogo right. It is the enemy within who defeats us more often than the foe without.

    "We have met the enemy, and he is us." --Pogo Much of the time we prove Pogo right. It is the enemy within who defeats us more often than the foe without. Distorted and inaccurate concepts of ourselves result in failure. Sometimes we value our own ideas too highly; at more

  • Armed To The Hilt With Christian Virtues

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The mighty power of God at work in and through us empowers us against evil.

    Title: Armed to the Hilt with Christian Virtues (The Whole Armor of God) Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 Thesis: The mighty power of God at work in us and through us empowers us against evil. Introduction In July I traveled to Winterset, Iowa to attend the annual Newton Family Reunion. As I traveled more

  • Have We Met The Enemy? Series

    Contributed by David Simpson on Jan 16, 2021

    Troublesome times are surrounding each one of us right now. There are two main issues that have a grip on us as we reach the mid-way point of the month of January: Pandemic and Politics. Both issues have divided us.

    Sermon January 17, 2021 – David Simpson Lanier Christian Church Have We Met the Enemy? Colossians 3:12 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Troublesome times are surrounding each one of us more

  • Spirituality And Speed Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    God said, "Quick, leave Jerusalem immediately." God is usually not in a hurry, but in His dealings with Paul in this chapter, the name of the game is speed.

    Jamie Buckingham has written 20 of the best Christian book of the past decade. And in one of them called The Last Word he tells of how, even for a Christian sometimes, everything can go rapidly wrong. He lived in a quiet country home, but it was one with an unusual water system. He had a cut off more

  • God’s Amazing Prophetic Power

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on May 9, 2012

    There are few passages of Scripture that open the door on God’s incredible prophetic power than Daniel 11. Don’t close your eyes to this amazing passage.

    Passage: Daniel 11:2-20 Intro: No wonder Daniel was sick for three weeks when he saw this vision! 1. here he was, eager to see his nation of Israel restored to God’s favor. 2. instead, this vision presents them as a battleground between two warring empires, then the victims of terrible more

  • Psalm 23 Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 6, 2023

    A pastor is a shepherd to the flock of God - Lead, Feed, and Protect.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. EXPANDED TRANSLATION “I am your shepherd; I will find a place for you to lie down and rest as comfortable as a green pasture. I will restore your soul, I will lead you in right paths as surely as My name is the Lord. I will guide you through death’s more

  • Advent: The Prophets Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Nov 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    It is no accident or coincidence that Jesus is the Son of God!

    Advent: Prophets November 29, 2020 Morning Service First Sunday of Advent Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: It is no accident or coincidence that Jesus is the Son of God! Focus Passage: Luke 2:21-38 Supplemental Passage: but these have been written so that you may more

  • Facing Reality Or Fighting God's Truth? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    We are better off taking our position as lost and helpless sinners before God than we are fighting Him with our objections and rationalizations.

    Facing Reality or Fighting God’s Truth? (Romans 3:1-20) 1. LONDON (Reuters) - A leading British brain surgeon has been suspended from work following a dispute over a bowl of soup. Dr Terence Hope was sent home from the Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham, where newspapers say there is a more

  • The Thrill Of Hope Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 8, 2019
    based on 6 ratings

    What did the birth of Jesus bring to the world that offered Hope?

    OPEN: I love singing Christmas carols… so I’d like you to join me in singing this one. It’s called “O Holy Night” and it goes like this: “O holy night, the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, till He appeared and more

  • The Most Dangerous Word Series

    Contributed by Jim Kilson on Nov 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Part 7 of 8 in a series covering words in the Bible that are all too often overlooked or ignored.

    INTRODUCTION: What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done? I know for me the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done was to go swimming in some of the most shark infested waters on earth! It was a total rush! Some people thrive on danger… the adrenaline junkies. Las Vegas more

  • "Planning For A Future Without Fear"

    Contributed by Jim Parisi on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    It’s an important question. Without a plan, the noblest words are virtually meaningless. You can dream all you want but if you don’t have any direction for making dreams come true you are just dreaming the impossible dream.

    "Planning for a Future without Fear" HHM Pastor Jim Parisi March 23, 2002 During any political campaign candidates make all kinds of noble sounding promises. We hear about lower taxes, more spend-able income, more affordable health care, a stronger defense, a renewal of character. more

  • If My People

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Jul 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    How do we seek the healing in a land of so much? God’s answer comes at the dedication of His temple in the darkness of Solomon’s night.

    Gallup Poll surveyed Americans this past Easter and discovered that 12% of Americans have no religious identification and the number of those claiming some linkage to Christianity is at 77% down from 91% in 1948. Seventy-seven percent is not too bad but Gallup doesn’t do a very good job in making more

  • Telling God What To Do

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Dec 29, 2013

    We get angry and disappointed with God, failing to see His purpose in life's hurts. We can learn to trust His will.

    Have you ever been angry at God? When people ask God to “damn” something, they’re usually making a strong point without breaking dishes. Deep down inside they’re disappointed with God, though their expletive is usually not a prayer at all. It is, however, a way of telling more

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