Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Introduces The Psalms Lesson 1

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    The purpose of Psalms – to touch God and be touched by Him.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. INTRODUCTION 1. The word Psalm in Hebrew, Tehillum means “to make jubilant music.” It comes from the root halal to yell a greeting. It is the word from which you get hello. So pray hello Lord. 2. Why Psalms were written. a. Prayers. b. Devotional more

  • 2. Psalm 1 Lesson 2

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    You will discover happiness by obeying My laws and thinking right day and night.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. EXPANDED TRANSLATION “Your life will be happier if you don’t follow the advice of sinners, if you don’t loiter with the wicked, if you don’t become a part of an evil group. You will discover happiness by obeying My laws and thinking right day and more

  • 3. Psalm 19 Lesson 3

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    "May the words that you speak, and the thoughts that you think, be acceptable to Me, your Lord and Redeemer.”

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. EXPANDED TRANSLATION “I am the LORD, the heavens declare My glory; the stars reveal My craftsmanship. Each new day tells I am the Creator, each new night shows My mighty power. No one on earth can debate that I began all things because the universe more

  • 4. Psalm 23 Lesson 4

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    A pastor is a shepherd to the flock of God - Lead, Feed, and Protect.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. EXPANDED TRANSLATION “I am your shepherd; I will find a place for you to lie down and rest as comfortable as a green pasture. I will restore your soul, I will lead you in right paths as surely as My name is the Lord. I will guide you through death’s more

  • 5. Psalm 51 Lesson 5

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    True repentance acknowledges your sin against the Lord.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. THE DEEPEST CONFESSION – THE GREATEST FORGIVENESS 1. David’s greatest sin was against Me. 2. Trace David’s path to forgiveness and transformation. “I will have mercy on you because of My unfailing love. I will have compassionate on you, and blot more

  • 6. Psalm 90 Lesson 6

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    Your time on earth. “Make each day count so you can live wisely.”

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. YOUR TIME ON EARTH: PSALM 90:1-12, 17 “I, the LORD, have been your dwelling place throughout all generations. Before I created the mountains, even before I created the earth, even from everlasting to everlasting, I am God. I determined that all more

  • 7. Psalm 84 Lesson 7

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    Finding God's presence.

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. FINDING GOD’S PRESENCE “I want you to enjoy coming into My presence in the tabernacle; express your deep passion for the courts of My house, may your flesh cry out when you are not there. The sparrows are so comfortable in My presence that they make more

  • 8. Psalm 100 Lesson 8

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2023

    "Bless My holy name by giving thanks for all I have done for you. I, the LORD, am good, My mercy is everlasting, and My truth endures forever."

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. THE BIBLE BY JESUS – PSALM 100 Shout with joy to Me, your Lord, when entering My presence, everyone from every nation join in. Worship as you enter My presence with singing because I am the Lord, your God. I made you and you belong to Me; you are My more

  • 9. Psalm 137 Lesson 9

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2023

    A truly happy person has a purpose in life and is working toward a purpose. “Happiness is found on the road to duty.”

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. LIFE’S GREATEST EMOTIONS – PSALM 137:1-6 My people sat by the rivers of Babylon and wept when they remembered Zion. They refused to sing joyfully, hanging their harps on willow trees. Their captors demanded that they sing; those who imprisoned them more

  • 10. Psalm 139 Lesson 10

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2023

    “I, your God, will search you to know the intent of your heart; I will try you to know your thoughts."

    All Scriptures are from The Bible by Jesus A. MY OMNISCIENCE, OMNIPRESENCE AND OMNIPOTENCE – PSALM 139 “I, your Lord, have searched you and I know you thoroughly. I know when you sit and when you rise, I understand your thoughts from afar. I know your journeys and your rest, I am familiar with more