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  • Is Anyone Of You In Trouble? Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jul 23, 2012
    based on 284 ratings

    James gives us the solution to trouble and several other things that we encounter in life. 1- Are you in trouble? Pray 2- Are you happy? Sing 3- Are you sick? Call (make a phone call)

    INTRO.- Trouble. Can life be lived without any trouble? No, it’s an impossibility. ILL.- Mark Twain said, “My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” I think all parents have some trouble with their kids, but I doubt seriously that they more

  • Redeeming The Time Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Christians are to conduct themselves carefully in a corrupt culture.

    Redeeming the Time Ephesians 5:15-21 Rev. Brian Bill April 6-7, 2024 Last weekend was an amazing time of expressive worship and exposition of the Word during our Good Friday and Easter services. This place was packed on Good Friday as Pastor Kyle and Pastor Chris, along with our youth and young more

  • A Great Sunday Service

    Contributed by John Perry on Aug 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Monday morning is often a time when pastors do an autopsy of the weekend's sermon/s. Sometimes as we talk with other pastors on the phone the question is asked - how's your services? But what is it that constitutes a great Sunday service?

    Bunbury Sun am 21/08/2011 “A Great Sunday service” Intro: What are the components of a great Sunday service? Pastors have a bit of a tradition of the Monday morning autopsy. How was Sunday services? Great ….. I preached on …… 2 saved, everyone came to church! Let more

  • Do You Have Trouble?

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Dec 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Summary: James gives us the solution to trouble and several other things that we encounter in life. 1- Are you in trouble? Pray 2- Are you happy? Sing 3- Are you sick? Call (make a phone call)

    Do You Have Trouble? Scripture: James 5:13-5:18 James 5:13-5:19 (add scripture) INTRO.- Trouble. Can life be lived without any trouble? No, it’s an impossibility. ILL.- Mark Twain said, “My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” I think all more

  • Connect To The Power Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 6, 2023

    Many are struggling through life feeling drained of spiritual energy. (Pain, Disease, Finances, Discouragements, Temptations). Like your phone or other electric devices, if you use them heavily without recharging, they go dead.

    Power Up! Connect To The Power Matthew 3:1-17 Introduction Living for Jesus Christ is not an easy path through life. It is the BEST path, and it holds the most PROMISE, but not EASY. God knows we need His grace and mercy to be successful. In all of our efforts, we can lose our energy, find more

  • Living For The Glory Of God - Matthew 5:16 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jul 20, 2024

    We all know that we should live for the glory of God every moment of every day. But how is that done? How can you eat a snack or drive to work or do the laundry or answer phone in ways that glory God?

    Matthew 5:13-16 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people more

  • The Spirit In You Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 10, 2011
    based on 71 ratings

    Christians have the most powerful force in the Universe inside of them. We get this power when we become Christians. But is it possible ot access MORE of this Spirit... and is it possible to diminish His power in our lives?

    About 20 years ago, a delivery truck was taking a special shipment to the San Mateo County Convention and Visitors Bureau in California… and it got lost. The delivery truck driver stopped at a gas station and asked for directions. Now ordinarily this wouldn’t have been unusual. more

  • Stress U Out Series

    Contributed by Tom Burkholder on Sep 2, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the employee that never seems

    Stress U Out Series: Melodrama or Mellow-drama - Act 2 Introduction: In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the more

  • Over Re Acting Series

    Contributed by Tom Burkholder on Sep 2, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the employee that never seems

    Over Re Acting Series: Melodrama or Mellow-drama - Act 3 Introduction: In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, more

  • Thin King Series

    Contributed by Tom Burkholder on Sep 2, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the employee that never seems

    Thin King Series: Melodrama or Mellow-drama - Act 4 Introduction: In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the more

  • How The Holy Spirit Helps Spouses Develop Emotional Intimacy

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 23 ratings

    "Recently I received a phone call from a friendly-sounding person who told me she wanted to make my life easier. She called me by my first name and warmly asked how my day was going."

    Let the Holy Spirit Enhance Intimacy in Your Relationship Illustration: I am a companion of all who fear You. —Psalm 119:63 Two men were neighbors—one had opened his heart to Christ and the other had not. The believer witnessed often; the other ignored him. One day the Christian answered a more

  • Can't You Hear Me Now? Series

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Aug 22, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    When it comes to prayer, do you ever feel like you are talking away to God and the call gets dropped? What makes us lose the connection? Some lessions from the cell phone might help us in our prayers!

    Can’t You Hear Me Now? James 4:2 James 4:2 “…ye have not, because ye ask not.” (KJV) A 24-year-old man literally dreamed of the phone number of his future wife one night and then, driven by his instinct, sent her a text message. Random recipient Michelle Kitson first appeared confused when she more

  • Transitions Series

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jan 14, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Transitional moments. At any given time we are only a phone call, a text, an E-mail away from some life altering situations. For the Jews of Joshua's day 2 things changed: the manna, and the pillar of fire. Adapting is necessary for survival.

    Transitions Powerpoint 1 Series Title Powerpoint 2 Message Title Powerpoint 3 text: Jos 5:12 And the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that more

  • 5 - Since When? Since Now! Series

    Contributed by Kent Kessler on Nov 6, 2024

    There are definitely contaminating things you can remove from yourself that are hindering you in your spiritual growth and relationship with God. MUSIC - TV SHOWS - MOVIES - HOME or OFFICE DECOR - LANGUAGE - PRIVATE LAPTOPS - PHONES - VIDEO GAMES - TIME USED

    So? So what? Paul answers that in 2 Cor 7:1 “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us (1) purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, (2) perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. Confession time. When I was in high school, I played football my more

  • Emmanuel

    Contributed by Steven Chapman on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    In these 25 verses, most of which do read something like a phone directory, we have the theological stage set for all of the rest of Matthew’s gospel. And not only is the shape set forth for the rest of the gospel, the shape and form of the entire New Te

    Emmanuel Matthew 1 It was December 1944. Dietrich Bonhoeffer found himself celebrating his last Christmas on the earth. He was only 39. He had been a German pastor. Now, he was a Nazi war criminal. It was Christmas time. And he was pensive, with pen in hand, over his little diary. And the thought more

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