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  • The Now Condition

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 7, 2013

    Once we are saved we have laid down the old and and put on a new person. The sermon shares how are now condition is different from its formal condition.

    Our Now Condition 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 WE are saved redeemed, forgiven, justified, fixed for entrance into the kingdom, Reconciled, the old account is settled, God is content with are now condition. If we have accepted Jesus we have what I call a Now Condition: 1. more

  • The Omnipotence Of God Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 12, 2013

    A sermon on Psalm 139:13-24 on God's omnipotence (Material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell's book, God Most High, pg. 102- 106; Also from Sermon Central's Matthew Kratz at:

    HoHum: I have a very good friend who recently shared with me that on one occasion she, out of sincere concern over sin and desire to be what God wanted her to be, she prayed, "God, show me the sin in my life. Show me what I really am." She said that in a couple of weeks she began to pray, "Lord, more

  • New Life Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 6, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Everything is transformed in our lives because of the cross of Christ. The old life is dead and gone. We are now living a new life.

    Colossians 3:1-11 “New Life” INTRODUCTION The tale of “The Ugly Duckling” begins, when a mother duck's eggs hatch. One of the little birds is perceived by the other birds and animals on the farm as a homely little creature and suffers much verbal and physical abuse more

  • Will The Real Holy Spirit Please Stand Up? Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 12, 2013

    It is a terrible mistake to separate the Work of the Holy Spirit from the Person and work of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture

    Will the Real Holy Spirit Please Stand Up? I John 4:1-6 Introduction We have seen that sound doctrine and sound love are both essential to the Christian faith and must be held together and not against each other. Living in love and living the truth of the gospel are what gives us assurance that more

  • El Informe De La Mayoria

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Apr 2, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    No se preocupe por ser parte de la minoría. Dios tiene un remanente. Procure ser parte de ello.

    El Informe de la Mayoria Nú. 13:30,31 Entonces Caleb hizo callar al pueblo delante de Moisés, y dijo: Subamos luego, y poseámosla; que más podremos que ella. 31 Mas los varones que subieron con él, dijeron: No podremos subir contra aquel pueblo; porque es más fuerte que nosotros. Dios ya había more

  • Do You Want Survival Or Revival?

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 7, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    In this troubled world, if we have ever felt like David (weary and exhausted), we can take his example from this Psalm and pray, meditate on God's works, and thirst after Him; and in turn God will lift us up and restore our souls. This is true revival!

    Do you want Survival, or Revival? Psalm 143:1-12 If you have not noticed, TV has gotten quite “real” recently. There has been a boom of what they are calling “reality TV” shows. Each of the shows is unique and attempts to take the viewer into the lives of those on the more

  • How To Impact Our Culture

    Contributed by Mike Mcguire on May 5, 2016

    Thesis: Preaching the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit will affect our culture more than preaching against sins.

    Introduction: There is no doubt that our culture is in danger. I'm not speaking of just Anglo or Hispanic. I mean that our culture is becoming more chaotic and dangerous. Leaders disagree as to the best way to preserve society. The world's answer is to pass more laws, build more prisons, and more

  • Grade Yourself

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Dec 28, 2016

    In this sermon I focus on 5 questions that we can ask ourselves to help evaluate how we are doing in our Christian walk.

    Grade Yourself 5 Questions Lakewood | Pastor Jonathan Vorce | 10-30-2016 Scripture Reading: Romans 12:3-8 NIV I. Am I a Good Christian Example? A. Character Matters 1. Conduct is the outward expression of the character that we carry. - Matthew 7:5 B. We are called to shine… brightly for more

  • The Godhead

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Oct 3, 2014

    In this study, we glean the basic Scriptural facts about the nature of the Godhead.

    My in-depth study of the Godhead was prompted, some some 20 years ago, by a disagreement on the subject between two close spiritual friends of mine. Each person was adamant that they understood the true doctrine of the subject and the other person's doctrine was heretical. I studied the more

  • “holiness Doesn’t Mean Isolation!”

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Oct 7, 2014

    STOP HIDING IN CHURCH!!! Go outside and share Jesus!

    One problem with man’s denominational teaching is that HOLINESS in many churches and groups means stay away from them sinners! The only way sinners can see Jesus Christ is through the Church (The Body of Christ). The local church is a part of the larger body of blood washed believers. more

  • Spiritual Gifts Unmystified Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual gifts are demonstrated when God chooses to supernaturally use someone outside of their personality type.

    ( When people speak of spiritual gifts, the focus is often on questions like, “Do you know what your spiritual gift is?” or “Have you taken this spiritual gifts survey?” While the knowledge of one's gifting can be beneficial, we often lose sight of God's more

  • "Dilemma’s And Decisions”

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jul 2, 2018

    The difference one person can make.

    A Study of the Book of Esther “Dilemma’s and Decisions” Esther 4:1-17 The world has so many big problems, and they often seem more

  • The Peacemaker

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Apr 30, 2018

    How to sermon of peace.

    “The Peace Maker” John 14:23-31 John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but more

  • Praise The Lord Series

    Contributed by Richelle Smith on Jul 27, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Encouragement of a closer walk in Christ

    There is nothing more refreshing and invigorating than taking a plunge into the realm of praise and worship, lifting up the name of Jesus. When you love someone, you should tell them. That's a part of praise. When you love someone, you want to be close to them. It shows you value them. When you more

  • Our Witness Among The World

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Dec 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Following a reminder of who believers are in Christ, Peter presented a challenge regarding their walk and witness among the world. We are expected to maintain purity personally, socially, and professionally.

    Our Witness among the World 1 Peter 2: 11-20 After revealing the need for believers to abide in the Word, growing thereby, and building their lives upon Christ, the Corner-stone of our faith, Peter reminded us of our standing with the Lord, being positioned in Christ. Those who abide faithfully in more

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