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  • The Favor Of God - Use It Or Lose It Series

    Contributed by Larry Semore on Feb 9, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Believers need to know what the favor of God really is and how to activate it in their own lives

    The Favor of God Use it or Lose it! Part 1 of a Series TEXT: Jeremiah 1:4-8 KJV, “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then more

  • A Standard Raised.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 13, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Redemption for the Israel of God.

    A STANDARD RAISED. Isaiah 62:10-12. This prophecy is fulfilled at more than one level. There is a level of fulfilment for those Jews who lived in the days of Cyrus king of Persia (Ezra 1:1-4). At the raising of God’s standard (ISAIAH 62:10), they were able to leave behind the gates of Babylon more

  • Christmas Far From Home

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Jan 6, 2008

    This was my Christmas Eve Sermon for 07, looks at various people who were far from home on that first Christmas

    Christmas Far From Home Christmas Eve 2007 For most people Christmas is a time to spend with family. We enjoy the social aspect and the re-connecting with one another. There are gifts and cards, emails and Christmas letters and food. Whenever people get together at Christmas there is always more

  • Daniel Overview Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A Summary of the book of Daniel

    Daniel – Summary Daniel Outline I. God’s Man in Babylon (1-6) a. Daniel’s Preparation (1) b. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (2) c. The Fiery Furnace (3) d. Nebuchadnezzar’s Humiliation (4) e. Handwriting on the Wall (5) f. The Lion’s Den (6) II. God’s Prophet for Israel (7-12) a. His Vision of the four more

  • Satan's System Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 30, 2007

    A look at Satan’s organization and offense.

    Victory over the Devil Series Satan’s System Eph. 6:12 May 27, 2007 (p.m.) FBC, Chester Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction A An uninformed army is an army in peril. 1 The enemy is delighted we don’t preach about him. a He is more organized than the more

  • The Believers Protection Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Feb 4, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    We have an enemy to which we need be aware.

    Dating back to the Garden of Eden, mankind has experienced the power of the supernatural warfare which exists on this earth. The devil, disguised as a serpent, entertained and then deceived Eve who then under the influence of darkness continued the deception with Adam and together they worked more

  • Horrifying Words For The End Days Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Feb 19, 2014

    Jesus completes His description of the Last Days

    Mark 13:14-37 Horrifying Words for the End of Times Introduction – America has become famous for its warning labels. Some are helpful and urge caution concerning some hidden dangers or possible side effects of certain products. Others, however, seem obvious if not downright absurd. Consider more

  • War In Heaven, Part I Down And Out Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 10, 2014

    War in heaven with the dragon

    I have mentioned from the pulpit on different occasions that I get upset about people that give the impression--overtly or in a subtle way--that they are going to take on Satan or his demons. I have heard stories from years ago about preachers dressing up in army fatigues and making a whole lot of more

  • The Beast From The Sea Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 10, 2014

    Antichrist, The Beast From The Sea

    Back to Revelation Over the past two weeks, we have explored the prophecies from both Daniel 4 concisely and Daniel 7 in detail. The image that Nebuchadnezzar saw in chapter 4 and the dream that Daniel had in chapter 7 revealed five kingdoms: Babylon (head of gold/winged lion). Medo-Persia more

  • The Story- Chapter 19. Don't Make What Is Important To God Trivial Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 13, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When we make what is important to God trivial, God will try to wake us up to get us back on track!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • The return home! What an awesome event! Seventy years in captivity and now it is time for the Israelites to go home! • God turns the heart of Cyrus, the Persian king, toward the Jews and Cyrus releases the Jews to return to Jerusalem and build their more

  • The Story- Chapter 20- The Roll Of The Dice Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 20, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Is life just a roll of the dice or is there someone bigger behind the scenes?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • A saying in Vegas is “MY LIFE IS WRAPPED UP IN THE ROLL OF THE DICE.” • In Vegas you can beat the odds and win it all with a roll of the dice or you can lose it all in a roll of the dice. • It seems as (when no one is cheating) that it more

  • Unlikely Help Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 29, 2021

    God uses unlikely people to accomplish his purposes and bless the community of faith.

    INTRODUCTION • When you look back on your life, have you ever thought about all the people who have helped you to get where you are in both your life and your walk with Jesus today? • We do not get where we are alone; our life is not lived in a vacuum. • I would imagine we can all think about those more

  • Overcoming The Evil Decree

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jan 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The future is filled with possibilities both good and evil. There may be some very unpleasant things ahead for you that you can avoid as Jesus taught in Mt 24:20,21. We will examine a very clear example of overcoming the evil decree found in the book of Esther.

    Overcoming The Evil Decree I want to begin by explaining what I mean by an evil decree. An evil decree is something painful and hurtful that may or may not happen unless you take action to stop it. Shortly I will show exactly that from the biblical book of Esther. But as a little background more

  • Fasting

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 18, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Fasting seems to be out of vogue today. What is Biblical fasting? Why should we fast? What should our attitude be when we fast? What should we expect?

    Before we go over our memory Scriptures I want to go over a true example of a mistake versus sin as an example of what the difference is and why the Lord looks upon the two differently. Last week we introduced a new memory Scripture and I told you that the new memory Scripture was printed in your more

  • Gog And Magog

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    A study of the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 by the invasion of Israel by Antiochus IV and his multinational army.

    EZEKIEL 38-39 There is a tendency for contemporary Bible students to think that prophecies found in the Old Testament pertain to events to be fulfilled in our future. In reality, such prophecies were fulfilled by the time of the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Church/Kingdom in the more

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