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Sermons on perservere:

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  • How To Be Found When Jesus Returns

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Dec 7, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In Hebrews 10:19-39 we find three persevering actions that we should be found in when Jesus returns.

    How to be found when Christ Returns Introduction:  During the busy Christmas season, it is easy to lose sight of what Christmas is all about, which we will get into in the weeks to come.  We have family gatherings here and there and we have Christmas parties at our work places.  There are gifts to more

  • Pressing On When The Pressure's On Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 18, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    You will never coast into Christlikeness because spiritual growth is intentional, not automatic.

    Pressing on When the Pressure’s On Philippians 3:12-4:1 Rev. Brian Bill March 15-16, 2025 A little over a year ago, I celebrated how God is using Pastor Ed Hedding from Pleasant View Baptist Church in Bettendorf. He’s a man on mission with a genuine love for the lost in our community. One of the more

  • Reaching The Mountain Peak

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Mar 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Getting to the top is difficult and the Christian life can at times be a struggle and requires desire, perserverance, guidance, and bravery. This meassage makes a comparrison to going to the top of Pike's Peak.

    "Reaching The Mountain Peak" There are many reasons people go on vacation. Some just to rest, some to just get away from the daily routine, and some go to visit relatives. Have you ever seen the Vacation series movies? Terrie calls me Clark Griswald when we go on vacation. I go more

  • Tested Faith

    Contributed by John Gullick on May 9, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon that considers what it means to count it all joy when you face all kind of trials. contains quite a bit on william Carey - didn’t use it all but thought it may be a useful resource so have left it in

    Tested Faith. I’d always heard this belief attributed to the supposed fact that Mondays and Fridays had the highest rates of employee absenteeism among auto workers, therefore you didn’t want to buy a car manufactured on those days because some of the assembly steps might have been skipped or too more

  • Trials And Temptations - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 25 ratings

    A further look at the issue of trials and temptations in the life of a Christian.

    Trials and Temptations - Pt. 2 James 1:12-18 This week we will be returning to the issue of trials and temptations as addressed in James chapter 1. James starts off with a challenge. "Don’t give up." Remember testing is a process and as a process we know that it is ongoing with many phases. more

  • "I'll Take A Crumb Please!"

    Contributed by Kevin Smith on Sep 16, 2005
    based on 40 ratings

    Far too often in life we as the people of God become greedy and want a "Full Course Meal" Blessing... We need to learn how to appreciate the "Crumb" blessings in life!

    Awww, come on & give the Lord a praise in this house! He is worthy is he not! We bless God on today. You may be seated in the prescense of the Lord. This passage is pregnant with possibility, and I could really preach about 3 or 4 messages from this one text, I could talk about perserverance, or more

  • Cool To God, Not So Cool To Us Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    God’s Idea of Cool Sometimes Surprises Us. Sometimes what is cool to God is not so cool to us. We must learn to understand God’s way of thinking and adjust our minds to tune in with His revealed will. Let’s note three qualities that are so essential t

    Cool To God, Not So Cool to Us (Luke 18:1-14, Matt. 20:1-16) INTRO 1. It amazes me how little has changed in the teen world since I was a teen. I reached the age of 20 in the Fall of 1976, by the way. 2. The music doesn’t sound much different, except for rap---which is not new; it is simply old more

  • From Barrenness To Blessedness

    Contributed by Paul Johnson on Nov 19, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    This sermon encourages the listener to trust in the LORD and do good and to wait patiently upon the LORD until He turns your barrenness into blessedness.

    I remember it like it was yesterday … Thanksgiving 2004 was one of the happiest holidays of my life. We spent Thanksgiving with Selena’s aunt Dorothy and a lot of her family members. It was so nice to be apart of a large family gathering in which I truly felt felt loved. Selena was more

  • The God Of Hope

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Sep 28, 2014

    "The God of Hope" provides 1) The Power of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:8–10a); 2) The Perpetuity of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:10b) and calls us to 3) The Participation of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:11)

    Today, there is a Celebration of Life in Alliston for Beryl's brother Geoff, who died after a long battle with brain cancer. Along with Beryl, other family members: Mary, Chris, and Chel, begin the difficult transition to life without him here. They expressed comfort knowing that his struggle is more

  • Anticipating Advent: A Winning Hope Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    In these difficult days, when many are predicting the end of the world, don’t be disturbed and don’t be deceived. Instead, stand firm in the truth of God’s Word and find the confidence to persevere in every good work.

    Many of us have seen some doctors over the years; and the older we get, the more doctors we see. As a result, we’ve learned some words we never heard before. Doctors have their own jargon and seem to speak a strange language. After all, what do these terms really mean? Barium – more

  • Show Your Faithfulness To The Truth

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Dec 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There are many great dangers to our faith! But ultimately the response to all of these is the TRUTH of God's Word.

    What is the greatest danger to your faith? Please don’t let that question slip quickly from your mind. Consider it carefully. What is the greatest danger to your faith? As we take a moment to reflect on that question I want you to think back to the three Scripture readings for today. Did more

  • Witness: Perseveres #6 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 24, 2019

    The greatest witness to God's power come from those on the margins.

    We began a conversation three weeks ago about what gives us meaning in this life and I suggested that the question is actually a mute point for those who call themselves Christian because if we believe that Christ came, died and rose again then we must also live out this reality. To live out this more

  • And The Land Rested From War Series

    Contributed by Winson Butler on May 25, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Every Christian needs to examine the importance of perserverance. As Winston Churchill said to a graduating class of young cadets, "Never give up..." There’s a high cost to giving up and giving in!

    "And the Land Rested From War..." Dr. E. Winson Butler Joshua 11:23 kjv (pg 199 OT white pew Bible) Introduction I. illus. A few nights ago, President George Bush addressed our country. In his own words he said, "We must stay the course..." i.e. now is not the time to question, leave or more

  • Perservering With God's Grace

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Jul 11, 2009

    God’s grace is not just something we receive but also something that affects our lives, how we relate to others. This sermon explores what it means to perservere with God’s grace.

    Our focus for this week is 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 to 13. Please open your bibles to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1, or if you don’t have a bible please refer to the sheet in your bulletin. This reading follows immediately after the reading we explored last week. Last week we were more

  • True Hope Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Jesus is our true hope...the good news for all men.

    True Hope I Peter 1:1-12 Have I got great news for you! Jesus has risen! You now have new life. What does that mean to you? You are no longer bound. No longer bound to sin, guilt, shame, failure, worry, anxiety just to name a few. Each day is a new adventure. With God directing your more