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  • Paul And Ephesus

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Jul 29, 2019

    We hear Paul's letter to the Ephesians like we might overhear someone talking on the phone. We get only half of the conversation. If we are going to understand Paul's teaching we need to learn as much as possible about the circumstances of his readers.

    Years ago there was a farmer from a very small village in Germany who was just itching to get out and see something of the world. His big chance came when his nephew got a job on a barge that would sail up the Rhine River to Rotterdam. Even if it only stayed there for one day to drop off one more

  • Paul In Ephesus En Route To Antioch Of Syria Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 6, 2017

    Acts 18:18-22 provides a transition between Paul’s second and third missions. On the one hand, it concludes the second, with Paul returning to Antioch where his journey began. On the other hand, Paul’s brief visit to Ephesus looks toward the third....

    May 8, 2015 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.C.9: Paul in Ephesus en route to Antioch of Syria (18:18-22) more

  • Back To Ephesus

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Oct 30, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Paul heads back to Ephesus, to take a look around, and minister. God does a great work.

    I. PRAYER II. Introduction a. If you have every been anywhere for any length of time, and then leave the place, only to return a while later, you know how the Apostle Paul felt when he returned to Ephesus. b. Last week, we saw in Acts chapter 18, where Paul landed at Ephesus for a short while with more

  • Paul's Third Missionary Journey Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 13, 2021

    Paul was a man of mission and peoples apostles. He spent most of his time conversing with new contacts about Christ, encouraging the disciples to grow in sainthood, and looking for new mission fields. Read further for information on the third journey of Paul.

    Acts 18:23-19:12 Third Missionary Journey begins 18:23 Paul- as one man Mission 18:24-28 Ministry of Apollos 19:01-07 Paul’ Mission at Ephesus 19:08-12 Paul ministered at Synagogue and a Hall Acts 18:23 Paul - One man Mission The third missionary journey of Paul began from Antioch. Unlike in more

  • A Riot In Ephesus

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Feb 2, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Paul’s Teaching turns Ephesus Upside Down

    I. PRAYER II. Introduction a. I recently read an article by a man who compared a baby monitor to the Holy Spirit. You see, one day while trying out the new baby monitor in his infant’s room, he whispered into it “Can you hear me?” b. His house was like most others with a mother and a newborn, in more

  • How To See More Victories For The Cause Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 14, 2018

    1. We must speak boldly (vs. 8). (How? - With confidence in the Lord and concern for the lost.) 2. We must speak reasonably (vs. 8-9). 3. We must speak persuasively (vs. 8). 4. We must speak persistently (vs. 9-10).

    How to See More Victories for the Cause of Christ The Book of Acts - Part 67 Acts 19:8-10 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Revised July 14, 2018 BACKGROUND: *Remember that here in Acts 19, Paul was on his third missionary journey. His team was reaching many people in the city of more

  • Paul’s Final Encouragement To Ephesus Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 19, 2024

    These are the final instructions given to a church whose name means “desirable”. Would our church today be willing to be this bold, this committed, this faithful to the calling that God has placed on each of us?

    To the Ends of the Earth, Part 31 Paul’s final encouragement to Ephesus Acts 20:7-38 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth” -- Last week, we had several challenges to consider when it comes to being faithful -- Ref: Christian life APP: more

  • An Outline Of Acts 19:21-41

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Dec 1, 2023

    The loss of one's livelihood might well cause normal people to do some strange things. When Paul was in Ephesus, one man's speech to his co-workers led to a riot! How it started and ended is strange indeed.

    Introduction: These last verses of Acts 19 show some of the opposition Paul faced as he taught the Truth of God and God’s Word to the people in Ephesus. Paul had seen the Lord work in a number of ways; now, he was going to experience some of the hatred the devil had for him and for all those who more

  • Gods Extraordinary Power

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010

    Paul in Ephesus. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts chapter 19 verses 1-20. Reminder: • Acts is primarily a history book, • An accurate record of the early church. • It is not primarily a theological book, i.e. a book you base your theology from, • That’s why we have the letters, or more

  • What Most Christians Don't Know

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Most Christians truly don't understand who they are now that they are born again. They have the life and nature of God living in them, a life and nature that Satan is powerless against.

    What Most Christians Don’t Know When I read what many Christians post on social media, it’s clear to me that many truly don’t know who they are. A person posted a video of a gentleman singing “Jesus will fix it” on Facebook – a song I love and sang in church many years ago. One of the lyrics more

  • Tearing Down The Strongholds Of Hell Part 1 Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    I would like to thank Pastor Jerry Shirley for sharing this series on Acts. It has been a blessing as well as a great help. I have used these for our church, as I spend my days caring for my dying father.

    Tearing Down the Strongholds of Hell Acts 19:8-27 [2Co 10:4 NIV] “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” Paul stayed in Ephesus for 3 full years because there was much work to be done there. He was more

  • Paul’s Ministry In Ephesus (Introducing Apollos) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jul 29, 2024

    Many struggle with what we should be doing today. We wrestle with not reading the word, not praying, or even not sharing Jesus. Then, fear takes over and we choose to hibernate rather than being bold. So, ask yourself, are we willing to just do what God has told us to do? Apollos was!

    To the Ends of the Earth, Part 28 Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus (Introducing Apollos) Acts 18:24-28 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth” -- Last week, we saw Paul’s ministry in Corinth – spent 18 months there -- Paul was faithful to God’s more

  • Word In Ephesus Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 10, 2021

    The above incident brought notable honour to the name of Jesus. There was a high regard for the message of Jesus Christ among the Jews and Greeks in Ephesus. A revival took place in that City.

    Acts 19:13-22 God Established his Word in Ephesus 19:13-16 Inter Personal Relationship with Saviour 19:17-20 Revival at Ephesus 19:21-22 Paul’s desire to reach Rome Acts 19:13-16 Inter-Personal Relationship with Saviour For the first time, we see that some people misusing the name of Jesus and more

  • The Fog Of War - Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Aug 16, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual Warfare - God's Armor 1. The Battle is Real 2. God's Defensive Weapons 3. God's Offensive Weapons

    Scripture: Ephesians 6:10 - 20 Theme: Spiritual Warfare Title: The Fog of Spiritual Warfare INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father and from Jesus Christ, our Savior and LORD who came to take away the sin of the world and grant us Abundant Life! Have you ever heard of the name - Carl more

  • Demetrius And The Riot In Ephesus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 15, 2017

    Luke had one more story to tell of Paul’s time spent in Ephesus, before he could begin the narrative of Paul’s third missionary journey. He could not leave Ephesus without relating the story of the silversmiths’ riot. The fact that it was a good story..

    September 27, 2015 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.D.3.h: Demetrius and the Riot in Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41) Acts 19:23-41 (KJV) 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that more