
Summary: Many struggle with what we should be doing today. We wrestle with not reading the word, not praying, or even not sharing Jesus. Then, fear takes over and we choose to hibernate rather than being bold. So, ask yourself, are we willing to just do what God has told us to do? Apollos was!

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 28

Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus (Introducing Apollos)

Acts 18:24-28


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week, we saw Paul’s ministry in Corinth – spent 18 months there

-- Paul was faithful to God’s calling because He knew what Jesus did for him!

-- He also knew what Jesus could do for these people who also needed Him!

-- Maybe we just need to get out of our own way and let God be God?

- Today, I’d like to take a quick look at a man named Apollos

-- Truly, if ever there was an example of a regular guy, Apollos is just that

-- FACT: Apollos was a man who hungered to know God; and share him openly

- Read Acts 18:24-28 / Pray

- Background: Ephesus was at the center of trade in Asia, major port/location

-- It contained one of the seven wonders of the world: Temple of Artemis (picture)

-- The church at Ephesus had a small beginning – consisted of only 12 followers

-- They were won to the Lord by Apollos – but they lacked one critical truth

- They had no knowledge that Jesus had been resurrected and ascended to Heaven

-- Therefore, they were unaware of the Holy Spirit being available to them!

- Paul’s spent 2 years in Ephesus, and it begins with this simple story …

Point 1 – Apollos, a man who needed God’s truth

- Apollos was a man who faithfully worked to share the Gospel

• He was a Jew – originally born in Alexandria

• Was educated in Jewish religion, philosophy, scripture, and history

• Somewhere he encountered John the Baptist – now he taught his teachings

• RE: What was John’s ministry? “Baptism of Repentance” (see below)

- Ref: John 1:26-28, “John told them, “I baptize with water, but right here in the crowd is someone you do not recognize. Though his ministry follows mine, I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandal.” This encounter took place in Bethany, an area east of the Jordan River, where John was baptizing.”

-- Meaning: All he knew was the message of repentance that was needed

- BIG: Apollos was missing part of the truth – the death & resurrection of Jesus

-- APP: It shows us the importance of knowing the whole story (more later)

- Know this: Apollos was a strong disciple, with zeal and passion for the Gospel

-- GR: zeon; fervent; passionate; burning

-- Once he got a hold of the whole truth, he became a one-man preaching machine!

- Don’t miss: Who told him the truth? Priscilla and Aquila (v26)

-- Wife and husband team, dedicated to the Gospel and able to share openly

-- Free: Notice who is listed first (the wife), she is shown to be more prominent …

-- This means they had to hear what he said, and were able to share the truth

-- They were willing to share the Gospel evidence; which enhanced his ministry

-- Paul’s ministry brought in Priscilla & Aquila (v1), they brought along Apollos

- What Apollos lacked was the whole story: he needed educating (we all do)

-- 2 Tim 2:15, “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.”

-- Challenge: Do we study Scripture for ourselves to be ready to teach others?

-- Are we prepared to correct partial (or even false) doctrine when we hear it?

- TR: Once Apollos had the whole story …

Point 2 – He became a man who faithfully shared the Gospel message

- Apollos asked the church to send him to Achaia (v27) to preach further/more

-- Why? Again, he was a man who was diligent about the work of the Gospel

-- GR: akribos; carefully, accurately – refers to how he worked (diligent)

-- He was a man who knew he needed to continue preaching; continue growing

- But … what can we learn about his ministry for our own application?

1. He taught what he knew

- Before, he only knew the message that John had showed him

-- He studied and weighed the scriptures; taught they revealed a Messiah to come

-- Then he met John & preached that repentance was required of all men / women

- But he wasn’t a topical preacher – he preached on all subjects (refuted Jews v28)

-- GR: diakatelegchomai; to completely refute, rebuke, correct

-- This is key: he did not twist the scriptures – he was not adding his own spin

-- Why does this matter? Because the truth of Christ is always the same!

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