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  • The Organization Jesus Built Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 16, 2014

    This is the second sermon in our "Jesus Built" Series. It examines the pattern that we have in scripture of the organization of Jesus church, universal and local,and talks about how changes in the organization lead to apostasy

    INTRODUCTION The New Testament provides a pattern that was followed by the early church. They followed what the Apostles gave them in their teaching and writings. The Jerusalem church gives us an example of this. We are told in Acts 2:42 that these Christians “continued steadfastly in the more

  • Judge Nothing Before It's Time Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 18, 2014

    1) How one should Judge (1 Corinthians 4:1), 2) What is Required to Judge (1 Corinthians 4:2), and 3) Who should Pass Judgment (1 Corinthians 4:3-4)

    For those in the public light, they often describe their existence as living in a fish bowl. They often mention how they are constantly judged by tabloid journalism about their weight, look, who they are dating, and just about every aspect of their lives. As people reflected on the spiraling train more

  • Sheep Without A Shepherd

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 24, 2014

    To show that shepherds need to act like associates of the LORD. Sheeps are helpless and wandered because of the fault and problem with shepherd.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a good shepherd who is an associate of the LORD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that shepherds need to act like associates of the LORD. Sheeps are helpless and wandered because of the fault and problem with shepherd. IV. TEXT: Matthew 9:36 more

  • Turning Problems Into Opportunities Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 5, 2014

    The church turns problems into opportunities when it meet needs, by mobilizing people, so leaders can maintain the priority of prayer and the Word.

    Some time ago, wolves were picking off the livestock of ranchers at an alarming rate, so the state offered a bounty of $5,000 for every wolf killed. It turned Sam and Jed into fortune hunters. Day and night they searched the mountains and forests looking for their valuable prey. Exhausted one more

  • The Space Between (A Summary Of 8 Years As An Army Chaplain)

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Dec 12, 2014

    Originally in written when I was a Chaplain (Captain) on Active Duty

    In my eight years as a U.S. Army chaplain, the Lord has helped me shorten the space between my warriors, their families, and God. This has been regardless of gender / sexual orientation, race / ethnicity, temperament / personal attributes or impairments, cultural, age or religion. This reminds me more

  • Dealing With The Preacher-Eaters

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sons of Diotrephes will arise among the churches. The people of God are responsible to recognise their presence and to expose their evil work.

    “I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority. So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, talking wicked nonsense against us. And not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers, and also stops those who more

  • Elders And Deacons

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Sep 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The New Testament provides instruction on how the Lord wants His Church to be governed. Two offices are to be found in each mature congregation - Elders and Deacons. This is a brief look at these two offices.

    1. When Paul wrote his Letter to the congregation at Philippi, he addressed it to “all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, including the overseers and deacons” (Philippians 1:1). This verse (with others from the New Testament) indicate that when completely and Scripturally more

  • A Faithful Saying-3

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 11, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul is going to be giving his young preacher boys some topics that they should preach on, these topics had been and should be preached on time and time again, so much they had become sayings, just like we have sayings.

    Faithful Saying-Paul is going to be giving his young preacher boys some topics that they should preach on, these topics had been and should be preached on time and time again, so much they had become sayings, just like we have sayings. Third Saying-Titus 3:8-This is a faithful saying, and these more

  • The Overseer’s Fitness-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    2 of 6. Paul related the moral qualifications for an overseer of the Church. Character traits for overseers of the church are definitive. ?How is his fitness determined? An overseer’s fitness is decided by his...

    The OVERSEER’s FITNESS-II—1Timothy 3:1-7 Attention: This election year, Americans will decide generally whether they want more Federal control or more State control. We want our country to remain the powerhouse for freedom which it has always been since its founding. We want it to maintain its more

  • A Faithful Saying-5

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 26, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    You preachers only work one day a week....Lol

    Faithful Saying-Paul is going to be giving his young preacher boys some topics that they should preach on, these topics had been and should be preached on time and time again, so much they had become sayings, just like we have sayings. 1 Tim 3:1-7-This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the more

  • Lessons On Titus: Lesson 1: Salutation (1:1–4) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 5, 2018

    The salutation to Titus is actually a compact doctrinal statement, which lifts up “His word” as the source of the truth that reveals the way to eternal life (1:1–4).

    THE EPISTLE TO TITUS Introduction “This is a short epistle, but it contains such a quintessence of Christian doctrine, and is composed in such a masterly manner, that it contains all that is needful for Christian knowledge and life.” —Martin Luther I. Unique Place in the Bible Titus consists more

  • What Is Your Calling? (Part 5) Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Do you really have God’s call upon your life? If so, what has He disclosed to you? What are you doing about it? Have you consulted your mentor or pastor about it? Are you completely captivated by God?

    Opening Illustration: Narrative of how my call came about. Introduction: In the focus text, Samuel lives in a precarious time when “the word of the LORD was rare” (verse 1). This is a continuation of the problem at the end of book of Judges where “all the people did what was more

  • What Is The Church Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Nov 20, 2019

    Explaining how the church is the outward expression of the beginning of our eternal life with Jesus. It deals with "newborn Christians" as well as some of the leadership in the church

    What is the Church Christianity 101 Series CCCAG October 27th, 2019 The video that we just watch is going to frame our lesson for this morning in our Christianity 101 series - what is the church? Since the church is God’s idea and should be done in God’s will and HIS purpose, let’s start off by more

  • Keep The Fire Burning

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jul 24, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God provides the fire, but it's up to us to keep it burning.

    KEEP THE FIRE BURNING Text: Lev. 6:8-13 Introduction 1. Illustration: A U.S. Lutheran bishop tells of visiting a parish church in California and finding a stirring red and orange banner on the wall. "Come Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!" it declared in words printed under a picture of a fire more

  • What Do Your Eyes See Or Glance At? Series

    Contributed by Isaiah Banjo on Nov 30, 2020

    Many homes have been destroyed by lack of restraint in sharing information about what they see publicly. There are things meant only for private consumption. You do not expose your secrets to a third party but keep it within your hearts.

    Let me start by telling you an interesting and funny piece about some pastors titled, “PASTORS’ PERSONAL PROBLEMS (PPP)” A renowned pastor in diaspora held a crusade and invited two other top preachers from two different countries. After the crusade, the three pastors shared their experiences more

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