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  • Survival Mode

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Feb 26, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    An attitude of just getting by has crept into too many congregations and evangelism has suffered as a result.

    Scripture: 2 Kings 7:1 – Title: “Survival Mode” Introduction: Let me start by Re - Stating the vision God gave me for this church many years ago, “I’m Doing An Unlikely Work, In An Unlikely Place, With An Unlikely People!” • God hasn’t changed! / When God says it, He will bring it to more

  • The Mode Of Baptism

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 20, 2022

    What does the Bible mandate about the mode of baptism?

    Eisegesis is a bad way to read the Bible. It means to read into the text things that are actually not there at all. One common example is reading that Jesus came up out of the water after being immersed. The text simply does not say that at all. “So Jesus was baptized. And as soon as he came out more

  • Survival Mode Series

    Contributed by Davd Willard on Feb 16, 2022

    What is Survival Mode? It is overcoming with the help of the Lord. It is doing extraordinary things with what you have.

    2022-01-23: Survival Mode What is Survival Mode? It can be described as flight or fight. Hoarding toilet paper. Storing months of food. Maybe some words come to mind: “Batten down the hatches, Circle the wagons, get in close formation, When covid hit and we got ejected from our school. We more

  • The Biblical Mode Of Baptism Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on May 21, 2011

    Does the mode of baptism matter? If Scripture is our guide, how we are baptised, as well as why we are baptised, is extremely important.

    “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule more

  • Prayer Mode. Opportunities.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jul 18, 2021

    Living in prayer mode is the difference between seeing coincidences and providences. Prayer has a way of helping us recognize that what we might dismiss as human accidents are really divine appointments.

    Prayer Mode. Opportunities. Jeremiah 46:17. Living in a prayer mode means your spiritual antenna is up and your radar is on. In fact the Aramaic word for prayer is slotha, means to set a trap. Prayer helps us catch the opportunities God throws our way. My trap is loaded, is yours? Living in more

  • Qm (Quiet Mode)

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 25, 2014

    Faith trusts God when God is silent... especially in a noisy world.

    Title: QM (Quiet Mode) Text: Exodus 1:8-2:10 Thesis: Faith trusts God when God is quiet… especially in a noisy world. Back Story This is the story of the enslavement of the Israelites and the birth of Moses. Exodus 12:40-41 states: “The people of Israel lived in Egypt for 430 years. more

  • God In Quiet Mode

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Sep 17, 2014

    Sometimes and more often than not God is at work in quiet mode.

    “God in Quiet Mode” Exodus 1:8-2:10 Many centuries ago, Isaiah declared, 1."Truly, you are a God who hides himself, O God of Israel, the Savior" (Isaiah 45:15). • Since then, many people in every generation have had this thought. God does not more

  • Party On

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on May 8, 2008

    John chapter 2

    Party On! The Miracle at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee - John 2 Intro: This morning, if you have your Bibles, turn with me to the gospel of John, chapter 2. Last week we began our study of John’s gospel. We saw his purpose in 20:30-31 - Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence more

  • The Party Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    THe reaction to Lazarus rising from the dead.

    The party John 11: 47- 57 I heard an interesting story last week. Apparently this pastor had just finished his message, said the closing prayer and went to the door to greet everyone and thank them for coming and of course to hear what they had to say more

  • A Party To End All Parties

    Contributed by Matthew Doebler on Apr 30, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    Ever wonder how you get into heaven and what it will be like. Jesus helps keep our focus on it by reminding us of these things.

    May 4 A Party to End All Parties! When my Grandpa died, we shed some tears. But he had been sick off and on for so long that his passing was a bit of a relief. Besides that, his funeral was the first time that many of our family had been together for years. So, as soon as the funeral dinner more

  • A Party Pooper At The Party For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Oct 20, 2021

    This message deals with a dinner party held in honour of Jesus shortly before his death. Both the host of the party, Simon the Leper, and also Judas were not gracious about some of what went on.

    A PARTY-POOPER AT A PARTY FOR JESUS John 12:1-11 Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ August 08, 2021https: // INTRODUCTION: 1.) Have you ever been all excited about an upcoming party, and really looking forward to it? 2.) What if when you got to the party it wasn’t more

  • Place Yourself On The Manual Mode

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Dec 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God calls us into His harvest. If you are living in isolation from the world and the only friends you have are in your comfortable bible study, Wednesday night church get-togethers, Sunday school, Christian picnics you will never experience the joy of sha

    Place yourself on the Manual mode Rev. Allan Kircher Now I’m old enough to remember when the cars sold were all manual. Manual brakes, manual transmission, manual locks, manual radio—you had to turn a knob to search for a radio station. Manual air conditioning—roll down the windows. I used to more

  • Four Men And Three Modes

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Sep 7, 2012

    What does it take in each individual Christian to cause him or her to make a difference? Here are four good examples.

    Four Men and Three Modes Luke 5:16-26 The scene is in Capernaum about 20 miles from where Jesus performs His first miracle in Cana. By now Jesus had performed six miracles all in this same region near Galilee. See: Luke 5:15 so much more went there a fame abroad of Him… Vs.17 There are more

  • "Join The Party"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 10, 2013

    A sermon about the all-inclusive love of God.

    Luke 15:1-32 "Join the Party" Before Cody Huff joined a Church in Las Vegas, he was sleeping in an open field next to the church. One day, some people from the church were handing out sandwiches where Cody slept, and they told him he could get a shower in the Church building. The last place more

  • The Party's Over!

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    When the party is over, the work begins!

    THE PARTY’S OVER! INTRO.- What party? It might have been that New Year’s eve party. Did you have one? If so, what did you do? Eat food? Play games? Watch TV? Watch some movies? Laugh? Talk? Enjoy one another’s company? I hope that whatever you did, you enjoyed yourself. God does provides us more

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