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  • What Time Is It?

    Contributed by Gregory Lilly on Jan 29, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    Life is comprised of small particles of time, what we do with these particles either makes life valuable or wasted. What are you doing with your life?

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Introduction: In our text, Solomon gives us 28 examples of segments of time. Life is comprised of small particles of time, with each particle being filled by some action or activity. Solomon shares, beginning in verse 1, that there's a more

  • Elohim: The God Of Dna, Galaxies, Nature, & The Higgs-Boson Particle Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jul 20, 2022

    Throughout the scriptures God invites us to inquire of Him and learn about Him. That is really the main goal of God on Earth, is that we would turn to Him, and be curious about Him, and seek to know Him, and then understand how to know Him

    Throughout the scriptures God invites us to inquire of Him and learn about Him. That is really the main goal of God on Earth, is that we would turn to Him, and be curious about Him, and seek to know Him, and then understand how to know Him, then to enter into His presence, and receive a new more

  • Sermon On Broken Fragments

    Contributed by William Meakin on May 13, 2023

    Broken fragments have been defined as small particles that have become detached from something larger or whole.

    Eva Ashwood, a female author of several novels once remarked: “There’s nothing wrong with being broken. Some things aren’t meant to be whole. And some things don’t need to be fixed. Some things are broken and aren’t meant to be fixed. But that doesn’t mean they’re fine the way they are. It just more

  • The Wonders Of His Creations

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Nov 14, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    This world is not random; it is not meaningless! Each part and particle of this creation has a divinely ordained purpose! And that gives your life meaning! Have you seen God’s love demonstrated through creation?

    To Him who alone does great wonders, for His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:4 This world is not random; it is not meaningless! Each part and particle of this creation has a divinely ordained purpose! And that gives your life meaning! Have you seen God’s love demonstrated through creation? We more

  • God Is In Control Of You? Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 30, 2014

    One famous preacher in history stated that, "that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes.” Meaning that God controls EVERYTHING. Period. Is that true? Let's examine the Scriptures together.

    Is God in control of you? I mean, right now! Is He in control of you? There are people who believe that, yes, it is all God’s doing. Charles Spurgeon said, “I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God more

  • Scientific Accuracy Of The Bible Series

    Contributed by John Wright on Mar 19, 2010

    The scientific accuracy of the bible proves it to come from God and to also prove the bible to be more important and superior than all other books and here we will discuss the scientific necessity for chemical substances to be measured in exact proportion

    INTRODUCTION 1. Please open your bible to Isaiah 40:12. 2. Katherine Noble, a staff writer for the Daily Texan Austin, Texas Paper wrote Tuesday, March 9, 2010 UTSA atheist group receives widespread attention for its ‘smut’ exchange. The fourth annual “Smut for Smut” more

  • The Scientific Accuracy Of The Bible Proves It To Be Superio! #3 Series

    Contributed by John Wright on Mar 8, 2010

    Texas University students are refering to the bible as "smut" and a material on equal plane with pornography and yet Gen. 1:9&10 and Job 36:27&28 contain scientific truths that prove that the bible is from God and superior and more importantat than all ot

    INTRODUCTION 1. Open your bible, please, to Genesis 1:9,10. 2. Do you have a definition for the word “smut”? What is your definition? 3. Webster’s New College Edition has the following definitions: (1) to stain, taint, or affect a crop or plant with smut. (2) soot that more

  • You Have A Soul

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 22, 2022

    New research findings in Science and Medicine now support the Bible's statement that we have a soul, not just a body. People must know this so they can make correct decisions about where they will spend eternity.

    YOU HAVE A SOUL OPENING ILLUSTRATION Get 4 kids to front. Turn off lights. Shine flashlights thru hands. You can see the bones inside the skin. “WE HAVE SOMETHING INSIDE!” We know this also because of Xrays and ultrasounds. But today I want to talk about something else we have inside: a SOUL & more

  • Moving Toward Spiritual Discernment-9

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 2, 2021

    9 of ? The apostle John sheds light on the need for Spiritual Discernment in the Church. Spiritual Discernment is a necessity in the Church. But How is it to be achieved/accomplished? Moving(yourself, the Church, & others) toward spiritual discernment recognizes...

    MOVING TOWARD SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT-IX —1John 3:19-24(3:10--4:21) Attention: We were at St. Andrew’s State Park/The park is the far-end of a peninsular barrier on Florida’s Gulf Coast just across St. Andrew’s Bay from Panama City/Our family was walking on the beach barefooted on summer a good while more

  • The "rock And Wave" Of Evangelism

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Feb 24, 2024

    Jesus did not behave the same in every situation. Sometimes, he stood like a "rock" and other times he disrupted like a "wave." This is a short explanation of two ways in which we can be impactful in a way that brings others closer to Christ to the glory of God the Father.

    What is the rock and wave of evangelism? This is a framework of how to function as light in a world of darkness. Jesus told his followers that “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) Let’s take a deeper dive into that: 14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be more

  • The Greatest Sustainer Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 15, 2021

    Jesus has the whole universe in His hands, and if He should let go and cease to sustain it, it would collapse into a massive heap of rubble, and then fade into extinction.

    Anne Graham Lotz in her book Just Give Me Jesus tells of her father Billy Graham being given a watch by a friend, and after some time it stopped working. His wife took it to a jewelry store to get it fixed, but they could not do it. She took it to several and they all said it could not be fixed. more

  • The Nuclear Family Under Attack Series

    Contributed by Keith Peters on Jul 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Uses the analogy of nuclear fission to describe the attack on the family.

    The Nuclear Family under attack If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Ps. 11 REFLECTION: Our God is a God of intense and intentional design. When we tinker or actually violate those designs, the effect is often catastrophic. In Psalm 11, David asked the same more

  • The Body Of Christ-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 16, 2020

    2 of 7. The apostle Paul maintained the significance of the Church's being the Body of Christ. What is exhibited by that entity known as the Body of Christ? The Body of Christ exhibits...

    The BODY Of CHRIST-II—1Corinthians 12:12-31 Attention: Sour Cream Pound Cake from: The Pirate’s House Cookbook(1982) 1 C Butter 3 C Sugar 6 Eggs 3 C Sifted Flour(White Lily is best) 1 C Sour Cream ½ tsp. Baking Soda 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract ½ tsp. Almond Extract Have butter & eggs at more

  • The Parable Of The Pencil Series

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Jan 2, 2022

    (Distribute pencils to congregation). This morning I have a present for you on this first Sunday of the New Year. I hope you will use it regularly this year.

    As preached 1/2/2022 at First Church Of God Homer: "THE PARABLE OF THE PENCIL" “Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” Proverbs 7:2-3 NIV Pencils are made by two wooden halves more

  • Maintaining God’s Intent For Marriage(& Singleness)-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 22, 2019

    7 of ?. Paul answered the inquiries & clarified the concerns of the Corinthian Christians regarding marriage. How are Christians to maintain God’s intent for marriage? Maintaining God’s intent for marriage(& singleness) demands a concentration upon...

    MAINTAINING GOD’s INTENT For MARRIAGE(& Singleness)-VII— 1Corinthians 7:1-9 (Making Marriage(& singleness) Worthy of its Creator) Attention: For the first time, I saw a glimpse of just how Pharisaical I had been as a husband. I had not washed my bride with the water of God’s word. Rather, more

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