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  • Living Together In Obedience Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Henes on Jun 23, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Paul gives us two requirements for living together in obedience to God.

    LIVING TOGETHER IN OBEDIENCE Philippians 2:12-18 INTRODUCTION A. Sometimes we set the course, but we need to allow God to be the unchangeable standard that we obey: 1. Lighthouse illustration: The captain of the ship looked into the dark night and saw faint lights in the distance. Immediately more

  • Experience, Obedience, Fulfillment Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 6, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    As the conclusion of a series on the "Experiencing God" discipleship course, and for Christ the King Sunday and a stewardship emphasis. The only way one can experience God is to obey Him and wait for the grace of fulfillment.

    The time comes when it is no longer good enough to know about something; you want to experience it directly. The moment comes when it just does not satisfy to have only an arm’s length relationship to something. The only thing that will satisfy is a first-hand, up close and personal, immediate more

  • Obedience To His Commands

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Mar 17, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    We need to obey Jesus.

    Obedience to His Commandments 1st John 2:3-6 Jeff Hughes I. Introduction a. By way of introduction, let’s briefly look at the five verses we studied last time. b. First, we looked at the deception of sin, we looked at the deception of saying we don’t have a sin nature, and the deception of saying more

  • Undertanding Above Obedience

    Contributed by Patrick Lane on Jan 16, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    John the Baptizer’s call for repentance calls us to live the live we already know.

    As I reminisce on Christmas this year a few movies come to mind. It’s a wonderful life, miracle on 34th street; a Christmas story is my favorite. Another favorite is the edited version of Christmas Vacation. That movie is full of hilarious scenes and the one I believe to be my favorite changes more

  • Blessings Through Obedience

    Contributed by David Cambridge on Aug 3, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    This lesson aims to demonstrate the distinction between ’works’ and ’obedience.’ We certainly cannot earn our salvation but OBEDIENCE is necessary.

    Blessings Through Obedience Introduction 1. On the one hand, the Scriptures teach that we are saved by faith, not by works: "8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9) 2. On the more

  • Obedience: Key To Authority

    Contributed by Ed Mcneely on Aug 5, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    God delegates authority to those who are faithful to his call. He also empowers those to whom he delegates authority to represent him.

    OBEDIENCE: THE KEY TO AUTHORITY 8-4-02 I Samuel 8 & 17(Selected verses) Today, we want to look at David through his experiences with Saul… and through the eyes of God. Our purpose is to see… · What God looks for · What measure he uses, and · How he prepares us for what he wants us to do. We pick more

  • First Act Of Obedience Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Apr 27, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Once we believe and accept Jesus, there is an act that is to follow; do you know what it is?

    First Act of Obedience April 28, 2001 What is the first act of obedience to God supposed to be? Do you know what you’re meant to do as a first expression of your deepest gratitude to God when you accept free salvation and grace given to you through Jesus Christ? Do you know that you are supposed more

  • The Proof Of An Obedient Life Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on May 25, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    The fact of our new life is proven by the way we live our lives.

     Today we continue discuss John’s concern that believers discover how to maintain unbroken fellowship with Christ. It is the secret to living a dynamic Christian life. If anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink….out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water(JN 7:37-38) ’This more

  • God's Measure Of Obedience

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 10, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Discover how God measures our obedience, and discover what a compliment He gives to us.

    First John was written to counter the lies that crept into the church by 90 AD. These lies, we saw, are still present and so the responses John wrote almost 2000 years ago are quite applicable to us today. The first lie John dealt with is the lie that a right and healthy relationship with God more

  • Commitment: The Rewards Of Obedience

    Contributed by Chris Mason on Sep 24, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    Every day that we have, is a gift from God and that should be enough! However God has more in store for those who will be obedient to Him.

    INTRODUCTION Imagine, if you will, that you work for a company whose president found it necessary to travel out of the country and spend an extended period of time abroad. So he says to you and the other trusted employees, "Look, I’m going to leave. And while I’m gone, I want you to pay close more

  • Seed, Harvest, Obedience

    Contributed by Ernest Thomas on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Walking in Gods higest and best by planting the Harvest.

    Seed, Harvest and Obedience Rev. E.C. Thomas, D.D. Text: Genesis 8:21-22 Topic: The 5th Season Biblically according to spiritual laws that man has incorporated to natural laws seed has the ability to reproduce after its kind. In the beginning God commanded man, beast, and all living more

  • Noah: The Consequence Of Obedience

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Nov 20, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Experience the consequence of obedience to God

    Sometime ago, I received an email titled, “Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah’s Ark.” Here are some of the lessons noted: 1. Don’t miss the boat. 2. Remember that we are all in the same boat. 3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. 4. Stay fit. When you’re 60 more

  • The Call Of God To Obedience Series

    Contributed by Alfredo Torres on Jul 15, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    The call of god to Abraham to offer Isaac as burnt offering

    TEXT: Genesis 22: 1-14 THEME: The Call to OBEY God (The proofs of the Obedience of Abraham to the CALL of God). Proposition: Every believer must obey the call of God in their life. Transitional Sentence: Every believer MUST obey the call of God in their life as seen in the example of Abraham’s more

  • Obedience Thru Adversity Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 13, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Job’s obedience in adversity is a good template for how we are to be obedient even when life and the Enemy tries to tear us down!

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: October 13, 2007 Date Preached: January 21, 2007 Church: OZHBC (AM) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series Title: Living a Life of Obedience Sermon Title: Obedience in Adversity! Sermon Text: Job 1:12-19 (NASB) 12 Then the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is more

  • Does Obedience Matter? Series

    Contributed by Darryl Klassen on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Gideon’s life of faith began with tearing down idols and obeying the true God. What are the consequences of changing your life so radically?

    DOES OBEDIENCE MATTER? Does obedience matter? Sometimes you have to wonder if it does. When you look around and see others bending the rules or ignoring them altogether, obedience doesn’t look that necessary. This week I witnessed the sad reality of our blatant disregard for authority and more

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