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  • Do Not Be Deceived Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Mar 6, 2012

    Do not be deceived by the subtle devices of satan!

    Do not be deceived……. 1 Corinthians 6:9”Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived….” We talk a lot about Eve being deceived by the serpent in the garden of Eden through sugary words and smooth talk, but let me tell more

  • What's Wrong With Halloween?

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    This sermon looks at the occultic practices found in Halloween and why the Christian should not participate in it.

    "What’s Wrong with Halloween?" (Eph 5:11-17 & Deut 18:9-12) INTRODUCTION - Many Christians will allow and even encourage their children to pay respect to the devil on October 31 WITHOUT REALLY KNOWING IT! - The question many Christians ask, "What’s wrong with Halloween?" - I hope to be able more

  • Communion Meditation 1

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Oct 6, 2014
    based on 1 rating


    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • Jonah And The Call Of God! Series

    Contributed by Victor Ramlall on May 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The call to the ministry requires that the minister respects the commission and instructions of the One who has called him and not allow himself the luxury of picking and choosing what he wants to do and where he wants to do it or what he does not want to

    Jonah is recognized as a prophet of God. Jonah already has a definite ministry. 2Kings 14:25 He restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai, more

  • The Life Of Abraham, Part 4: Abraham Meets Melchizedek Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 7, 2014

    Just who is this mysterious Melchizedek?

    The Life of Abraham, Part 4: Abraham Meets Melchizedek Genesis 14:1-24 Introduction In the last lesson, we were met with the ominous words that the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked before the LORD. Yet Lot chose to live in a house there rather than pitch his tent on the backside of the more

  • A Deeper Look @ V12-13 – Description Of False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Aug 18, 2014

    Going deeper... looking at v12-13

    Sermon Brief Date Written: Aug 19, 2014 Date Preached: Aug 20, 2014 Where Preached: OPBC (Wed - PM) Sermon Details: Series Title: A Deeper Look: Key Verses Sermon Title: Sermon Text: Jude 1:12-13 [ESV] Introduction: Several weeks ago we had reached v8-11 and we had learned what Jude had more

  • Baptism And The Lord's Supper Series

    Contributed by John Stackhouse on Aug 22, 2016

    The 12th and 13th Articles of the Church of the Nazarene covers the two sacraments recognized by the COTN.

    This morning, we will look at the next two of our Articles of Faith. First, we will look at the twelfth Article of Faith, which is: XII. Baptism Here is the description of this 12th tenet of our faith: We believe that Christian baptism, commanded by our Lord, is a sacrament signifying more

  • The Very End Of The End- Its All Over!

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The great controversy between God and Satan in a nutshell.

    In the following verse, Babylon, meaning "confusion" is symbolic of religiously confused people who would live at the end of time when Jesus returns. Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye more

  • Your Final Destiny Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Aug 31, 2015

    Our faithfulness in the Christian life determines our reward when we rule and reign with Jesus in His Kingdom.

    Your Final Destiny In the book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey gives a very important principles for a successful life. Principle #2 is "Begin with the End in Mind." That’s very good advice for Christians who desire to please the Lord. We will one day give an account more

  • Miracle Bread

    Contributed by David Roth on Oct 16, 2015

    Proper 15 (b) Jeus is the Bread of Life which has come down from heaven. He comes down as the manna did, sustaining us and living us life.

    John 6:51-69 J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Miracle Bread” Today we reach the conclusion of Jesus discourse that He is the Bread of Life. We have seen how the Jews asked more

  • If You Love God: You Must Learn To Love To Service Series

    Contributed by John Dixon on Feb 14, 2016

    what is required of a Christian in Service to God

    If You Love God: You must Learn To Love To Service Christians are "saved to serve." Their service is a result of their salvation. Service should be an expression of gratitude that others should experience salvation but not all the saved serve as they ought. Paul uses the Isthmian Games to more

  • The Submissive Sovereign

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 27, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    While in the Upper Room, just hours prior to the Crucifixion, Jesus humbled Himself, assuming the position of a slave to wash the disciples' feet. Although He knew their hearts, He washed the feet of each one.

    The Submissive Sovereign John 13: 1-5 I am well aware that all Scripture was given by inspiration of God, through the Holy Spirit for our benefit; but this is one of those passages that almost seems too holy for mere mortals to impose upon. Our Lord is in his last hours upon this earth. Very soon more

  • Memorials

    Contributed by Robert Webb on May 29, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians have a Memorial Day each and every first day of the week. “Do this in remembrance of me” The Lord’s Supper is a memorial that allows us to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.

    Remembering is so very important. There are people, places and events that we remember. We leave ourselves reminder notes to help us remember to get things done on time. A man was working in his backyard one day, when his neighbor began talking to him over the fence. He said, "Yeah, my wife and I more

  • Oh Ye Of Little Faith

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    If there ever was a time that we need to be focused on God, now would be that time! Take the measure of faith you have been given and be a light in the darkness!

    Oh ye of little faith! Where to begin? First of all to the church, what has happened to our faith? The endless news cycle, would have us once again believe it’s the end of the world. The crisis of the hour never gets wasted, or not taken advantage of. Is the the corona virus real? Yes. Is the more

  • Claiming To Be Christian And Celebrating Halloween Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 18, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    October 31st is the Halloween the biggest occultic pagan satanic holy day where Satan is the author of Halloween.

    Children and many young people disguise themselves, paint their faces, dress up in ugly scary costumes, and go door to door collecting treats or candy and playing tricks on people , and the adults often decorate their houses with ghostly figures, Cobwebs, carve scary faces on pumpkins, and put more

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