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  • Our Resurrection

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Apr 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    While our souls do indeed go to heaven when we die, this is by no means the end of it. The ultimate goal is the resurrection. This is what scripture teaches. Why has the church drifted from this teaching? This sermon seeks to answer that as well as

    Sometimes, In these later years especially, I think that we Christians have spiritualized what we believe a little too much. What I mean when I say that is that we look at the promises of God only insofar as they have to do with our spirits, or our souls. For example, when you think of your more

  • Jesus And Our Resurrection! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Mar 2, 2021

    What's the greatest event of all-time? The Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Listen why!

    Have you ever been to an Easter Pageant? In the past, SouthEast Christian Church has attracted crowds of 80,000. I remember a small community of churches came together to put on a local Easter Pageant. The director searched hard to find the right persons and had auditions to be the best. The more

  • Christ's Resurrection Assures Our Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In this lesson we learn that because Christ has been raised from the dead, Christians must be raised from the dead because of their relationship to Christ.

    Scripture We continue our study in The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians in a series I am calling Challenges Christians Face. One of the challenges that Christians face is the issue of what happens to us when we die. Let’s learn about this in a message I am calling, more

  • Sadducees Challenge The Reality Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Nov 2, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Understanding our resurrection

    Devotion Weekly Message November 10, 2019 Luke 20:27-38 Sadducees Challenge Reality Resurrection Sermon Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I stand before Your people, to deliver Your message. Though the words are mine and I prepared this message, I pray that this message is Your message in its more

  • The Sure Hope Of Our Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 6, 2022

    Paul argues for the resurrection of the dead because Christ has been raised. He lists the implications of Christ not being raised and then of Christ being raised.

    Last week we read how Paul reiterated the message of the Gospel and the certainty of Christ’s resurrection. • He has to re-emphasize that because among the Corinthians was a group of believers who denied the resurrection of the dead. • They were the arrogant troublemakers who were immature but more

  • The Supreme Fact

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Apr 5, 2021

    Jesus' resurrection is the supreme fact in history and the supreme fact for every believer.

    INTRODUCTION I’d like to start by telling you a bit about the time in my life after I became a Christian. I became a Christian when I was about ten. For a few years life went on much as before. Then I went on to secondary school. It was a private boarding school. When I started it was an more

  • The Resurrection Of Humanity

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Apr 28, 2017

    Jesus is the First Born from the dead; raised in a glorified body. Every human from Adam onward will also be raised from the dead. What will our bodies be like? What do the Scriptures say?

    Colossians 1:15-23 (please open your Bibles as we read this passage) The entire gospel is based on the fact that Jesus was and is the one and only Son of God who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried and rose again from the dead for our salvation. And, last Sunday was a more

  • Messages From Our Resurrected Lord Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 224 ratings

    Expository sermon concerning messages Jesus spoke to His disciples: (1)Peace be with you (2)I am sending you (3)Stop doubting and believe. Used video clip from "The Inn of Sixth Happiness" to illustrate being sent.

    Messages from our Resurrected Lord Fortifying the Foundation # 45 John 20:19-31[1] 8-29-04 Come with me this morning to a small house in the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The sun is setting as the first Easter day is coming to a close[2]. Some of Jesus’ closest followers have huddled more

  • What Our Resurrected Bodies Will Be Like

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 23, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Fortunately for us the Bible gives us a very clear picture what our resurrected bodies will be like.

    WHAT OUR RESURRECTED BODIES WILL BE LIKE 36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, "Peace to you." 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do doubts more

  • Facts About Our Resurrection Body

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Nov 20, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    At the Rapture, the dead in Christ shall rise first and then those who are alive shall be instantly changed. How will New Testament believers who have slept (or physically died) be raised? What is the resurrection body like at the Rapture?

    Intro: Because Jesus rose from the dead, we shall live also (John 11:25-26). All true Christians wait for the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Thess. 4:15-18). At the Rapture, the dead in Christ shall rise first and then those who are alive shall be instantly changed (I Cor. more

  • I Believe... In The Resurrection Of The Body Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Nov 23, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    Our resurrection

    I believe in… the resurrection of the body WBC 25/11/01 pm I Cor 15:35-57 This is a fascinating part of the creed = not talking about the resurrection of Jesus’ body - we’ve already conveyed belief in that - sure, His resurrection is/was the prototype for ours (so linked in that way) = talking more

  • Our Resurrection Hope: The Best Is Yet To Come!

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Mar 11, 2008
    based on 29 ratings

    The message of the resurrection gives us hope that whether we live or die, the best is yet to come.

    OUR RESURRECTION HOPE: The Best is Yet to Come! [Main points: The Message, The Certainty, and The Hope of the Resurrection] Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 Intro: Neil Strait once said, “Take from a man his wealth, and you hinder him; take from him his purpose, and you slow him down. But take from more

  • "What Will Our Resurrected Body Be Like?"

    Contributed by Grady H Moore on Mar 10, 2022

    Some think the Christian will just be "a spirit floating around" in Heaven. Not so!

    “What will our Resurrected body be Like?" (The Christian's) 1. They will not be the same body laid in the grave. I Cor 15:35-39, 42-44 2. Our resurrected body will not be flesh and blood. I Cor 15:50-52 3. We will have a body, not just be a spirit. I Cor 15:38 4. Our new more

  • Made Alive In Christ Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 18, 2024

    Paul prays that we grow in our knowledge of God. Our salvation is a miracle of God. No one is beyond redemption. Our celebration of God's grace last forever.

    Eph 2:1-10 MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST Paul started this letter with a doxology in chapter 1, praising God for the work of the Gospel. • He praises God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for their roles in saving us and giving us the hope of eternal life. • Before time begins, in time and beyond more

  • The Resurrection Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Oct 18, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that another work of the Holy Spirit was to resurrect the body of Christ from the dead; and to be the quickening power in our resurrection on the “last day.”

    INTRODUCTION Outline. Resurrection of Christ Remarks. 1. In this lesson we will discuss the Holy Spirit’s work in the resurrection of Christ. Jesus and our heavenly Father also, had a part in the “resurrection of Jesus’ body.” 2. It was the death, burial and resurrection of the body of Jesus that more

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