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Sermons on our love for god:

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  • Love Song For The Redeemer Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 15, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    the in-love experience is a foretaste, of what we were designed for in heaven. We experience the brief earthly ecstasy of love so that we are drawn to the eternal exuberance of enjoying God’s presence forever.

    5. And one from among the Elders said to me “Don’t Cry. Look, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome to open the book and loose its seven seals. And I saw in the middle of the throne, and the four Lives and in the middle of the Elders, a Lamb standing as it had been more

  • Show Our Love Too God

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Apr 23, 2020

    Love To God

    Love To God Romans 8: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 1. Threefold Commandment. Deuteronomy 6: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to more

  • How To Demonstrate Our Love For God

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Oct 30, 2018

    One of the hallmarks about the life of Jesus that even people outside of the church are not shy to talk about is how Jesus preached and demonstrated the concept of love. But hwo do we reflect taht same love back to God and to others

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit Do you love God, if so how can you prove it? Chapters fourteen through sixteen of the Gospel of John represents a remarkable section of the Bible where Jesus is laying out more

  • The Great Commandment

    Contributed by Terry Cavanaugh on Mar 12, 2016

    Jesus tells us that we need to love others.

    Back in 1987 I was enrolled at Ohio Christian University, and attending Community United Methodist Church in Circleville. The pastor at that time was Rev. Lovell. He told a story in one of his sermons that has stayed with me all these years. There was a child physiologist that was having some more

  • Loving God Is Obeying God Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Part 8. The test for our love of God is our obedience.

    As we conclude our series “Knowing and Experiencing God,” it has been my prayer that each and every one of us would experience God and the work of his Holy Spirit in our life in a very real, personal, and powerful way. We would move into a closer relationship with our loving heavenly Father. A more

  • Love For God

    Contributed by Jeremias Fababier on Apr 18, 2024

    How we should value our love for God? In what way do we show it?

    TOPIC: PAGPAPAHALAGA NG ISANG ALAGAD NI JESUS Text: Luke 14:25-35 Introduction: Jesus calls His followers to be true disciples. ANO ANG PALATANDAAN NG ISANG ALAGAD NI JESUS, ANO ANG KANIYANG MGA PINAHAHALAGAHAN? 1. LOVES JESUS ABOVE ALL (Pinapahalagahan niyang Mahalin ng Higit Kaninuman si more

  • Loving God With Our Whole Heart Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Apr 2, 2023

    Loving God with Our Whole Heart Series: First Love: Forming Our Love for God Brad Bailey – April 2, 2023

    Loving God with Our Whole Heart Series: First Love: Forming Our Love for God Brad Bailey – April 2, 2023 [The following was not all stated when shared publicly due to the limits of both time and general nature of only developing notes as a form of preparation which I neither memorize nor read… but more

  • Loving God Starts With Our Need Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Feb 28, 2023

    Loving God Starts with Our Need Series: First Love: Forming Our Love for God Brad Bailey – February 26, 2023"

    Loving God Starts with Our Need Series: First Love: Forming Our Love for God Brad Bailey – February 26, 2023 Intro I want to invite us to open ourselves to this truth today: We are never home… apart from the love of God. The Scriptures testify of our being created to live in relationship to God more

  • Our Loving God Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 13, 2003
    based on 219 ratings

    I purposely decided to preach on the topic of God’s love at the end of this series because love is an essential attribute of God, the capstone of His personality. Having said that, I feel overwhelmed and challenged by the task of trying to put into words

    Our Loving God I know I got a lot of mileage last week out of turning 40 but I thought I’d begin this morning with a story about what happened when a young couple invited their aging pastor over for Sunday dinner. While the parents were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their more

  • Jesus' Farewell Speech To The Disciples

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on May 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus imparts a new commandment to His Disciples as He prepares them for His departure

    Weekend Message/Devotion May 19, 2019 Jesus’ Farewell Speech to the Disciples John 13:31-35 Sermon Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I stand before Your people, to deliver Your message. Though the words are mine and I prepared this message, I pray that this message is Your message in its more

  • Our God Is Love Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 7, 2021

    God is not just loving, rather God is love. The fact that God is love is seen in God loving God, God loving His children, His children loving God, and His children loving one another.

    Introduction: A. The late television personality Art Linkletter became famous for his refreshing and humorous conversations with children. 1. One of his most memorable exchanges took place when he asked a little boy about the picture he was drawing. 2. The little boy said: “It’s a picture of more

  • God's Love And Our Love Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Love is the core of our faith

    1 John 4:7-21 January 28, 2007 God’s Love and Ours John is coming to the end of his letter & it is this point that he brings it all together. You remember that he is arguing with a group who has left the church that we call proto-Gnostics. These people believed that we are saved, not more

  • God's Love And Ours Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 48 ratings

    The wonderful thing about being made God’s children is that he gives us his Spirit to enable us to be like him, and that likeness is shown most clearly in our love for others. And so, as we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in u

    I always get edgy when I hear someone make a definitive statement about God. There are so many aspects to God that any single statement always feels a bit deficient. So, for example, when someone says God is all-powerful, I find myself waiting for them to add that he’s also all-knowing, and more

  • God's Inexpressible Love

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Oct 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 103 is a love story; one that reveals the Benefits of God's Love, the Nature of God's Love, and our Response to God's Love

    In his book, Mortal Lessons: Notes on the Art of Surgery, Dr. Richard Selzer tells of his experience as a witness to the magnificence of love at a most difficult time in his surgical career: “I stand by the bed where a young woman lies, her face postoperative, her mouth twisted in palsy, clownish. more

  • God's Love And Ours

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 20 ratings

    God’s love for us is a sacrificial love, shown in Jesus giving up all for our sake.

    I was watching a show on TV a couple of weeks ago and they were asking school children what Christmas was all about. There were two common themes that came out as they gave their answers. The first was "Presents." Not that you think of Christmas as being about presents, I’m sure! (How many people more