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  • Discerning God’s Voice

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Feb 27, 2022

    There are many different voices fighting for our attention, so we need to train ourselves to hear God’s voice over everything else. In our lesson we'll learnt hear not only what the Lord is saying, but also how we are hearing it.

    Discerning God’s Voice Mark 4:24; Luke 8:18 There are many different voices fighting for our attention, so we need to train ourselves to hear God’s voice over everything else. In fact, it’s vitally important that we seek God and His righteousness first and foremost, and that we hear His voice, more

  • Receiving God’s Grace

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are many believers who know about grace in their mind, but they haven’t taken it to heart. God loves us for who we are, and we do not have to perform for Him or try to be perfect. All the Lord expects is that we simply be His.

    Jesus said, “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn 8:36 NASB); but how many Christians are actually living as though they’re free? Some portray the look of a death row inmate awaiting the day of execution! There are believers living with regret over past mistakes and sins, and more

  • God’s Grace Will Overcome

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Grace can assist us in overcoming life’s problems by helping when all else fails. When we’re at the end of our rope, from struggling and trying everything humanly possible and exhausting our own resources, then grace steps in.

    Every time I became frustrated it was because I was trying to do something myself . . . instead of putting my faith in God and receiving His grace. - Joyce Meyer(1) In our message this morning we’re going to look at grace to overcome life’s daily challenges. Grace is simply defined as, “The more

  • God’s Perfect Instructions

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 17, 2022

    Most of us have had to stop and ask for directions as we traveled from one place to another.

    And have you noticed some people are better at giving directions than others? Illus: A helicopter was in a storm flying around above Seattle, when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot more

  • God’s "Be’s”

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    There are many dangerous things in life we have to be aware of each day.

    Some of these things we are constantly being warned about, such as: • Air Pollution • Noise Pollution • Water Pollution • Smoking • Fast foods Most of these dangers come with some warning. But something that can bring DEATH and MISERY to our lives are bees, and we very seldom hear any warnings more

  • Understanding God’s Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Peter Kelly on Aug 25, 2021

    Series #7. God reveals Himself by revelation, inspiration, and illumination.

    I. Introduction A. As you may recall, one of the main issues with the church in Corinth was an issue of unity -They were not sure who their allegiance was to. -Paul, Apollos, Cephas, or Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:12) -They were not even sure if they should follow the teachings of the more

  • The Word Of God, And A Heart For God.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 6, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    This is an abbreviated version of my earlier sermon on the whole Psalm, which was entitled 'A Heart for God'.

    THE WORD OF GOD, AND A HEART FOR GOD. Psalm 19:7-14. Creation, general revelation, does not stand alone in its testimony to God. The LORD God has entered into a covenant relationship with mankind, and spoken to us Himself. This ‘special revelation’ is explored in the second main section of this more

  • ‘god’s Way Of Winning’ Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Sep 13, 2021

    'God’s way of winning' Acts chapter 8 verses 25-40 - Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: The Characters • An evangelist called Philip (vs 26) • A eunuch from Ethiopia (vs 27) The Situation. • The servant of the Lord (vs 27) • A seeker of the Lord (vs 27-28) The Conversation. • The helpful evangelist (vs 30 and 36) • The questioning enquirer (vs 31-34) The more

  • "Love, God’s Way!”

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on May 18, 2022

    We ask God the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sins of not loving as we have been loved, and then lead us to follow God’s command to love others.

    “What one word summarizes the Ten Commandments?” I think that the Bible’s answer to that question surprises many people. In the Scriptures God tells us that the one word that summarizes the Ten Commandments is “love.” But how can that be? Aren’t the Commandments a list of “dos” and “don’ts” or more

  • God’s Waiting Room

    Contributed by Daniel Cabrera on May 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Intro: What Principles should help us in the waiting room

    Text Rom. 8:25 Intro:What Principles should help us in the waiting room Hear what God says..but don't see what he said Abraham heard God's promise..BUT didn't see IT or at least right away..HE (Abraham) stepped into Gods Waiting Room Abraham and Sarah waited for over 25 years from the more

  • Live By God’s Promise! Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 24, 2022

    The story of Hagar and the birth of Ishmael teaches us about what happens when we stop waiting on God. Our man-made plans will go astray. We need to seek God in all that we do.

    Time flies when you are having fun. Time does not fly when you are waiting on God’s promise. When you are waiting on God weeks can seem like years. Waiting on God can be one of the most challenging times. The temptation to step in and take control of the circumstances is great. It also causes more

  • Unchanging God- God Is Not Human

    Contributed by Rolando, Jr Pama on Jun 1, 2022

    • King Balak son of Zippor hired a Prophet named Balaam to curse Israel. • But everytime Balaam spoke, a prophesy of blessings came forth. • He said to the King that he received a command to bless and he cannot change it. • Indeed, if God blessed us nobody can nullify it.

    1. God is not human. a. God is the Creator and we are His creation. b. God is God and man is man. c. The context of this sentence is that God is not like human being. d. Human that is full of flaws and wickedness. e. Isaiah 40:25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy more

  • Peace Of God--God Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Rob Watts on Feb 27, 2024

    We all want peace. It used to be a running joke that when the ladies of the Miss America Pageant were interviewed they were asked what they longed for they answered, "World Peace." Well, I think we all wish for world peace.

    • Philippians 4:1 o So, brothers and sisters, I love you and miss you. you are my joy and my crown. Therefore, dear friends, keep your relationship with the Lord firm! • Peace o We all want peace o When the ladies are interviewed for the Miss America Pageant o It’s become a running joke that one more

  • Freshness In God’s Presence

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 29, 2024

    A visitation, encounter, or word from or about Jesus brings freshness in God’s presence. Freshness comes from the knowledge of or about Jesus, not from the works or gifts.

    In revivals, people used to spend a lot of time in God’s presence. Holy spirit used to revive, restore, rebuild, and refresh souls. There isn’t any fatigue, sluggishness, etc. Whenever God’s presence used to come, there was a fresh awakening to see Jesus, know Jesus, love Jesus, adore Jesus, more

  • Our God Is An Awesome God Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 19, 2024

    Our God is an Awesome God

    Psalm 118 Our God is an Awesome God 1. His Difference - The Revelation of His Goodness - 1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: The Resolution of His Goodness - because his mercy endureth for ever The Recognition of His Goodness - 2 Let Israel now say, 3 Let the house of Aaron more

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