
Summary: Prophets are God’s artists who paint God’s mind on people’s hearts. They paint God’s anger, anguish, love, blessing, and happiness on people’s hearts.

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Prophets are God’s artists who paint God’s mind on people’s hearts. They paint God’s anger, anguish, love, blessing, and happiness on people’s hearts. They move when God moves, speak when God tells them to speak, and hide when God says so. They paint the impressions and nature of God the Father on people’s hearts.

God first deals with the prophet’s heart and then He reveals the outside need. For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Prophets see you in the same manner as God sees you. Prophets first deal with people’s spiritual heart condition. Prophets are spiritual heart surgeons. Prophets operate on the spiritual heart. They reveal the heart’s state. They try to cure the condition of the heart. They try to unblock all blockages of the heart so that the blood of Jesus can flow.

They make sure the heart pumps the life of Jesus and that no valves are closed. This heart surgeon warns you when your heart condition deteriorates. We don’t need to go to this surgeon; but this surgeon is led by God to come to you. These heart surgeons are very strict about the spiritual diet we take and make sure we take good care of our hearts. They even rebuke us for not eating a well-balanced diet. Even when our hearts are working well, they still monitor them. When the heart is working properly, everything outside will function properly.

In this generation, where are this kind of prophets? Genuine prophets monitor our heart condition and present a report to God. A prophet’s job is not to prophesy about blessings, but to make the heart condition acceptable to God. To make the heart condition acceptable to God, the prophet prophecies, does works or actions, prays strange prayers, lives in wilderness, and so on. The more purer the people’s hearts become, the more happier the prophet will be.

God’s Happiness is more important than his personal happiness. Sin and the manifestations of sin are intolerable for a prophet. A prophet cannot even tolerate a false prophecy and dishonor to God’s name. Prophet lives in the vicinity of God’s Glory. He was the first to recognize God’s Glory and the last to go when God’s Glory left. A prophet is tightly knit to God’s plans. A prophet’s burden is for the people and nation to walk in God’s ways completely obeying God’s commandments.

Each prophet had a region of working. Ezekiel was working among the exiles near the chebar river. Daniel was working in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. Within their regions, they are accountable for the spiritual heart condition of the people. Ezekiel was a watchman who was supposed to warn the people and was directly accountable for their deaths if he didn’t warn them.

These days prophets only prophesy but don’t have a burden for a region of people (spiritual life). They are even unaware that when God calls them to be a prophet, they are responsible for the lives of the people in that region. The office of the prophet is highly respected by God. After closing the heaven’s gates for three and a half years, Elijah did not leave the region, but stayed in the land with the people. Elijah chose to be in the famine along with the people. Elijah opened the heaven’s gates for rain after three and a half years. A true prophet chooses to suffer alongside the people during God’s destruction. This is the heart of a prophet.

His concern was not for the rain, but for people to repent and return to the true God. They were always concerned about the heart condition of the people. They even went to great lengths to save people.

This generation prophets are only playing with false fire. If it was genuine fire, they themselves would have been burned. They don’t have concern for people. They don’t care about God’s Glory and Honor. They can’t discern the true from false. They don’t understand God’s seasons and times. They stay in a place even after God’s Glory has left. They are out of tune with God.

They don’t know how to draw provisions from the storehouses of heaven, but rather draw from the pockets of believers. They simply prophesy outward blessings and peace. There is no difference between a prophet and a believer. Prophets look at the worldly events and prophesy. They don’t have fresh insights into God’s work for this season. God is fed up with you so called prophets. What will you teach your younger generation about God’s move and seasons?

Genuine Prophets paint the mind of Father God on the hearts of humanity. They draw various paintings that reveal God’s mind in bits and pieces. Each prophet in the Bible had a museum filled with lot of unique paintings or revelations depicting God’s mind. Isaiah had a museum dedicated to Christ the Suffering Messiah. Jeremiah had a museum dedicated to God’s Wrath and Anger. Ezekiel had a museum dedicated to God’s Glory.

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