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  • Worship At The Feet Of Jesus

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Aug 18, 2014
    based on 17 ratings

    A sermon addressing the importance of worshipping Jesus.

    Worship At The Feet Of Jesus John 12:1-3 Listen online @ William Temple gives a great explanation of biblical worship:Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; It is the nourishment of our mind with His more

  • God Loves A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on Jul 21, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    why should a Christian give, how to give. Tithes, Offerings

    God Loves a cheerful Giver 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 I am a giver, are you? Do you give your time freely? Would you give your last bread to someone who needs it? One of the things of faith which we must or should be doing is the action of giving. God calls us to give of ourselves, our time, our more

  • A Generous Heart Series

    Contributed by Stephen Brown on Jan 19, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Why do we give? What does Scripture teach about giving? We serve a giving Father and a giving Son. If we are being transformed into His image, we will be giving as well.

    Why do we give? Sometimes we are compelled to give to something we believe in. Sometimes we give because we feel sorry for someone in a less fortunate situation. Sometimes we give because we feel guilty. Sometimes we give because we have some left over. Sometime we just don’t give. What more

  • Attitudes! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Sep 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    What type of attitude should we have in responses to the 2 greatest commandments from God?

    Let us continue to worship our God by listening to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Mark. We will finish chapter 12 today, so please open your Bibles there… Read along with me Mark 12:38-43…. In 7 verses, our Lord gives both a word of warning and a word of honor. What is the more

  • Corner Posts Of Our Faith- Part 3- Generous Giving Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 19, 2018

    part 3 of our ongoing series on the foundatuons of our faith and spritual growth

    Corner posts Building on a strong foundation Part 3 Today we are going to continue with our on-going sermon series titled corner posts of our faith As most of you know When we build anything We must build on a solid foundation I like to use the illustration of a fence Because it paints a more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 24, 2012

    1 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-I—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Faith’s response to life’s challenges Personal attempts to honor God in my work before entering pastoral ministry. Handing out Bibles to managers, etc. We indeed bring something of value to the table when we are saved! Need: The Hebrews more

  • Bring Me First

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 20, 2015

    Check out your life today! Are you blessing the ministries, people and the church who are blessing you spiritually? Think.

    Bring me first! 1 King 17:13”And Elijah said to her, "Do not fear; go and do as you have said. But first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and afterward make something for yourself and your son.” I tell you need audacity and nerve to look at a widow who is picking some more

  • A Life Dedicated To God

    Contributed by Antonius Fu on Apr 20, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Dedicating our lives to God is the key to be used for His glory

    Title: A Life dedicated to God Scripture: Romans 6:13 By: Antonius Fu 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of more

  • The Proof Is In The Tithing!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 17, 2022

    All of us have heard the saying, "The proof is in the pudding." This is an expression that is used when we want to prove something.

    Illus: For example, one of you ladies could make some chocolate pudding, and when you got through it looked good! But just because it looked good does not mean it was good. You never would know that until you tasted it. That is where we get the expression, THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING! Not only more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing

    Welcome to Part 3 of the message entitled 'How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.' God can very well take anything He wants anytime. Isn’t that true? But, He comes to us as either directly, explicitly as He did with Abraham, or through the Holy Spirit working more

  • How God Turns Our Offering Into A Supernatural Blessing- Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Kiruba Stephen on Mar 28, 2022

    How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.

    Praise the Lord. Here is the conclusion of ‘How God turns our offering into a supernatural blessing.’ That is the point, which God will come and move us to see, there is something I can give unto the Lord. I thought I had given up everything. But there is something I can give as an more

  • The Book Of Mark #61

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 30, 2022

    This scripture passage takes place on a Sabbath morning in the city of Jerusalem at the temple site.

    Perhaps there is a line of people getting ready to enter the temple for worship. The line leads to a small square room lined with metal collection boxes. The boxes have metal horns extending out of them so the giver can walk by these boxes and drop their coins in these long horns that lead to more

  • The Spirit Of Giving-Laws Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 21, 2021

    The giving laws in the Old Testament contain principles which are still valid for the Christian. Let's take a look at ancient godly principles which we can learn from today.

    Giving was assessed and mandated in ancient Israel. Giving of firstfruits (Exodus 23:19; Leviticus 19:23-25), corners of fields for the poor (Leviticus 19:9), and leftover olives and grapes for the poor (Deuteronomy 24:20-21). All this helps us as Christians understand an important principle of more

  • Learning To Be A Cheerful Giver

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Nov 20, 2021

    This was a topical message on giving.

    Title: “Learning to Be A Cheerful Giver” Scripture: II Cor. 9:7 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 11-21-21 Intro: When I was in HS one of my best friend’s mother was driving their new car. A warning light came on the dash board: CHECK ENGINE. Now my friend’s mother was a brilliant woman. Professor more

  • The Precedence Of Excuses...

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 1, 2020

    Consider they all with one consent... "THEY" established a pattern of making the offering of excuses as a norm to the Master's invitation. Consider: PRECEDENT.

    THE PRECEDENCE OF EXCUSES By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is the third installment on the lessons of excuses. 1. The veneer of excuses. 2. Even the best offer excuses. 3. The precedence of excuses. EXCUSES ARE TOOLS OF IMCOMPETENCE USED TO BUILD BRIDGES TO NOWHERE AND more

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