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  • People Of Distinction Pt 1 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 20, 2018

    Message 16 in our exposition of Nehemiah. Nehemiah describes the elements of the covenant the people signed. This message explores the commitment to be people of distinction.

    Chico Alliance Church "People of Distinction" Pt 1 REVIEW We have all talked about revival. It is a word frequently used in Christian circles. We readily use the label "Revival Meeting" or a "Renewal Conference". Yet few of us have ever experienced renewal in the sense that many of us would more

  • Fifth Bowl: Pain And Darkness Upon The Beast And His Kingdom Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 7, 2018

    The phrase “the seat of the beast” means the “seat” or “throne” which the representative of that power occupied, the center of Anti-christian domination and authority.”

    Book of Revelation By: Tom Lowe Date: 4/8/17 Lesson: IV.B.6: Fifth Bowl: Pain and Darkness Upon the Beast and His Kingdom (16:10-11) Revelation 16:10-11 (KJV) 10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was more

  • Rich Man And Lazarus Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jun 6, 2019

    Jesus teaches us that: Everyone lives forever, Heaven and Hell are real, eternal places, How you respond to God’s word now determines your eternity.

    Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31 Jesus teaches us that: Everyone lives forever Heaven and Hell are real, eternal places How you respond to God’s word now determines your eternity. This means that: If we believe what Jesus teaches is true, And we care about others, We must engage them more

  • Pentecost

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    In this sermon, the so-called "Kantian wall" is acknowledged as a support rather than a threat to Christianity. There is no human way to know God except through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has a very special role to play.

    (If you have found this sermon helpful, please visit us at or Among the great events of the 18th Century is, of course, the American Revolution. But ask historians and they will tell you that there is still another 18th Century revolution more

  • Consider The Heavens

    Contributed by Randy Marshall on Jul 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Recently, the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the words heard from the surface of the moon, "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." On the journey, there were also two significant spiritual events.

    On July 23rd as the three astronauts hurled back toward earth. On the last night before their splashdown, they participated in a televised broadcast. The second man to step on the moon, Buzz Aldrin commented: “This has been far more than three men on a mission to the Moon; more, still, than the more

  • No Shame: Joseph Marries Mary

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 22, 2018

    How do we deal with shaming?

    No Shame Matthew 1:18-25 It amuses me when modern commentators on the Bible refer to the culture of Jesus’ day as being an honor-shame culture as though this isn’t the case today. But we have all kinds of shaming today. For example, there is fat shaming. In fact, shaming and the bullying that goes more

  • The Baptism Of Jesus

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 27, 2018

    How does the baptism of Jesus relate to ours?

    The Baptism of Jesus Luke 3:15-22 The people had heard the apocalyptic message of John the Baptist. He had called the people to radical repentance, with baptism being a sign of that repentance. But more than an outward sign was needed. A sign is supposed to point to an inward reality. Repentance more

  • The Prepared Church Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Dec 31, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God's Promise is always achieved through preparation, whether individually or corporately, you cannot avoid the journey if we want to get to the destination. This sermon compares Elijah's life and the steps he took to the principals of the process of God.

    ELIJAH CHURCH: THE PREPARED CHURCH INTRO: This is part of a series using the life of Elijah as a picture of the last day Church. It is also a stand alone sermon. 1 Kings 17:2-6 Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah: "Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the more

  • How Do We Purify Ourselves? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jan 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Some practical help on moving from just wanting to be forgiven of our sins to wanting to be freed from our sins.

    WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE PURIFIED? Do I want to be forgiven of sin or freed from sin? - 2 Corinthians 7:1. - Many Christians are content to merely be forgiven of their sins. Indeed, many presume that’s all there is to salvation. - There’s meant to be much more than that, though. Jesus didn’t more

  • The Practical Points Of Conversing With God

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 6, 2021

    Nehemiah's prayer was an example in practicality, specificity and common sense when coming before the LORD with our needs and burdens. Prayer is an orderly time of conversing with God, who wants to hear from you daily.

    This message is a continuation of our look at the prayers of the Jewish statesman Nehemiah and his concern over the rebuilding of Jerusalem, which had laid in ruins for decades after its destruction by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C., which brought the kingdom of Judah to an end more

  • The Lord Needs It - Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Tim Melton on Mar 15, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    In Luke 19:31-34 we see a man give permission for Jesus to use his donkey. In this small act, he was able to play a role in what God was doing on the earth. Will we surrender all because "the Lord needs it" and be a tool in His hand as well?

    Have you ever been in a situation where you really needed some help? The situation had just gotten out of hand. It was too difficult, too painful, you were trapped and there was nothing you could do about it. You really needed someone who could come into your situation and make things right. That more

  • A Troubled Dreamer Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    Here is a pagan king and God communicates to him in a dream. He may not have listened to a prophet, but a dream is so personal that he cannot refuse to pay attention.

    When John Wesley returned to England from his fruitless visit to America, he learned that on another ship in the harbor his friend Whitefield was about to sail to America. This depressed Wesley for he had hoped to have fellowship with Whitefield. Early in the morning he sent a message by boat to more

  • New Beginnings—it’s Not Clichés.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God waits to give us a new beginning, a fresh start. Maybe we're in the middle of a year, a hard year--the year 2020. However, COVD won't have the final say. God will.

    New Beginnings—It’s Not Clichés. Lamentations 3:21-26NKJV Jeremiah was a man whose message of repentance was rejected, and despite his earnest prayer for his people, he was to witness the children of Israel being sold into slavery.. the city of God being destroyed and the Temple of the Lord more

  • Law And Gospel Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 29, 2021

    A knife is good for cutting your meat, but bad for cleaning your eyes and ears. Every good thing can be used in a way that is improper, and then it become harmful and dangerous, and so it is with the law.

    There is mystery enough in life without us adding unnecessary mysteries of our own making. For example, like the woman who evicted a man from her boarding house, and when she was asked why she did it she said, "Something mysterious is going on when a man hangs his hat over the key hole every more

  • Old Dogs And New Tricks Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    Shallowness always leads to folly, but depth, when it is directed by wisdom, will lead to a life pleasing to God and appealing to man. Very seldom is a truly wise man proud. He is humbled because he knows so well how little he really knows.

    Proverbs by their very nature are often paradoxical, and they often seem to contradict one another. They only do so, however, if we take them as absolutes which are true in every case. If we take them as stating a truth of a segment of reality, and not all of reality, we will see there are more

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