Uncovered Trickery Series
Contributed by Dave Kinney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We examine the 3rd major issue for 2009 –“Uncovered Trickery” – the cult connection that will impact a huge segment of America and the world in 2009.
We examine the 3rd major issue for 2009 – “Uncovered Trickery” – the cult connection that will impact a huge segment of America and the world in 2009.
See what U.S. News & World Report reported back in November, “In 2009 cultic activity will loom large upon our society. The reason for this is the down turn in our economy. Cults historically grow rapidly during times of recession and seasons of instability.”
Matthew 24:3-5, 11 “And what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age? And Jesus answered, ‘Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying ‘I am the Christ’ and will deceive many. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.”
Dr. Walter Martin states with such clarity, “Into this whirlpool of stagnant human philosophy and perverted revelation came the Son of God, who, through His teachings and example, revealed that there was such a thing as divine humanity, and through His miraculous powers, vicarious death and bodily resurrection, cut across the maze of human doubts and fears and was lifted up, to draw all men unto Himself. It has been wisely observed that men are at liberty to reject Christ and the Bible and the Word of God; they are at liberty to oppose Him; they are at liberty to challenge it. But they are not at liberty to alter the essential message of the scriptures, which is the good news that God does care for lost souls…”
Jude 3, 4
Notice That Jude:
• Determinately writes. Vs. 3a “Diligent to write”
Literally, “quickly”
• Exhaustingly warns. Vs. 3b “Exhorting you”
• Earnestly witnesses. Vs. 3c “Contend earnestly”
“Contend” = fight or agonizes
• Sufficiently wrote. Vs. 3d
“Once for all delivered” = a completed task! Literally that can be translated…the faith was completely delivered in the past.
• Diligently watches. Vs. 4 “Men have crept in”
“Crept in” = stealthily – secretly under the radar!
Acts 20:29 “I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”
That is happening everyday in churches across this nation!
Maybe you’ve heard the craze about “The Secret”? - A huge New Age bestseller. The sad part is - this mass marketed manure has been shoveled by Hollywood’s hippest.
Rhonda Byrne writes in the opening chapter, “The Secret can be found in everything from Babylonian religion to Buddhism to Albert Einstein."
She also writes, “The secret is simply "the law of attraction." Think about wealth, and you will become wealthy. Think about that new car, and it will come. Think about getting a good parking spot, and one will open up.”
So what are the results of this New Age manure?
This is what Oprah said on her show November 2007, after reading this New Age Trickery, “The Secret has taught me that Christianity is but one of many ways to achieve the “higher consciousness,” and that the belief that one must follow a set of doctrines is a consequence of “egoiic consciousness.” While Christianity is a valid way to achieve high states of spirituality, it must not be considered a unique way, or a correct way…I don’t believe that Jesus came to start Christianity.”
FACT: Before 1860, cults were unheard of in America! Everyday in America, more and more territory is being taken from Christianity, especially in Latin America, Africa and the Far East! It is paramount that Christians once again become so familiar with the foundation of the faith before they are fooled!!
George Gallup states, “This is the most crucial decade in History. Designer, a la carte religion flourishes as traditional Christianity is undermined by counterfeits.”
1. The Psychological Structure of Cults.
How do we define a cult? Any religious group that:
- Is in search of any new kind of mystical or metaphysical experience.
- Denies one or more of the essential teachings of historic Christianity.
- Demands strict control over anyone’s life. - “Scientology”
There are several ways that cults will lead their members into very dangerous territory:
a. Through Identification with the Bible.
The average cult in America owes its very existence to the fact that they utilize the Bible! Most concepts of cultic theology are borrowed and twisted from the Bible.
Mormons, Jehovah witnesses quote as if it was God’s gift to them only!
Christian Science founded by Mary Baker Eddy said in 1897 in the “Christian Science Journal”, “The Bible, Science and Health With Keys to the Scriptures, and my other published works are the only proper instructors for this hour…”
The Christian Science cult loves to quote Mrs. Eddy to deceive their followers, as in this example, “The Bible has been my only authority,
I have had no other guide in “the straight and narrow way of truth.”