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  • Genesis 11 – Part 2 – Super Heroes, Skyscrapers And Astrology! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 12, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    If Nimrod had been around today, he would have had action dolls made in his image. He would have had a following of kids all around the world. And I think Nimrod had something to do with the strange happenings of Genesis 11.

    Genesis 11 – Part 2 – SUPER HEROES, SKYSCRAPERS AND ASTROLOGY! I think it had something to do with Nimrod! My grandson loves super heroes. He has videos of “Ben Ten” He stands there and with a big voice declares “I am Tahmongasaur!” (I think he means to say more

  • Genesis 11 – Part 4 – Unity And Creativity At What Cost? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Feb 14, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Let me get this straight. GOD LOVES UNITY, MY CREATIVE ABILITIES AND ENTERPRISE! He made me like this. So what is the big deal with stopping the tower of Babel being built?

    Genesis 11 – Part 4 – UNITY AND CREATIVITY AT WHAT COST? What interests me in this passage is that God saw the unity of the people (Genesis 11:6), who had a single purpose and a single language, the ability to plan things and execute them efficiently and effectively, tremendous more

  • Part 1 - Matthew 11:2-6 - Jesus-In-A-Box! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on May 29, 2010
    based on 50 ratings

    My grandchildren sometimes play with a Jack-in-a-box. Sometimes we want a JESUS-IN-A-BOX too. We want Him to fit into our pre-conceived ideas of who He should be and how He should act.

    Part 1 - Matthew 11:2-6 - JESUS-IN-A-BOX! I get the privilege and opportunity to speak to many old people in the course of my day. Being a chaplain and Pastor in an aged care facility (fancy name for old people’s nursing home) I am fascinated by the amazing lives that they have led. Last week I more

  • Part 2 – Matthew 11:7-10 – Wrestles With Crocodiles! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jun 1, 2010
    based on 19 ratings

    While Kevin Costner starred in a movie called DANCES WITH WOLVES, Steve Irwin was wrestling with crocodiles in real life. I’m sure WRESTLES WITH CROCODILES is his Indian name or at least needs to be. John the Baptist has his own crocodiles to wrestle.

    Part 2 – Matthew 11:7-10 – WRESTLES WITH CROCODILES! He was nicknamed “THE CROCODILE HUNTER”, and he was a unique man with a smile as wide as fun itself and Australian to the core. You couldn’t help but remember STEVE IRWIN! He and his wife Terri owned and operated more

  • Part 5 - Matthew 11:13-14 - In A Previous Life I Was A Dolphin? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jun 11, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    How can John the Baptist be Elijah the prophet? Reincarnation? Malachi 4:5 (NLT) gives a prophecy about Elijah. It says "Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives."

    Part 5 - Matthew 11:13-14 - IN A PREVIOUS LIFE I WAS A DOLPHIN? I asked some friends what they thought about REINCARNATION last night and got some funny responses - should have known. One of them said "once, in a previous life, I was a dolphin... lol jk." Another one said "It’s weird to think you more

  • Part 7 - Matthew 11:20-24 - Slow Cooked Or Char Grilled? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jun 18, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Some things in the Bible are just plain difficult to understand. Matthew 11:20-24 is one of them for me. I know, I don’t have to understand everything in God’s Word in order to believe it because I trust in God who knows what He is doing.

    Part 7 - Matthew 11:20-24 - SLOW COOKED OR CHAR GRILLED? Are there degrees of hell? I asked my friends recently this question and one of them said, "I believe Hell is a place where the presence of God and Jesus does not exist so it must be a horrible place. However, if there is any fairness to more

  • Matthew 5 - Part 11 - Quick, I Think I Need A Lawyer! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 31, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    When it comes to the law, I am not merely an in-law (one whose relationship with God is based on a set of rules and regulations) or an outlaw (one who wants to live outside the law). I need a lawyer!

    Matthew 5 - Part 11 - I think I need a lawyer? I once went to court on behalf of young mother with an intellectual disability. She was a difficult person and the Department of Children’s Services had decided, in their wisdom, to apply the letter of the law and take away her child. It was my task more

  • Part 11 - Matthew 9:32-38 - That's When Miracles Happen! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Mar 31, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    No-one is beyond hope. No-one is beyond reach. No-one is beyond compassion.

    Part 11 - Matthew 9:32-38 - THAT'S WHEN MIRACLES HAPPEN! I've been reading a book by Francine Rivers lately about an old woman called Leota who loves the Lord and has an amazing impact upon the lives of other people in her life, yet is rejected and hated by her own daughter, Eleanor. Throughout more

  • Rev. #36~11:8-12 Death Of The Two Witnesses-Pt.1 Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Sep 1, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    we believe these two witnesses to be Elijah and Moses because of the miraculous actions that are recorded of them in the O.T. are much the same that we’re reading about here in Chapter 11:- and let me say that the Devil is not allowed the kill Gods anoint

    Rev. #36~11:8-12 DEATH OF THE TWO WITNESSES-pt.1 1-2-10 Today we’re in chapter 11: and we’ll begin reading in verse 7, let me say first of all that we believe these two witnesses to be Elijah and Moses because of the miraculous actions that are recorded of them more

  • A Study In The Book Of Revelation, 11. Ch.14, 144,000; Return Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 22, 2015

    Yet more "background" of the tribulation period. We once more meet the elect of Israel. Some angels proclaim what is soon to come. And the return of Jesus is now heralded.

    Close-up (revisited) : The 144,000 with Jesus! 14:1-5 Every subject brought up in chapter 14 has been discussed already, or will be given a fuller treatment later. But all these events seem to occur near the end. In terms of the book itself, we are still in between the trumpet and bowl judgments. more

  • To The Church In Pergamum. Reading Revelation 1:9-11 & 2:12-1 Series

    Contributed by Alan Hamilton-Messer on Jun 22, 2014

    The end times?

    Letter three. To the Church in Pergamum. Reading Revelation 1:9-11 & 2:12-17 We have seen over the last couple of weeks that the Apostle John was told by Jesus to write to the seven major Churches in Asia. We have already looked at the first two, the letter to Ephesus and the letter to Smyrna. more

  • How Healthy Churches Resist The Devil (1 Peter 5:8-11) Series

    Contributed by Greg Brown on Aug 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of 1 Peter 5:8-11)

    How Healthy Churches Resist the Devil Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And more

  • John- Believe In Jesus And Live!-Part 11- " Stop Doubting And Just Believe" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Jan 31, 2016

    Part 11 of our John believe in Jesus and live series

    John – Believe in Jesus and live! Part 11 “Stop doubting and follow me” John 20:10-31 Fear Fear We all experience fear in our lives And fear Causes doubt Many a time I can remember trying to get a kid on a sheep or a calf They are first are excited Then Fear sets in more

  • What Happened To Acts Chapter 29, Pt. 1 Acts 1:1

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 7, 2016

    The book of Acts just ends. Could this really be the end or should there be more? Is Luke sending the church a message? Could it be that Luke is sending the church a message?

    What Happened to Acts Chapter 29, pt. 1 Acts 1:1 Thanks Pastor Jerry Shirley for the original writing. Turn in your Bibles to Acts 29: 1 [no such chapter!] You’ll notice there are only 28 chapters…but I wonder if you have ever noticed how the book of Acts ends. READ Could this really be the end? more

  • Cast All Your Cares Upon Him (Matthew 11:28-30)

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 31, 2016

    Cast All Your Cares Upon Him (Matthew 11:28-30)

    CAST ALL YOUR CARES UPON HIM (MATTHEW 11:28-30) Two words are most emblematic of modern society: stress and depress. Stress is the contribution or cause and depression is the condition or consequence. Stress lasts for a few days, but depression can last for a long time. The Mental Health more

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