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  • Godly Vision And Goal-Setting Part One

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When God places something on your heart to do, you need to know that He will supply all that is needed to accomplish it. When you are trying to get out of life's ruts, make sure you are looking that someone from the rut is not pulling you back down.

    Godly vision and goal setting Nehemiah 2:1-2:10 Introduction- Turn with me to Nehemiah chapter 2 It is in the Old Testament between the book of Ezra and the book of Esther. I want to talk about vision casting and goal setting. Most people have dreams/visions/goals as a young person. They more

  • The Side Road To Temptation

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Jan 11, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    Have you been drawn away from God’s will for your life, by the appeal of the side-roads? Have you been led down the path of sin or disobedience to the perfect will of God? It will surely end in serious loss, mischief, maybe physical death, but worse in th

    Intro: Yungas Road of Bolivia is the world’s most dangerous side road; built by prisoners in 1930s; 200-300 annual deaths since it opened in 1935. It is only 10 feet wide but over 60 kms. long. It passes thru heights of 4,000-15,000 feet from La Paz. I. THE BEGINNING OF TEMPTATION (Jas. more

  • Abraham’s Call

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 3, 2012

    Abraham’s faith is the most famous faith there is, because he is called the Father of the Faithful. I am sure that his faith grew during his many trials, and the faith that he displayed when he prepared to slay his son at the command of God was certainly

    Abraham’s Call Hebrews 11.8 "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."—Hebrews 11:8. Abraham’s faith is the most famous faith there is, because he is called the Father of more

  • Seizing The Moment

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 12, 2021

    We are living in tough times but we are also living in exciting times. We must seize the moment and allow the Lord to use us to reach lives. We must make sure God is in it and we must know that being a disciple of Christ is going to cost us something.

    Seizing the Moment Acts chapter 6-8 selective Do you know that you are special in God’s eyes? Really You are special and unique to God and He has a ministry or job for you to do as a believer. Each one of us has been given by the Lord talents to be used for kingdom work. As a believer living more

  • The River Of Life (Revelation 22)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 27, 2020

    Let’s now look at the joyful conclusion of all things, pictured in a pure river of water of life, and the tree of life, access to which will be regained. We also read the last written words of Jesus, “Surely I am coming quickly.” All this is recorded in Revelation 22.

    Let’s now look at the joyful conclusion of all things, pictured in a pure river of water of life, and the tree of life, access to which will be regained. We also read the last written words of Jesus, “Surely I am coming quickly.” All this is recorded in Revelation 22. Revelation 22:1 And he shewed more

  • You Are My Refuge Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 18, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Refuge is a place of safety. While the world mentions several places as places of safety, we all know that they are not absolutely safe. The one safe reliable and unchanging place of safety is our God Himself. Surely we need to know more about this place of highest safety and security.

    You are my Refuge We read in Psalm 91:2, “I will say to the LORD, "You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust."” (GW) The Psalmist says of the Lord, ‘You are my refuge’ and we will in this study try to comprehend what it meant to him then, and what is means to us today. more

  • Have No Fear Series

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Jul 3, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    As we demonstrate Christ to people by making sure He is Lord of our lives, as we defend the reason for the hope that we have, and as we disarm people by our attitude of gentleness and respect, God will use us to clear the way for people to see the central message of the Cross of Christ.

    It was reported on Friday that the track and field star Sha’Carri Richardson, who was set for a once in a lifetime opportunity at the Tokyo Olympics, could miss the Games after testing positive for marijuana. Sha’Carri, 21, won the women’s 100-meter race at the U.S. track and field trials in Oregon more

  • This Is The Day! Rejoice

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 4, 2021

    God doesn't want us living in the past nor in the future, rather God wants us to live in the present. Today is the only day we have for sure, so let's view it as a blessing from God and rejoice in it, living it to the full.

    Introduction: A. There was an article a few years ago in which a man gave his idea of a perfect world. He said: 1. “In a perfect world you would feel as good at 60 as you did at 17. And you would be as smart at 60 as you thought you were at 17." 2. “In a perfect world professional basketball more

  • Sermon: God’s Drum Major For Justice

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jan 15, 2025

    God is a just God and He desires His world to be a just world. The Lord vindicates his people, punishes evil, and cares for the marginalized. He opposes the wicked, whether individuals or nations and He will one day set all things right. God’s promises are sure!

    Sermon: God’s Drum Major for Justice Scripture Lesson: Amos 5:21-25 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no more

  • It Is Near - Mark 13:28-31 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Apr 23, 2024

    What good is it to know that his coming is near? Would you live differently if you knew for sure it would be in your lifetime? Shouldn’t you live that way all the time? And if we can’t know when it will happen, what does “near” even mean?

    Mark 13:28 "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not more

  • Peace

    Contributed by Kevin Parkins on Apr 19, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Given the circumstances of any given day, peace can easily be lost in the chaos, fear, worry, frustration… Just the same, You can have peace – today, if I were not sure and certain, I would not invest my time or waste yours. A fair question- Where ar

    Given the circumstances of any given day, peace can easily be lost in the chaos, fear, worry, frustration… Just the same, You can have peace – today, if I were not sure and certain, I would not invest my time or waste yours. A fair question- Where are we to find peace? Shalom, Hebrew salutation more

  • Angels Are Real

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    The Bible is so full of references to angels, we must know for sure that angels exist. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. Let us live holy lives, even holier than angels, that our Father in heaven will be pleased with us. Let us live such that Jes

    "Angels Are Real" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Hebrews 13:1-6 Purpose: The Bible is so full of references to angels, we must know for sure that angels exist. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. Let us live holy lives, even holier than angels, that our Father in heaven will be pleased with more

  • Titles Of Jesus The Lord

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    The more we study this list, the more we will understand who Jesus really is and how He can help us in our time of need. How can we help but love Him? Whenever we are having troubles in this life it is for sure you will find Your Jesus is the Answer and

    Names and Titles of Christ Jesus! The following list is of names and titles given specifically to our Lord Jesus. The more we study this list, the more we will understand who Jesus really is and how He can help us in our time of need. How can we help but love Him? Whenever we are having more

  • Defrosting Your Spiritual Assets Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 478 ratings

    In order to serve according to our giftedness, we must make sure that we not only understand spiritual gifts, we must discover, develop and deploy our gift mix. Since ignorance about this topic may be a chief cause of retarded spiritual growth, it’s impe

    Defrosting Your Spiritual Assets A man from Illinois decided to travel to Wisconsin to go duck hunting. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a farmer’s field on the other side of the fence. As the flatlander climbed over the fence, a dairy farmer drove up on his tractor and asked what was more

  • John 14 - The Way, The Truth And The Life

    Contributed by Hannah Pinkstone on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 169 ratings

    Jesus is the way, truth and life; This passage enables us to take heart in times when we are not sure of our way ahead. The Holy Spirit guides us and helps us to see Jesus, and call on His name. Jesus is our way to the Father and enables us to know God.

    Read John 14. In the last week of his life, Jesus had withdrawn from public ministry to spend time teaching his disciples and closest followers. He wanted to tell them the things that they needed to know to be prepared for what lay ahead –his death, the coming of the Holy Spirit, persecution, more

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