End Times Evangelists
Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jul 15, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: We regularly hear about various Internet personalities, ministries, and political pundits being de-platformed, blocked, and de-monetized. This is sure to be the case in the End Times, but because of His great love, God will ensure that the Good News is continually broadcast...no matter what.
Read Revelation 7:1-14
As far as I can remember I’ve been hearing people say that a great revival is coming. Whether or not there is a great revival in our lifetime is unknown, but certainly something we should pray for. The bible does however reveal that during the Tribulation period there will be a “great harvest”.
Here’s how we know this…
Revelation is the record of John’s end time visions he received while in exile on the island of Patmos.
The Great Harvest
The Great Multitude from the Tribulation
After this (after what? After seeing 144k Jews sealed for protection from God’s wrath Rev. 7:5-8) I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands (well this could be anyone)
…“Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” I said to him (elder), “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Rev. 7:9, 13b-14)
Thus, this great multitude that John sees in Rev. 7 are Christians who’ve come out of the Tribulation period. How will they be hearing the gospel in the Trib period?
We are in the church age and the church is plan A for implementing the Great Commission. That’s our purpose-to make Jesus and His message known. To make disciples of Jesus. It’s easy to be side-tracked and distracted with many other things but this is our prime directive and calling. Currently, it’s batter up church.
With the Rapture and mass genocide of Christians the world will at first glance seem to be without a witness.
However, even in the Tribulation, God will have His dedicated and set apart witnesses for sharing the good news of God’s love.
Let’s take a look at who they are.
1-The 144k Sealed Jewish Evangelists
And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel (Rev. 7:4).
A-144k Messianic Jews.
Whereas in the great awakenings, revivals have been lead by men like Martin Luther, John Wesley, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham, the Jesus Freaks, this one is going to be predominantly led by Messianic Jews. There will also be what’s known as the two witnesses and even an angel who will declare the gospel during the End Times.
This, btw, is yet another reason why the devil and the beast system of the world are so antisemitic. The devil knows that God’s plan is to have 144k Jewish evangelists thus his plan is to prevent their message from spreading by wiping them off the face of the earth before they ever get started.
B- Unmarried. Single. Celibate, some versions will say they are virgins.
These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are celibate (Rev. 14:4 NASB) “These are those who have kept themselves pure.” Celibate, virgins.
In 1 Cor. 7 the apostle Paul advised that whereas its "better to marry than to burn", due to the circumstances, specifically state sanctioned persecution by the Roman govt, that it would be better to stay single. Why? Sometimes persecutors would use your family against you. Odds were high that you’d be arrested and thus no income. Often your assets were seized, this included your family being sold into slavery. There were no ancient life insurance policies if something happened to you. If you were killed your family was left to fend for themselves.
Thus, if you were a Christian, it wouldn’t be the best time to be a spouse or parent under Nero. Same goes for the Tribulation period.
-Being single also means that you can be completely devoted to Jesus.
-They’re completely devoted to Jesus.
Have you ever met anyone like that? Have you ever met someone who’s completely devoted to the Lord?
These 144k are not caught up in pursuing the American dream.
They’re not preoccupied with the cares of the world.
They don’t need to be concerned with providing for a family.
Being that they’re not married or dating, they’re living lives completely devoted to God. Similar to the apostle Paul, but there’s 144k of them, and they’re Jewish.
Imagine 144k Pauls, Jewish Billy Grahams, who are completely sold out to God.
They’re Jewish and so they’re not going to take no for an answer.
However, in order that they may complete their mission, they have a “seal of God” upon them which is a way of identifying and protecting them from God’s wrath during the Tribulation.
Rev. 6 is the 4 Horsemen chapter. After the 4 horsemen we’re also told that the sun will be darkened and that there will be cosmic disturbances, “I saw stars falling to the earth like figs been shaken from a tree.” This chapter concludes by asking “Who can stand?” (Rev. 6:17). A: Those who have God’s seal upon them.