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  • "What Is Threatening To Choke You?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 23, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about perseverance in the face of suffering.

    James 5:7-11 “What is Threatening to Choke You?” BY: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Take a moment and think about what lays heavy on your heart. For many of us, this won’t even take a moment. For many of us, more

  • The Threatened King (Pastor Glenys) Series

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    When ‘bumped’ or jolted or walloped, the content of who we are is laid bare.

    Introduction Every story has its bad ‘guy’ it seems. Whether its Cinderella’s evil stepmother, Snow White’s jealous queen or 101 Dalmatians ‘Cruella De Vil’, the evil one plays a part that amplifies the drama. However, as we have discovered, the trend in these classics seem to be a bad ‘gal’! more

  • A Non-Negotiable Faith

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Mar 1, 2002
    based on 251 ratings

    Daniel demonstrates how we can maintain our faith in a compromising environment.

    “A NON-NEGOTIABLE FAITH” Daniel 1:1-16 INTRO: 1. Sometimes our faith can become an inconvenience. It will place us in inconvenient situation. a. It can put us at odds with those around us. If not, it’s time you take a look at your relationship with God. b. ILL. When the boss man suggests more

  • The Non-Exclusive Good

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    A Sermon for the 5th Sunday in Lent

    5th Sunday in Lent John:12:20-33 "The Non-Exclusive Good. "   20 ¶ Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks. 21 So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." 22 Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew went with more

  • Non Believers Funeral

    Contributed by Steven Pace on Aug 14, 2002
    based on 170 ratings

    This was a funeral service for a new believer that sneeks in the full gospel

    Song Obituary I would like to thank all of you on behalf of Allie’s family for being here today, I know that it means a lot to them. We’re here today to remember Allie’s life, and how his life touched each one of use that are here today. Some of you knew Allie for a long time. Some of you grew more

  • Fiction Or Non-Fiction

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Mar 13, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    An Easter Sunday Sermon

    Luke 24: 1-11 "Fiction or Non-Fiction" True or False! Fact or Fiction! Fiction or Non-fiction! These are the questions which plague us this morning and which plagued the women and the disciples 2000 years ago on the first Easter morning. Had Jesus really risen from the grave? Did the women tell more

  • Non-Negotiables Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Doug Henry on Dec 30, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    A look at what must be present in order for our actions to be considered worship.

    Non-Negotiables of Worship Psalm 33:1-9 “I propose we drive a nail in the altar. Or the pulpit. Or the Communion table. Or the organ bench…or pipes. Or the Choirmaster’s music stand. Or any place visible and significantly shocking to provide a counterpart to the ancient door at Wittenberg. more

  • Building The Non-Building

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Exploring our identity as Christians and the actions that should come out of that identity.

    Building the Non-Building 1 Peter 2:4-8 August 16, 2009 Intro: We are one week into our renovation project, and a lot has happened! I did a real rough calculation and am excited to report that we put in more than 250 volunteer hours in the last week, getting as much done as possible before the more

  • Non-Biblical Passages

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 21, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Common "sayings" that are not found in Scripture.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Many think these “sayings” are quoted from Scripture, but they are just not there. However, they have biblical truths taught (a) in principle, or (b) application. 2. Some wrongly apply some of these “sayings.” 3. Condition: become a man/woman of the more

  • Being A Non-Conformist Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Dec 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines the necessity for Christians not to conform to the world.

    These words were scribbled on the tomb of an Anglican bishop in the crypts of Westminster Abbey..."When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change so I shortened my sights somewhat and more

  • Non-Christian Funeral Series

    Contributed by Chris Stevens on Dec 16, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a funeral outline I used when called on to preach the funeral for a non-christian man. Hope it is helpful.

    Will you pray with me. Lord, we come to you this day with heavy hearts at the passing of ______. I pray father as we go through this time you will fill the hearts of this precious family with your love, your grace, and your mercy. Father we come to you knowing that when your children cry you cry more

  • Non-Christians And Prayer

    Contributed by Charles Wall, Jr. on Jul 11, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Does God hear and answer the prayers of Non-Christians?

    Non-Christians and Prayer Selected Scripture 7-6-08 I have been asked by 1 of you to address a particular topic & since we have not started a new series yet, I thought today would be a good day to tackle it. It has to do with the issue of non-Christians & prayer. And the more

  • Signs Of The Non-Believer

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on May 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Simon the Magician looked pretty good. But his behavior after his "conversion" experience left a lot to be desired. We can find some pretty clear characterisitcs of those who look like believers, but are not.

    Passage: Acts 8:9-25 Intro: Researchers in Denmark have discovered how one of the deadliest known toxins invades and kills human cells. 1. it is the toxin that causes diseases like diphtheria, cholera and pneumonia. Il) read from news release 2. since Satan is a great counterfeiter, it should more

  • Planned Non-Obsolescence Series

    Contributed by Dustin T Parker on Nov 19, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    IN a world where things are made to be unfaithful, we have been given something that will never fail, nor be obsolete.. Jesus, love, mercy, grace

    Planned Non-Obsolescence John 6:24-25Aug 20 Pentecost 11 † In the name of Jesus † Grace and peace for you, from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ Cars, Computers, the Etch-a-Sketch, Chinese Food, McDonald Happy Meal toys Something that lasts like the writing in the snow? What do the more

  • Non-Biblical Passages

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 14, 2019

    Ten sayings not found in Scripture.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Many think these “sayings” are quoted from Scripture, but they are just not there. However, they have biblical truths taught (a) in principle, or (b) application. 2. Some wrongly apply some of these “sayings.” 3. Condition: become a man/woman of the book, i.e., the Bible. more