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  • This Is The King Of The Jews.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 23, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus at the Cross, as Prophet, praying Priest, and saving King.

    THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Luke 23:1-49. LUKE 23:1-12. The Jewish authorities had no power to put Jesus to death. The sceptre had at last departed from Judah (Genesis 49:10) and, far from raising a mob to seize it back as they accused Him (Luke 23:5), Jesus willingly allowed Himself to be more

  • Welcome The King!

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on Apr 2, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Do we offer our worship because we expect Jesus to return the favor and make us healthy, happy, and prosperous? Or do we worship Him simply because He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who alone is worthy of our praise?

    INTRODUCTION Today, Christians around the world are celebrating Palm Sunday… also known as the “Triumphal Entry”. This is a special day where we remember the events that happened almost 2,000 years ago… A special day when Jesus rides into Jerusalem… A special day to begin a week of celebration more

  • A King? On A Donkey?

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Apr 2, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Why does the story of Palm Sunday begin with Jesus on a donkey? Prophecy fulfilled. A living parable. Corrie Ten Boom said: Eveyone one singing. Waving palm branches... do you think for a moment the donkey thought it was for him? Let me be the donkey on which Jesus rides in His glory.

    In Jesus Holy Name April 5, 2020 Text: John 12:13-15 Palm Sunday Redeemer “A King? On a Donkey? The Romans Laughed” Palm Sunday and Holy Week has arrived to find each of us “sheltering in”. Unexpected. I did not expect to be sharing these two great events by video, in more

  • Hosanna To The King Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 3, 2020

    As the King came to die, He did so: 1) At the Proper Moment (John 12:12a), 2) With the Passionate Multitude (John 12:12b-13), 3) In the Predicted Manner (John 12:14-15), and 4) To the Perplexity of His Men (John 12:16).

    John 12:12-16 [12] The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. [13] So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!" [14] And more

  • The King Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Apr 5, 2020

    The King is coming to the world affected with COVID-19 pandemic. He is coming with the vaccine no scientist could come out with. He will heal the world of pain and pandemic. Happy Palm Sunday.

    And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, ‘‘ Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.’’ (Matt.21:9) INTRODUCTION The King is coming to the world affected with COVID-19 pandemic. He is coming with the more

  • Born To Be King Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Feb 28, 2025

    As Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate He was asked if He was a king. Jesus is the King of kings, and Lord of lords, but His kingdom is not of this world. It is a kingdom of truth, and those who would be part of it must love the truth.

    Title: Born to be King Text: John 18:33-40 Now if you remember from last time, Jesus is on trial before Pontius Pilate. The Chief Priests and Pharisees have had a sham of a trial, and they accused Jesus of blasphemy… They want Him dead, but they don’t want to be the ones to kill Him because more

  • An Unlikely King Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus, born in humble circumstances, is the unlikely hero who came to rescue us from sin. His Kingdom disrupts the world and is worthy of our sacrifice.

    Let's talk about heroes. You know, like those in Marvel movies or your favorite video game. But what if I told you that the biggest hero of all time was born in a barn? Sounds crazy, right? Well, that's exactly what happened with Jesus. Let's dive into the story. Picture this: Mary, a young girl, more

  • The King Is Coming PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 12, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the parable of the minas, urging us to wisely use God's gifts to further His kingdom on earth.

    Welcome, dear friends, to another glorious day where we gather in fellowship and faith, hearts attuned to the divine whispers of our Creator. How marvelous it is to be in the presence of such a loving congregation, each one of you a testament to the enduring strength and transformative power of more

  • The King Is Here! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 15, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus' humble yet triumphant entry as King, His unexpected conquest of hearts, and His reign over sin, death, and Satan.

    Good morning, dear family of God. It's a wonderful day to gather together in the love and light of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are here to share in the richness of His word, to draw strength from its wisdom and to find comfort in its promises. Today, we are turning our hearts and minds to a profound more

  • The King Is Coming PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 18, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the humility of Jesus as our King, challenging us to honor Him in unexpected places and trust in His sovereign ways.

    Good morning, beloved congregation. It's a blessing to be gathered here, in the house of our Lord, to share in the wisdom and beauty of His Word. Today, we will be turning our hearts and minds to a remarkable passage in Scripture, one that speaks of humility, royalty, and honor in ways that more

  • The Weeping King PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 18, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the contrast between joy and sorrow in Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, emphasizing the importance of steadfast faith and understanding God's vision for peace. Key

    Good morning, beloved friends. I trust that each of you is feeling the touch of God's grace today, that you've felt His hand guiding you, even in the smallest details of your life. We're here today to gather around the Word of God, to allow it to guide us, to comfort us, and to challenge us. We're more

  • The King Enters PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus' divine authority and humility, urging us to respond with reverence and obedience to His sacrificial love and kingship.

    Dear beloved congregation, there's a warmth, a familiarity in gathering together today, like a family reunion of souls, bound not by blood but by the love of Christ. We are here, not as strangers, but as fellow pilgrims, walking arm in arm on the path of faith. So, as we gather in this holy huddle, more

  • The Courageous King Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon will explore Jesus' courageous entry into Jerusalem, his authority over all things, and challenge listeners to consider if they have given him authority over their lives.

    Main idea: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey knowing full well he would trigger the religious and political authorities. Jesus’ mission required him to demonstrate incredible courage regardless of the reactions of others. He is Lord, the absolute authority over all things. The question is, does more

  • Pedigree Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 19, 2019

    This Christmas, receive Jesus as your Rightful King; rely on Jesus as your Gracious King; revere Jesus as your Divine King; and hope in Jesus as your Restoring King.

    The manager of a large office noticed a new employee and asked, “What’s your name?” The worker replied, “John.” The manager scowled and said, “Look, I don’t know where you worked before, but I don’t call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in more

  • The Wise Men Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Nov 2, 2015

    The unexpected journey of the Eastern Wisemen

    Introduction: The outline for this sermon was obtained from “The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible,” Leadership Ministries World Wide. Anxious to include as many minorities, religions and disabilities as possible, the human resources department of the University of Alberta more

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