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  • New Wine Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on May 16, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    4th in series on Jesus’ priorities. Jesus took the common, and took the customs, and used them for God’s glory.

    John 2:1-11 – New Wine I heard about an unfortunate event that happened some time ago at a wedding. A young couple, very much in love, were getting married. Sue, the wife to be, was very nervous about the big occasion and so the pastor chose one verse that he felt would be a great more

  • New Wine

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Jan 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The underlying reason for all of Jesus' mighty works is clearly stated in John 2:11, “In order that they might see, and seeing believe.”

    Out of the vast amount of material available to John, the writer of the Gospel, he has carefully chosen his material as an eyewitness of all Jesus did and said, In his writing he has a clear, guiding purpose. John 20:30-31 tells us, "Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence more

  • New Wine

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 28, 2023

    As Jesus healed people He spoke of new wine and patching clothing. Did He mean there is a something new in the the new covenant? Let's look at Matthew 9.

    Amidst various healings Jesus taught about old and new ideas. Healing Did Jesus heal a paralyzed man? Was Jesus falsely accused? And getting into a boat he crossed over and came to his own city. And behold, some people brought to him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, more

  • The New Wine Of The Kingdom

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 190 ratings

    The miracle of Jesus changing water into wine at Cana is a sign pointing to the new wine of the Kingdom found only by obedience to Mary’s prophetic words to the servants "do whatever he tells you".

    THE NEW WINE OF THE KINGDOM Have you ever wondered how the stories recorded in the Gospels came to be selected out of the many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the events in the earthly life of Jesus? (John 20:30; 21:35). The evangelist John gives us the reason for their inclusion in Scripture: more

  • God's New Wine Series

    Contributed by Jerry Vargo on Apr 16, 2004
    based on 95 ratings

    We need to discover what God is doing TODAY. The old things of our past were good...but God has new things to pour into new wineskins!

    If you use any or all of this message--would you be willing to fire off a quick email I would like to have an idea of how often my sermons are actually being preached to strengthen the Body of Christ. Thanks! God’s New Wine! Pastor Jerry C. Vargo I. more

  • The New Wine Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Joel Preston on Mar 22, 2012

    Jesus came to bring joy, new life & grace!!

    The Gospel of Mark #6 – “The New Wine of Christ” Mark 2:18-22 Intro – 1. Have you ever known people who are polarizing figures? (you either love or hate them) 2. Examples may be politicians, musicians, actors, sports figures or even whole teams. 3. ILL – Tim more

  • Experience New Wine

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The first miracle of Jesus is not about the creation of wine but the experience of the wedding

    Experience the New Wine John 2:1-11 November 13, 2011 Morning Service Illustration: Kim Kardashian and the 72 day marriage We live in a society of disposable relationships In the past week, I have heard of strained relationships with married couples, strained relationships between siblings, more

  • New Wine In 09

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 7, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Today we are entering into a new era of ministry at Christian Hills – we have a new year and the promise from the Lord of a new start – a new focus – a new theme – our new theme is “New Wine in 09.

    “New Wine in 09” Youth are ushering today. They will hand out corks to everyone when they come in today. Opening Video Illustration– old to new! The world is changing and we need to change and adapt with it. We cannot dig our heals in and refuse to change and to grow. Clip compares: TV then and more

  • New Wine With Jesus

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 15, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    The passing of old things, and the ushering in of new.

    NEW WINE WITH JESUS. John 2:1-11. The Gospel of John provides us with an unashamedly theological overview of the person of Christ. We are introduced to our Lord under the Genesis motif “in the beginning” (John 1:1), and as the Word made flesh (John 1:14). Throughout the book, John’s preferred more

  • Full Of New Wine? Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 7, 2015

    How do we defend our faith in Christ?

    Full of New Wine Acts 2:12-21 We have seen in our study of Pentecost so far, one of the major purposes for the gift of tongues was to bypass the language barrier so that everyone at the feast in Jerusalem could understand the wonderful works of God in their own language. In other words, God wanted more

  • New Wine Old Bottles Series

    Contributed by Rajkumar Pulla on Jan 1, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    New Wine Old Bottles

    New Wine Old Bottles New Wine Old Bottles Luke 5:37-39 The title of todays message says it all. We are closing out 2009and soon we will all step into 2010. But how do we step into the New Year? What do we bring with us from the old year and what do we hope for in the arrival of new one? I think more

  • New Wine In New Wineskins

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    One of a series on the the church from Acts

    New wine goes in new skins. Everybody in Jesus day knew that! - It is a simple rule. The skins of animals were used to hold wine. As it aged they stretched. If you put new wine in old skins - they would burst. It was that simple. The new wine is the Gospel and the wineskins are the methods we more

  • New Wine And New Wineskins

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 130 ratings

    Thesis: We must constantly scrutinize our practices by the will of God.

    Thesis: We must constantly scrutinize our practices by the will of God. Intro.: 1. Everyone has something dear enough to them that they would fight for it. It is interesting to observe what that something is. a. Illust. A friend of mine tells about a woman he knows who accepts with qui et more

  • New Wine For New Wineskins

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Nov 4, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    My attempt to deal with the issue of the "newness" of Jesus compared to the "oldness" of the Law. If you think I missed it, let me know (really!).

    New Wine for New Wineskins Matthew 9:14-17 October 30, 2005 Introduction If there’s one thing that is inescapable when examining the life of Jesus, it’s that he was constantly challenging the status quo of the religious mindset of his day. He was pretty much fed up with it. He regularly had to more

  • New Wine, New Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 23, 2015

    What are we responding to? Is it Jesus as Lord or is it some human religious system? Is our behaviour going to help others discover the good news of Jesus Christ? Will it help us proclaim forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name?

    Most people dislike change. Some people think it’s a necessary evil; but evil nevertheless. But there are times when change is absolutely necessary; when the old ways won’t work; when the old ways will actually hinder the thing that’s coming. One such moment in time was at the more