The New Wine Of Christ Series
Contributed by Joel Preston on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus came to bring joy, new life & grace!!
The Gospel of Mark #6 – “The New Wine of Christ”
Mark 2:18-22
Intro –
1. Have you ever known people who are polarizing figures? (you either love or hate them)
2. Examples may be politicians, musicians, actors, sports figures or even whole teams.
3. ILL – Tim Tebow… Although we just enjoyed a wonderful Superbowl, during this past NFL season the real story of the year was Tim Tebow. Everywhere you turned, (TV, the internet, magazines & newspaper) you heard about Tebow. As a result, this 24 year old, second year quarterback and son of missionaries to the Philippines literally became a cultural icon. So much so, that Saturday night live performed a parody of him. To bow down on one knee has come to be known as “Tebowing.” Also, this season every sports reporter wrote articles on Tebow. Interestingly, they either applauded him or attacked him – no one was neutral! He has become a “polarizing figure.” Fans either love him or hate him.
4. Everywhere Jesus went he had a similarly polarizing effect.
5. Mark 12:37b (NKJV) “…the common people heard Him gladly.”
6. Mark 14:1b “…the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him.”
7. As we move further into our study of Mark’s gospel, we see a growing tension between Jesus & the religious leaders of the day.
8. Mark 2:18-22 (Read)
9. All of Mark 2 & part of Mark 3 deal with the confrontations. We have already seen the religious crowd up in arms over Jesus forgiving sin, calling a tax collector to follow him, and eating with “sinners & tax collectors.” In these verses, we have a confrontation over religious traditions – specifically fasting.
10. Although the church is nowhere commanded to fast, it is a legitimate spiritual discipline. The Jews were only commanded to fast one day a year on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16). However, the Pharisees had once again added to God’s command by implementing forced fasting twice a week.
11. In response to the question, Jesus shares 3 parables. Jesus often taught by parables or stories that used every day commonalities that his hearers readily understood.
12. Jesus’ stories reveal His heart. They tell His autobiography and the autobiography of God. Do you want to know how God feels about people being a good neighbor, read the story of the Good Samaritan. Do you want to know how God feels when someone who is lost finally finds home again? Read the story of the Prodigal Son. Do you want to know how Jesus feels about people obeying His teachings? Read the story of the house built on the rock or sand?
13. So the question before us today is “What do these 3 stories tell us about Jesus?”
I. Jesus Came to Bring Joy – Vs. 19-20 **The 1st picture Jesus uses is that of a Wedding!
PICTURE – Our Wedding…**laughing throughout!
In our culture, we have a grand ceremony & then the new couple goes away for a week to be alone. In the Jewish culture it was much different.
The couple was actually betrothed for a year-long period in which they were considered legally married, but did not consummate the marriage until the wedding feast. This was a week-long celebration where the couple was treated as a king & queen, and everyone in the community ate, drank and was merry. It was a time of great joy!!
A. Why does a wedding bring so much joy?
1. A wedding brings fulfillment –
a. For a Jewish couple in this time, this was the fulfillment of a year-long betrothal.
b. In our culture, it is the fulfillment of an engagement, a high school romance, or in some cases the fulfillment of a broken heart that has been healed. It is the fulfillment of a parents dream of a son or daughter-in-law & grandchildren!
2. A wedding introduces a new family –
a. What a joy I have had to introduce new couples for the first time – no longer 2 but one!!!
b. Gen. 2:24 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
B. Why does Jesus bring so much joy?
1. He fulfills our greatest need: forgiveness!**Redemption!
a. Because of the fall, humanity is sinful by nature & by choice.
b. Ps. 51:5 “…I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”
c. Rom. 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
d. Our only hope is for someone to forgive us of our sins! That’s why Jesus came!
e. Someone wrote, “If Man's greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If Man's greatest need would have been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If Man's greatest need would have been money, God would have sent us an economist. If Man's greatest need would have been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer. Man's greatest need is FORGIVENESS and so God sent us a SAVIOR! Jesus Christ!”