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Sermons on new dawn:

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  • It Dawned On Me

    Contributed by Steve Wilson on Mar 16, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever thought what it might have been like for the disciples to experience the death of the One they gave up everything to follow? Try to visualize one of those disciples coming to meet with us here on Resurrection Day.

    Introduction Read Luke 24:1-9 Easter! What a glorious day for Christians. It means everything to us. In fact we worship on the first day of the week, Sunday, every week because Jesus came out of the tomb on that day. I hope none of us takes for granted what Christ’s resurrection means. I more

  • Sermon On A Dawn Awakening

    Contributed by William Meakin on Oct 26, 2024

    Dawn has been regarded as the daybreak of life. It is a time of being that generally awakens, it may enhance an entirely new perspective in vision and clarity of mind that encourages a new hope.

    Henry David Thoreau, an American naturalist, essayist and philosopher once remarked: “Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.” Luke 1:78-79 reminds us: “Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on more

  • From The Shadows A New Day Dawns Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Mar 24, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    This is the fourth in a series but can be used stand alone. It looks at the bright new morning that dawns to dispel the shadows of the cross. A stone rolled away, a tomb standing empty, and a promise fulfilled.

    Shadows of the Cross Pt 4 From the Shadows a New Day Dawns Luke 24:1-12 It was early dawn – the sun not yet above eastern horizon. Three women make their way quietly toward the tomb of Jesus. As they make their way down the road their eyes might have been called again to a hilltop called Golgotha more

  • The Dawning Of A New Day - Easter 2004

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Apr 8, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    The day of Jesus resurrection dawned with a hope that conquers disbelief, a faith than conquers doubt, a life that conquers death and a purpose that conquers despair.

    THE DAWNING OF A NEW DAY Easter Sunday Matthew 28:1-10 April 11, 2004 Introduction: A Sunday School teacher was attempting to teach her young students the true meaning of Easter. "Why do we celebrate Easter?" she asked. When the children replied ’because of the Easter bunny,’ Easter eggs, more

  • The Dawning Of The Kingdom Of God Series

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Feb 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon describing the events for Israel in the 400 years between the Old Testament and New Testament and how this shaped their understanding of the meaning of the Kingdom of God.

    8.2.09 THE DAWNING OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD Matt 3:1-12 INTRO Less than a month ago the new president if the United States, Barack Obama took office. What has been the verdict so far? The general opinion is ‘so far so good’. In such a short space of time he has planned the closure of the Guantanamo more

  • The Light Dawns Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 25, 2011

    Christ came 1) At the Right Time (Matthew 4:12a); to 2) The Right Place (Matthew 4:12b-16); and with 3) The Right Proclamation (Matthew 4:17).

    There are a few times in people’s lives that world wide seminal changes occur. For many in this room, World War II meant the removal of an evil atheistic empire. In my lifetime, the fall of Communion in Eastern Europe allowed a new freedom of worship and the proclamation of the Gospel. For those more

  • The Dawn Of The Dead

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Oct 30, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Life and Death are best understood by one’s proximity to Jesus; Jesus has come to give us life – life to the full.

    DAWN OF THE DEAD* Revelation 14:1-20, Ephesians 2:1-10 Big Idea: Life and Death are best understood by one’s proximity to Jesus; Jesus has come to give us life – life to the full. Supporting Scripture: Ezekiel 33:11 {KJV}, Isaiah 28:21 {KJV}, Psalm 103:8 {KJV}, Psalm 145:8 {KJV}, Luke 15:24 & more

  • The Dawn Of Conscience Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    The conscience was a faculty, which God had built into man from the beginning, but as long as men were in perfect fellowship with Him they had no awareness of it.

    A ten-year-old boy came home from Sunday School and his mother asked him what he had learned. "Well," he began, "Our teacher told us about when God sent Moses behind the enemy lines to rescue the Israelites from the Egyptians. When they came to the Red Sea, Moses called for the more

  • The Dawn Of Guilt

    Contributed by Darrell Jones on May 27, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    I have often wondered what it must have been like to walk with God, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. To have heard God’s voice, and received instruction and daily guidance from Him in person. I also wondered what the first morning was like following th

    For all of their created existence Adam and Eve had looked forward to the daily walk and time of fellowship with their Creator. But on this morning anticipation became anxiety, delight became dread, and the eye of guilt was opened for the first time. God and His created universe were now looked more

  • Darkness & The Dawn

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Nov 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    ❶ Darkness Smoothers Us ❷ Light Transforms Us

    - Photo from space of Earth at night - Where artificial light is and is not - Astronomers hate light around them - They call it Light Pollution John 3:19KJV And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were more

  • The Shepherds At Dawn Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 21, 2014

    We should emulate the shepherds, and be thankful for their witness.

    Christmas Dawn Mass 2014 Thirteen Days of Christmas “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; the Lord is God and He has enlightened us.” These words of today’s Gradual psalm are the centerpiece of the Christmas dawn Mass Scripture readings. St. Paul tells us that the more

  • The Dawning Of The Light.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 29, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The true light had arisen in the midst of great darkness.

    THE DAWNING OF THE LIGHT. Isaiah 9:1-4. The prospect at the end of Isaiah 8 was one of ‘trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish’ (cf. Isaiah 8:22). But now there is a “Nevertheless” (Isaiah 9:1). The darkest night is followed by the dawn. The dimness is vanquished, and affliction replaced by more

  • The Dawn Of Zion's Glory.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 19, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    "And the Gentiles shall come to thy light" (Isaiah 60:3).

    THE DAWN OF ZION’S GLORY. Isaiah 60:1-9. The motif of darkness is at last vanquished by the coming of the light (ISAIAH 60:1). Just as in Creation, God spoke, and there was light (cf. Genesis 1:2-3). The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overwhelm it (cf. John 1:5). Like more

  • How Things Change Series

    Contributed by Diana Tyler on Jul 20, 2023

    The dawn of something new

    After Haman was hanged, King Xerxes gave his house to Queen Esther and after finding out that she and Mordecai are related, gave his signet ring to him. Before Haman was executed, he was stripped of the ring. Mordecai was appointed over Haman's house. Esther 8:1-2 A lot of people forget that more

  • New Year ,new Hope.

    Contributed by Peter Mwariri on Dec 31, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Around this time most people are full of excitement and of course they should be for a new year lies ahead.To most of the people it means a time to party and drink,while others take this as the time to reflect and plan ahead.Yet others are still buried in

    Let us closely examine this verse, Philippians 3:13-14 "No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for more