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  • The Lord Be With You

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Apr 21, 2024

    Isn't it a wonderful thing to be aware of the presence of God! The psalmist said knowing that God was with him made it so that he was not afraid, even if going through the valley of the shadow of death.

    Alba 4-21-2024 THE LORD BE WITH YOU II Thessalonians 3:16-18 Richard Wurmbrand, of Voice of the Martyrs, told the story of a church leader he met while imprisoned in Romania. He was sentenced to 22 years for being a good man, a Christian. The man, his wife, and six small children were eating more

  • Are You An Encourager?

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Apr 8, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon examines the life and ministry of Paul’s companion and co-worker Barnabas.

    Introduction: The Bible is full of people that we could pattern our lives after. Of course our ultimate role model is Jesus, but there are many others that we could learn and benefit from. For instance, Like Abraham, we should strive to have such a close relationship to God, that we too would be more

  • Transforming You

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Oct 18, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    6th of 6 based on Acts 2:47 Small things done with great love change the world. You can change the world by changing you from being a taker to being a giver.

    Transforming You 2:47 – 24/7 Now is the time for change January 31, 1829 To President Jackson: The canal system of this country is being threatened by the spread of a new form of transportation known as "railroads.’ The federal government must preserve the canals for the following reasons: more

  • You Belong Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    When Jesus was crucified in the flesh, we lost our capacity to distinguish ourselves from one another based on what we can see. We belong because we belong to him.

    You Belong Pastor Jim Luthy Ephesians 2:11-22 Let me introduce you to Dain. It’s not hard to tell that Dain is a Christian. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior when he was a child and grew up in the church. He went to Sunday School every week, winning perfect attendance pins more often more

  • Are You Sick? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tweaks the argument of who is in control just a little bit to introduce the real sickness in mankind - sin. He is in control of that too. Are you willing to give Him control over your total cleansing from evil?

    We’ve spent a couple of weeks in Matthew chapter 8 talking about control and authority. Matthew shows us that Jesus has it—over the seen and unseen universe—but that we as humans are loathe to give up control over our own lives and give it to Him. We saw a couple of notable examples in a Gentile more

  • Are You Engaged Series

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on May 4, 2009

    In the spiritual battle against the enemies of your soul, you are either engaged, AWOL or siding with the enemy. What does it mean to be engaged as a Christian soldier.

    ARE YOU ENGAGED? 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-4 There is a spiritual war that has raged through the ages. This spiritual warfare is the seemingly never ending battle between God and His kingdom and Satan and his forces. Ephesians 6:12 describes it this way: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but more

  • Are You A Debtor?

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Success and failure is a part of life. When we face failure we tend to blame others for it. When successful, our tendency is to take credit for it. Whom do you give credit for the success in your life? As we come to the last Sunday of 2009 we are going to

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Are you a debtor? Introduction: Success and failure is a part of life. When we more

  • Are You Imprinted? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 10, 2014

    Many of us don’t realize that when we are born, and as we are raised, we are imprinted with a value set that comes from this age. It makes it impossible to think clearly about how the universe really operates. But in Jesus, there finally is clarity.

    It’s really encouraging when you get good news about something, isn’t it? The Apostle Paul has gotten some really good news about the people living in Ephesus. The gospel first reached Ephesus in Acts 19. The people he met had been baptized into John’s baptism. They had incomplete more

  • Are You Comfortable?

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 3, 2015

    People don’t like to feel uncomfortable in any situation. • Because It feels… well…uncomfortable. • As a result, people will go to great lengths to avoid situations that make them feel uncomfortable. Adopted from "Not a fan"

    In life we like to be Comfortable • The temps in our houses • Ourselves • Financially • Relationships • Our Surroundings People don’t like to feel uncomfortable in any situation. • Because It feels… well…uncomfortable. • As a result, more

  • Are You Ready?

    Contributed by Michael Walther on May 24, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon addressed the problem of hypocrisy based on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Hypocrisy can only be cured by recognizing it and by discovering Jesus' unhypocritical love for us.

    Introduction It’s foolish to be a pretender. Just ask John Corcoran. John never learned to read in elementary school. Somehow the teachers just kept passing him along. When he got to high school he became at expert at cheating. He turned in other people’s work. He said more

  • Are You Free?

    Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Jul 15, 2009

    Luke 12:15 “And he said unto them, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”

    “Are You Free?” 7/1/2007 - Marsing, ID Ricardo Rodriguez Luke 12:15 “And he said unto them, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” “Y díjoles: Mirad, y guardaos de toda avaricia; porque la vida more

  • Are You Persuaded?

    Contributed by Mark Baker on Jul 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In these very troubled times everything that can be shaken will be shaken. This is not a cause for fear but an opportunity grow in grace and truth, as well as an opportunity to increase in confidence as we see God’s absolute faithfulness revealed toward

    Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39. nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Persuasion - more

  • You Belong Series

    Contributed by Roger Smith on Aug 28, 2023

    The moment we professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we became members of God’s family sons and daughters of the Loving Living God. Whatever our background, whatever our differences, we are all one in Christ Jesus.

    WE BELONG! Call to Worship - 1 John 3v1 GNB See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God's children---and so, in fact, we are. This is why the world does not know us: it has not known God. Reading: Ephesians 2v14-22 Read again: v19-20 People need people! more

  • Are You Thirsty

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on Nov 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Living Waters of Jesus

    ARE YOU THIRSTY? Human Beings are largely composed of water.The orange juice or coffee you drank this morning was mostly water. The eggs or toast contains more water than we realize. Vegetables /fruits all contain water, even the air we breathe has high moisture content, (I wonder if we could more

  • Are You A Whosoever? Series

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 3, 2022

    When we accept Christ as our Savior, we become a child of God and have eternal life.

    In verses 1-5: • We know that if we love God and keep His commandments, then we love the children of God • God determines who our family members are, we are to accept and love them • As we love our earthly family, we should love our spiritual (Christian) family • Jesus never promised that more

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