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  • Personal Resolution In Christ

    Contributed by Michael Stover on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    I. Mastery of God’s Called A.

    I. Mastery of God’s Called A. Following the prize (12) 1. Refutation of completion (12a) 2. Continuation of intention (12b) B. Forgetting the past (13) 1. Repudiation of the past (13a) a. Good b. Bad 2. Concentration in the present (13b) a. ‘Reaching forth’ - The Greek word points out the strong more

  • Principles Of Personal Growth Series

    Contributed by Tony Klinedinst on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 101 ratings

    Paul’s instruction to Timothy on how to advance through leadership adversity.

    Principles of Personal Growth I Timothy 4:12-16 ** The outline of this sermon was gleaned from a John Maxwell resource. I.Identify your obstacles and hurdle them. (v. 12) A. What was Timothy’s obstacle? His youth. B.How did he overcome this obstacle? 1. He changed his lifestyle. more

  • The Personal Touch Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Christmas wasn’t just a historical event with a message wholly unrelated to its reader. It is a personal message from a personal God to you. It reveals something about you.

    This is a brief message shared at the Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day. There is a special blessing in the Christmas message which is often missed by many. • The birth of Jesus is not simply an interesting fact of history and wholly unrelated to your present life • Christmas has to do with more

  • Four Kinds Of Personality

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Jul 15, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    Judges chapter 12 brings Jephthah’s story to an end and tells us of three more judges. The four men give us a glimpse of four kinds of leadership, and four kinds of personality.

    Judges chapter 12 brings Jephthah’s story to an end (12:1-7) and tells us of three more judges (12:8-15). The four men give us a glimpse of four kinds of leadership, and four kinds of personality. 1. Jephthah became too much of a tyrant; he was overconcerned with control. His tyranny began with more

  • You Can Be The Person

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on May 4, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    It doesn’t take a lot of resources to be a blessing to someone and meet their need. All of us can be the person. Here’s how.

    May, 2007 You Can Be the Person Mark 14:12-16 INTRODUCTION: Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “where do you want us to make preparation for you to eat the Passover?” There was not much time for them to make the needed preparation because the Passover had to be eaten between sundown and midnight more

  • A Day Of Personal Testimony

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Feb 12, 2007
    based on 28 ratings

    A sermon about the need for more personal testimonies, and the need for more involvement on behalf of Christians, both in and out of church, to tell others. This precedes our STEP 3 class, which will help us to understand our Spiritual Gift(s).

    In JOHN 19:34 it tells us that, as Jesus hung on the cross, a guard pierced His side. In JOHN 19:35, it says that the one who loved him saw it personally and knows it is true. It says he testifies "SO THAT YOU ALSO MAY BELIEVE." Going over to ISAIAH 43:10, it tells us - ‘You are my witnesses, more

  • Recognizing Your Personality Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Using Rick Warren’s SHAPE acronym to discover how God has created each of us with unique personalities to be used together in serving in the church.

    If you haven’t been with us in the last couple weeks let me get you up to date. We are in a series called “Created to be God’s Masterpiece.” This comes from Ephesians 2:10 of the NLT, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he more

  • I Will Be A Forgiving Person Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 86 ratings

    Forgiving people when they wrong you is sometimes easier said than done, but we need to forgive and let go of bitterness.

    “I Will Be A Forgiving Person” Introduction: Have any of you ever been wronged or hurt by someone? If you have you know first hand how easy it could be to stay angry and to grow bitter to a person. God definitely understands what it is like to be hurt and wronged. We through our sins we commit more

  • Stewardship, A Personal Testimony

    Contributed by Ron Hietsch on Oct 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A personal stewardship testimony emphasizing the need for balance in life.

    Before I start, I need to define one important term. The device on the table is not a scale. You can find scales in the bathroom, the doctor’s office, the meat market the truck stop etc. I personally don’t like scales -- the last time I used one I weighed 160 pounds. The correct term for this more

  • A Personal Stewardship Testimony

    Contributed by Ron Hietsch on Oct 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    I am called to manage God’s resources not consume them.

    My practical training to better understand my role as a steward of God’s resources started when Doreen and I bought a Medicine Shoppe Franchise way back in 1978. This purchase gave me an excellent working paradigm to apply to my future life as a steward. This was a store that had been open for more

  • My Personal Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This is the last sermon in this series on the Martyr’s Oath, and the most demanding of us personally. If you have looked ahead, you have seen the rest of the oath filled in. Daunting to say the least! Daunting , yes, BUT still achievable. In our lifet

    THE MARTYR’S OATH My Personal Sacrifice Romans 12:1-3 INTRODUCTION: This is the last sermon in this series on the Martyr’s Oath, and the most demanding of us personally. If you have looked ahead, you have seen the rest of the oath filled in. Daunting to say the least! Daunting , yes, BUT still more

  • The Marks Of A Consecrated Person

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Dec 5, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This message shows how our giving should be done willing to the Lord

    THE MARKS OF A CONSECRATED PERSON TEXT: I Chronicles 28: 3, 9, 10; 29: 1-17 W. Max Alderman INTRODUCTION: This study will emphasize the importance of having a willing spirit and heart in ones giving. The word “willing” appears over and over again in these chapters as David more

  • Effective Personal Ministry Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 9:32-43 regarding Peter’s ministry in Lydda and Joppa healing the sick and raising the dead

    Text: Acts 9:32-43, Title: Effective Personal Ministry, Date/Place: NRBC, 2/10/08, AM A. Opening illustration: In all the recent church growth and development books a common thread that runs through them is how to get all the members in your church to be ministers and involved in ministry—to move more

  • The Person Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Oct 30, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Holy Spirit empowers, purifies, reveals, and unifies us today.

    “The Person of the Holy Spirit” John 14:15-21, 25-27 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts We can grasp the concept that God is our Father, and we especially identify with Jesus, Who walked this earth as one of us…but it’s harder to conceptualize the more

  • Marks Of A Spiritual Person Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual people are followers of Christ who bring life and hope to those around them.

    Marks of a Spiritual Person Acts 19:21-41 Intro: Much could be said about what it means to be spiritual. [Ask for response- What are spiritual people like?] Spiritual people pray a lot, worship in spirit, they read the Bible and faithfully obey God’s commands, they fast in order to get closer to more

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