Amazing Grace
Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jul 13, 2010 (message contributor)
1. Getting In The Way
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Ever feel like you’re just ’in the way’ ?? This message is for you ... ’in the way’ is where God blesses and uses people!
II Corinthians 12:7-10; Exodus 5:20 * In mechanic’s shop lately – he was telling about people who just stand there, asking questions, hanging around, not helping…me! * Define – “in the way” – being useless; without function; causing more harm then good; preventing someone or ...read more
2. Grace Vs. Gravity
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Two forces at work – grace and gravity – (pulling us up or down) offerings & Christmas-time amplifies that reality...
The Grace of Gift-Giving II Corinthians 9:6-11, 15 * Two forces at work – grace and gravity – (pulling us up or down) Christmas amplifies that reality * Most unusual Christmas message – while most preachers work at emphasizing Christ, turning our attention away from presents…I’d like ...read more
3. Grace’s #1 Enemy
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Forgiveness “to set free’ – someone who has wronged you, taken from you, damaged you, injured you, taken advantage of you… Even though we know we should … its like we can’t (100 reasons why we can’t…)
* Bitterness is fruit – Unforgiveness is the root – Tree of ungrace * Grace and forgiveness – Linked * “cycle:” Injury > Penalty / Debt > cancellation (of payment) Unforgiveness – hold hostages (does not set free) Hebrews 12:15 * Creates bondage…the real loser is the one ...read more
4. To The Brim
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Ever ask a child to fill up your glass? Filled to capacity, carrying it across the room – -trying not to spill it. That’s the way God delivers grace to you! What makes Christianity different from other religions? Grace – CS Lewis
Ever ask a child to fill up your glass? Filled to capacity, carrying it across the room – -trying not to spill it. What makes Christianity different from other religions? Grace – CS Lewis “Sufficient” – more than adequate; grace >= the need 1. Its Enough for our Salvation Ephesians ...read more
5. Grace For The Pace
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
We receive Vertical Grace –rel. w/ God; We relate Horizontal Grace – rel. w/ people. You’re either a grace giver or a grace killer (do you distribute it or expect it?)
*We receive Vertical Grace –rel. w/ God; We relate Horizontal Grace – rel. w/ people *You’re either a grace giver or a grace killer (do you distribute it or expect it?) - I’m afraid the world isn’t as interest in Christ because of Christians… “soured” - Churched have a “Let me out” attitude – ...read more
6. Falling From Grace
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Speaking on grace has seemed one sided…when you speak of unconditional forgiveness, limitless love, & boundless acceptance. It’s just screaming to be abused and misused... here are three loop-holes:
Speaking on grace has seemed one sided…when you speak of unconditioned forgiveness and limitless love and boundless acceptance… * The scent of sandal arises when you tell sinners that; “No matter what, God loves you and can forgive you.” or that “No amount of effort and works impresses God ...read more
7. Grace, Down Under
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Romans 6:14-15 – *Notice the use of the word “under” Whether its: Under the weather or under the circumstances…we’re always living under something. How about living under grace:
Romans 6:14-15 – *Notice the use of the word “under” Proverbs 30:5 *Every word of God has purpose – “God breathed” none of it is filler “Under” whether its: Under the weather & under the circumstances…we’re always living under something 1. Past: Under the Law – Grace gives a New Motive ...read more
8. Grace, Live & In Person
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
Today we meet grace…live & in person. Literally the person who is grace. Not just a person named grace; a gracious person; a person with much grace…but grace Himself.
Today we meet grace…live & in person. Literally the person who is grace. Not just a person named grace; a gracious person; a person with much grace…but grace Himself. John 1:14-17 the Word, Jesus Christ Why is grace important? What will grace do for you? 1. Help you appreciate God’s ...read more
9. How Sweet The Sound
Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
What is Grace? “that which brings delight & pleasure” It’s anything that makes God smile! It’s sweeter than the sound of sin, of the law, and of works...
* What is Grace? Common definition- “unmerited, undeserved favor” o “that which brings delight & pleasure” – anything that makes God smile o Grace is in an unusual category of N/V words-(both nouns & verbs) Love, Joy, Hope, and Faith – both a ‘thing’ and something you ...read more