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  • The Near-Sighted Church

    Contributed by David Owens on Oct 17, 2011

    In this sermon we look at what causes evangelistic near-sightedness and how to overcome that condition. This sermon is based on an excellent sermon by Dan Williams.

    Introduction: A. I like the story of the policeman who pulled a lady driver over and asked for her license. 1. After looking at her license, he said, “Lady, it says here that you should be wearing glasses.” 2. The woman answered, “Well, I have contacts.” 3. The policeman more

  • Repent For The End Is Near

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Nov 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus told us no man knows the day or hour of his return - so why do we insist on speculating when the end will come? Jesus� emphasis to us is readiness.

    REPENT, FOR THE END IS NEAR! (or is it?) TCF Sermon October 18, 2009 What do all these people have in common? Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Adolph Hitler, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict 16, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Martin more

  • Blemished People Can't Come Near God

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 13, 2015

    To show that the LORD will choose the weak (blemished people) to remove all his blemishes before His Presence. Therefore all believers will glory only in their weaknesses and infirmities to bring glory to GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you blemished? Yes and No. 1 Corinthians 1:27 (Amplified Bible) [No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame. Isaiah 1:18 (Amplified Bible) Come now, and let us more

  • The New And Living Way Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 4, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    The New and Living Way is contrasted with the Old and Dead Way under the Law. In the New and Living Way we can Draw Near to God and Draw Near to Each Other.

    A New and Living Way Hebrews 10 (Hebrews 9 sermon is not available) SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 10:19-25 INTRODUCTION: On Easter morning, everyone tends to think about new life. It’s springtime. New leaves are budding (of course for those of us with Live Oak trees, that means old leaves are more

  • The End Is Near (Or Is It?)

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Sep 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    there is only one thing that is eternal - God's love

    (Luke 14:26) The Gospel we heard today is one of the numerous ‘apocalyptic’ verses foretelling the destruction and end of the world. Not a pleasant thing to have to preach about. . . . and not something that the average Episcopal Church lists among its favorite readings. We start out hearing more

  • Transformed By Truth: "every Person Is As Close To God As They Want To Be" James 4:8 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jun 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    From James 4:8 a sermon to challenge the listener to reflect on their relationship with God.

    Transformed by Truth: "Every Person is as Close to God as They Want to Be" James 4:8 Introduction Today, we explore a profound truth: "Every person is as close to God as they want to be." This statement challenges us to reflect on our personal relationship with God. Our main more

  • Drawing Nigh Unto God

    Contributed by Vernon L Caruthers on May 4, 2005
    based on 54 ratings

    God Wants Us To Come closer to Him in our Personal walk. However, this is a "Holy God" that we are drawing nigh to. Are we really sure that we want to come closer to Him? God alone can see us for what we really are and there is nothing that is hidden from

    Drawing Nigh Unto God: Text: James 4:8a " Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you....." Introduction: James, the brother of our Lord and the leader of the New Testament church, admonishes this infant church to grow by --- "Drawing nigh unto God." God expects us grow more

  • Heaven Has Come Near Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Mar 31, 2021

    When the Son of God is born as man, we’ve already seen His plan.

    A couple weeks ago, NASA landed their 8th Mars lander, InSight, on the surface of Mars and started a photoshoot. They kind of look like selfies on Mars to me. They were thrilled at a successful landing - the first of its kind in a few years. It cost a lot of money, and NASA hopes to learn a lot more

  • Three Simple Steps For Victory Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jun 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    There are three simple steps for victory, namely, follow God, Sanctify yourselves and Draw near to God. If you do you will be successful.

    Joshua 3:1-9 Walk through the impossibilities Introduction: The Charles Blondin made a history and walked through the impossibilities for others though crossing the Niagara Falls on the tight rope on Aug 1859 with his manager Harry Colcord. Joshua, the 6th book of OT is full of practicalities. more

  • So Near And Yet So Far

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Sep 14, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We will never be as close to Christ as we could be or think we are if we are oblivious to today’s issues or build monuments to past achievements.

    We can be close to something, and yet miss it. We can be almost on target, almost where we want to .be, and yet, if we’re not exactly where we ought to be, we miss it. So near and yet so far. A couple of years ago, when my wife and I were touring England, we were in Victoria Station, one of the more

  • Far Sighted Or Near Sighted?

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 38 ratings

    Does devotion to God free us from the responsibility to think deeply? How far ahead should we think?

    1. Many of you wear glasses; if you need longer arms to read, that usually means you are "far sighted..."; to drive, near-sighted; both. Porcupine backed into cactus...."Pardon me, honey!" 2. Others wear contacts for the same reason--I could never stomach fishing around in my eye.... 3. In more

  • Nightmares, Numb Skulls And Near Misses Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jan 18, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    Do you have questions that earthly wisdom cannot answer? Do you have an ominous feeling that something is wrong but you don't know. Find out in Daniel 2 that mans wisdom is never enough to answer the questions of life. God will answer if you will ask.

    Intro: Before we jump into Daniel we need to hear a passage in Hebrews. Hebrews 1:1-2 “Long ago God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways. 2 In these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.” Before God sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of more

  • Spending Quiet Time With God

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 31, 2025

    Spending quiet time with God is an essential practice for every believer. It is during these times of stillness and solitude that we can draw near to God, seek His presence, hear His voice, and strengthen our relationship with Him.

    SPENDING QUIET TIME WITH GOD By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Supporting Texts: Psalm 63:1, Isaiah 40:31, Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35, James 4:8 INTRODUCTION: Spending more

  • Persecution--Coming To A Church Near You? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 14, 2021

    We have two challenges: to make faith in Our Lord known and to so act that Americans turn back to Christ and the Church and repent and are healed. And at the foundation of that effort, we must pray, pray, pray.

    Feast of St Agnes 2021 Saint Agnes was martyred in the persecution of Diocletian, right about the year of our Lord 303. Now we in the United States tend to think in terms of four to eight years, the length of a presidential administration. But just imagine what life was like in the last half of more

  • It Gets Better

    Contributed by Paul Decker on May 1, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    God gives us a new beginning.

    IT GETS BETTER! I Corinthians 15:35-49 S: Death and resurrection C: New bodies come at death Pr: GOD GIVES US A NEW BEGINNING. ?: How? KW: Contrasts TS: We will find in I Corinthians 15:35-49 three contrasts that show how God gives us a new beginning. Type: Propositional The ____ contrast is more

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