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  • 11 Nature Of Man – Spirit: Conscience - Hindrance Is Pride / Aid Is Humility Series

    Contributed by Louis Posthauer on Jul 22, 2022

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the spirit/conscience is pride.

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the spirit/conscience is pride. Pride debilitates(weakens) the conscience. Conscience(spirit) is designed to directly respond to God’s communication of faith, hope and love to you. If your conscience affirms more

  • Mistaken Identities Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Aug 12, 2008

    I preach expository messages, and this is from my series on the book of Acts.

    “Mistaken Identities” Acts 14:8-18 December 16, 2007 (NOTE: I began my message with a slide show of "celebrity lookalikes", which can be easily found via a Google search.) Mistaken identity can be fun…(SLIDE SHOW) This man was never really President; he is not Bill Clinton. Nor is this more

  • Miracles Do Happen

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Mar 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Shows the elements of miracles and what’s needed to access them.

    Miracles Do Happen Mark 6: 37-42 37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworthg of bread, and give them to eat?  38 † He more

  • King 2 Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Dec 13, 2022

    King 2 Series: Who is this King? December 11, 2022 - Brad Bailey

    The King of Eternity Series: Who is this King? Brad Bailey – Dec. 11, 2022 Intro Many maybe familiar with these words written down by the prophet Isaiah…for which at least the central portion is declared around the celebration of the birth of Christ. Context – the people had called for a more

  • Revival!

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 10, 2002
    based on 364 ratings

    The elements of revival as spelled out in God’s Word.

    Revival 2 Chronicles 7:14 John Basham, ?Prayer is the backbone of a revival.... Instead of substituting new ideas such as religious films or social entertainment, why not really try the God-given method for revivals: ?Pray without ceasing??? Definitions: Revival is always extraordinary... more

  • Running To Win

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Nov 25, 2007
    based on 12 ratings

    5 elements for running and winning in your Christian race

    RUNNING TO WIN Hebrews 12:1-2 Intro: When I study a message I try to address these six questions. Who was it written to and who is doing the writing, what is the subject that is being discussed, when was it written, where was it written, why was it written and how was it written. I feel like more

  • What Jesus Wants In Worship

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    John gives us the elements of worship that Jesus expects.

    WHAT JESUS WANTS IN WORSHIP John 2:13-25 INTRO: What do you want when you go to worship? People want a particular size of congregation, a special kind of building, a unique order of worship, and personal preferences of elements for the worship. Think for a moment what you like when you go to more

  • Worship Wars

    Contributed by Skip Alexander on May 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    the biblical elements of worship and not worship style is most important.

    Worship Wars Matthew 17:1-13 I. Introduction story from Max Lucado: II. The Mount of Transfiguration was an authentic worship experience that include most of the biblical elements of worship. As we begin a time of evaluation of our six month worship format it is best that we consider what the more

  • A Countercultural Mission Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 17, 2011

    This sermon looks at four elements to a counter culture mission

    A Countercultural Mission Acts 9:1-22 In Dayton, Ohio, attorney Derrick Farmer gave a motivational talk to at-risk teens. Derrick is 48 years old, and has been an attorney since 1999. Now, what was unusual about this event was that it was picketed by 30 Dayton police officers. Why? When Derrick was more

  • A Daily Word Of Encouragement And Admonishment Re: Coronavirus 4

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 24, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Prayer is an essential element in our response to the coronovirus pandemic

    A Daily Word Of Encouragement And Admonishment Re: Coronavirus 4 Will You Pray For Me? Of course, as a pastor I get that request all the time. I am happy and honored to do that. BUT, I am always tempted to ask, “Who have YOU prayed for today?” I am reminded of a time a few years ago when I was more

  • Maintaining Loving Relationships

    Contributed by John White on Jan 12, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    A Biblical view of the elements involved in establishing and maintaining loving relationships.

    RELATIONSHIPS THAT LAST Philemon Entire Chapter Introduction: I want to share today about the sort of relationship Paul must have had withPhilemon. A relationship that enabled him to be able to confidently ask such a costly response from him. A relationship based upon a lasting, loving and more

  • The Binding Adhesive

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Sep 2, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon deals with the element of love which holds us together.

    It’s a Charles Schultz classic. Linus has just told Lucy that he plans to become a doctor. Lucy stops skipping rope to offer her usual constructive criticism: “That’s a big laugh! You could never be a doctor! You know why?” Then, as she turns to skipping rope again, she offers her acid more

  • Our Principle Of Life - Christ Centered Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    Our Core Values - the essential elements of effective church life.

    FOR THESE THINGS I LIVE Our Principle of ‘Life’ Colossians 3:1-4 This morning I want to commence a series of messages that are, I believe, vital, fundamental, indispensable not only for His People Community Church, but for the Christian Church as a whole. I would commend them to you as of first more

  • The Shepherd & His Sheep

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Oct 2, 2007
    based on 104 ratings

    This scripture talks about: 1. The nature of sheep. 2. The nature of the enemies of the sheep. 3. The nature of the Shepherd.

    This past Christmas, the Dallas family from our church gave us a wonderful gift of Noah’s Ark complete with hand-carved animals. The problem is that it is especially fascinating to children. We have had to glue poor Noah back together more than once. After one visit from our grandchildren, we more

  • How To Build A Strong Family

    Contributed by Hubert Joseph on Mar 19, 2014

    There is no single prescription for a strong family. However there are elements which are common. These elements are grounded in scriptural principles which should inform how we relate to others in the family.

    Building a strong family Eph.4:11-16 Introduction Every person in your family matters Illus. The Mouse Story 1. You must be a model. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:9 NIV) 2. You more

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